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Animaciones Infantiles Súper /Children's Animations Blog /Magic Tricks for Children

La magia es igual a una ilusión más un niño. ¿La derivada? Una sonrisa sincera y enorme. Ni siquiera nos hace falta una capa y un sobrero de copa para hacerles alucinar, a menudo, no tienes ni porque , basta con un buen magic trick for children, nothing too much elaborate, it just has to turn out well. That is, magic has to work.


trucos de magia para niños faciles


If we want to hire a magician for children's parties we will reap a lot of hope. In addition to the fact thatchildren's magic tricks are very stimulating for the minds, not only of children, but also for adults: How could he do that? Could I do it? Where did the letter go? How did you guess the number I thought of?

What if we could also be wizards? Okay, we won't be Harry Potter or Merlin the Charming... But we can earn our cape and our wand, at least in the eyes of our children, with themagic tricks for childrenthat we want to tell you. Do you want to knowhow to do magic? Well, continue reading us…


Easy magic tricks for children




Sacar humo de los dedos

We need a shot glass, some scissors, a coin that fits in the bottom of the glass, a lighter (preferably a blowtorch) and an empty matchbox. We put the shot glass upside down in the freezer with the coin in the ass. Meanwhile, we cut the scraper from the matchbox, we will extract a piece as wide as the coin. We fold it in half, with the scratch part facing in.  With the glass and the coin very cold, we place the piece of scraper folded like a tent on the coin, always with the scraper facing down. With the lighter, we light the paper on fire at both corners at the same time, so that the smoke will remain in the center of the coin. We will light the fire until the paper is completely consumed. We remove it and there will be a dark layer on the coin. We collect a little with our fingers and rub them with the cream in the middle, making smoke come out.


Water with pepper

This magic trick is easy but surprising. The magician stands with a glass of water and begins to pour pepper into it. Then he asks a volunteer to go out and try to separate the pepper from the water with their fingers. No matter how hard he tries, it won't work. However, when the magician's fingers are immersed in the water in the glass and he says the magic word, the pepper will separate. What's the trick? Well, the magician will have applied soap to his fingers, which is the element that will make the pepper work like this.


Make a coin (glass) disappear

Necesitamos un vaso, una hoja de periódico y una moneda. Cuando estemos explicando que vamos a hacer desaparecer la moneda, añadiremos que la vamos a proteger con el vaso boca abajo para que nadie crea que estamos haciendo trampas. Como no queremos que vean la magia, tapamos el vaso con la hoja de periódico. Movemos el vaso, con la moneda dentro, con el fin de que suene y sepan que la moneda continua ahí. Levantamos el vaso para que lo compruebe el público… ¿Por qué no hacemos desaparecer el vaso entero? Ponemos la palma sobre él y bajamos la mano. Arrugamos el papel de periódico y solo quedará la moneda. Muy bien, la escenificación ya la tenemos, pero ¿cómo se hace? Cuando envolvemos el vaso con la hoja de periódico tenemos que cuidar que se marque muy bien la forma del vaso. En una de las veces en las que levantamos el vaso envuelto para que vean que la moneda sigue sobre la mesa aflojamos la presión de la mano sobre el vaso envuelto y dejamos que caiga sobre nuestras piernas. La forma continuará estando en la hoja de periódico y todos creerán que hemos hecho desaparecer el vaso.


Magic objects

After discovering magic tricks to do with children, we can't help but ask ourselves, what do we know about magicians? That is, what are the fundamental objects that they have to carry with them? Do they carry a rabbit in their hat all the time or do they teleport it from somewhere?

The essential magic items

Magicians need some fundamental and essential elements for their magic to work and their presence has a more imposing appearance. Let's take a look at those objects and, don't worry, the rabbit thing is no longer in order.

The wand is a basic part of the wizard's costume. When we have to say a magic word we could use it or, better yet, tell a volunteer to use it and say the word. I'm sure the little one will get very excited thinking that he has done magic. The top hat is also important, but it is no longer because of the rabbit, it is a matter of elegance and tradition, just like the black cape. What more does a magician need? In his pocket there will always be a coin with which to do several simple tricks that will leave everyone stunned, as well as a deck of cards. And it seems that everything essential is already there, or can you think of something else?


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