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Super Animations| ||166 / Children's Animation Blog /The Best Famous Spanish Magicians


La magic is a very complicated art and some say that it is never completely mastered. Learning is often slow and requires certain skills that must be trained with absolute perseverance, at least to become one ofthe best magicians in Spain, or one of the best magicians of the world... Here we leave you a page where you can enjoy andhire magicians for children's parties.


David Coperfield| ||186

Para empezar en el world of magic and, if we are going to take it seriously, we will have to turn to magic teachers and associations. They will tell us what books to acquire, what objects to get, where to approach magical acts, where to continue, etc.


Can you succeed in magic? As with everything, there is a stroke of luck and a lot of work and effort. We present to you some well-known faces of our country in themagical world. And remember, click here if you want to knowhow to learn to do magic.


Famous Spanish magicians

En España encontramos una buena selección de talentos mágicos que han tenido una gran influencia en las teorías y estudios sobre esta arte. Los mejores magos de nuestro territorio son:


Juan Tamariz

he is one of the best magicians in our country and has performed in cities all over the world . In addition, he has written numerous books on magic that have been translated into several languages. His contributions to the theory of magic are of great value and have been recognized with many awards, both national and international.

His specialties arecard magic ,close-up magic and mentalism. The first is the branch of close-up magic whose activities are carried out with decks of cards. Close-up magic is magic that is performed at a short distance, with a small audience and even the audience participates (such as in card tricks). Mentalism is a process of mental agility and/or suggestion that is closely related to illusionism.


Pop Magician

His real name is Antonio Díaz Cascajosa and wasthe first Spanish magician to have a television program that was broadcast in several countries. El Mago Pop fills theaters and surprises millions of people who cannot understand how he manages to do what he does.


Jorge Blass

Jorge Blas is another of renowned Spanish magicians and continues to triumph around the world with his magic shows. The fascinating Jorge Blass trained at the Juan Tamariz School of Magic in Madrid from the age of 12 and there he created his first magic trick. He quickly made a name for himself in the world of magic and even became the Disney company's magician for the entire Iberian Peninsula. Consolidated as a magician, both inside and outside the Spanish borders, he has written two books related to magic and created theFundación Abracadabra de Magos Solidarios, whose objective is to bring magic to hospitalized children and homes for the elderly and disabled.


Magician working for Superanimaciones


Luis Piedrahita

Luis Piedrahita closes our list ofmagos famosos españoles, although the truth is that this man has a great variety of artistic facets. Not only is he among the famous Spanish magicians, but he is also writer, comedian, screenwriter and film director. Although he became known in the famous program El club de la comedia, he has collaborated with other illusionists and magicians such as Jorge Blass or Luis de Matos; and he has presented his magical art to international personalities through the program El hormiguero. The relationship is curious, being one of the famous Spanish comedians and being part of the famous magicians.

 Read more:Wizards for weddings


Who is the best magician in the world?

We assume that you are referring to the best magician in the real world, not any fictional character that appears in legends or novels. If so, among famous wizards, the highest name would be Hermione Granger from theHarry Potter saga. Who disagrees? The world would have fallen without the ingenuity and know-how of this young witch.

Someone has proposed that the first on the list bethe wizard Merlin , or Gandalf, because Middle-earth was also saved by his wise intervention. You should raise it in a debate... But we haven't come to this now have we?


Gandalf character working on the Lord of the Rings


If you want to know more, click here: easy magic tricks


Of all of them, the best magician is... The truth is that he is an unstable position because it varies over the years depending on the achievements of the world's magicians. In 2018, the best magician in the world was a title that has been awarded toMiguel Muñoz Segura, a famous Spanish illusionist who has an immense projection. It was this year when he won the greatest magic award: the Grand Prix of the FISM World Magic Championship 2018. In addition, he will participate in the remake of the film Dumbo, directed by the always great Tim Burton.


Read more: Wizards for Communions


Names of magicians

Other magicians who will sound familiar to us as bearers of the title 'the best magician in the world' They have gone down in history for achieving great magical feats. Let's look at some of thosenames of famous magicians:



Harry Houdini:|| |308

El great escape artist wasthe best magician in the world for a long time, he was born in the Empire Austro-Hungarian, but emigrated to the United States with his family, where he would become the celebrity he remains today. He invented and reinvented a multitude of challenges related to escapism, it is said that he even escaped death. In his last years he dedicated himself to disproving paranormal activities related to spiritualism

David Copperfield:

Of all the names of magicians, Copperfield's still leaves people speechless. with the mere mention of him. He is considered one of the greatest illusionists in history. His most famous action was the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty, levitation over the Grand Canyon and crossing the Great Wall of China... That's nothing... Very difficult to overcome.

René Lavand:

This Argentine illusionist specialized incard magic he was famous for how he covered his actions with incredible stories. One of the most striking things is that he was a banker until he was 30, the age at which he won a magic prize.


Read more: 

Shows Children's Magic Madrid

Magos Valencia

Magos Murcia

Magos Castellón

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