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Super Children's Animation /Children's Animation Blog /Birthday Parties for Girls 9 and 10 years old

9 and 10 year old girls, just like boys, want people to notice them at their birthday party and shower them with gifts and happiness. Making sure everything is under control and a success on the day of the celebration is the (difficult) task for parents. A stressor that they mark on the calendar with dread. But hey, why? This is where we are, right? At Super Animations we knowhow to organize a perfect 10-year-old birthday with ourentertainers for children's birthdays. Games, entertainers, ideas, girls' dresses, children's birthday souvenirs... Everything you need for creative children's parties.

So, shall we start reviewing those proposals?| ||181


10 year old girl birthday ideas

Before getting fully into theideas for a girl's birthdaynos parece muy importante que repasemos los pasos necesarios para tener el asunto dominado. ¿Vamos a ello?

The first thing that will have to be specified is where the event is going to take place. If you are going to have theChildren's Birthday Party at home, maybe we can bring many more friends than if we go to a restaurant with a playground. Assessing the Places to Celebrate Children's Birthdays is important. Once we have chosen the place, we will begin to make a list of the guests that the little girl would like to attend her birthday. Do we have it? Well, let's move on to the topic. The easiest thing is to ask her, and a 10-year-old girl already knows if what she's excited about is an animal party, a princess and dragon party, or a superhero party. So we can let her choose. Ideally, we would make the invitations based on that theme. We can search for templates on the Internet about the theme chosen for the birthday party.  We give way to snack. An event for children cannot include overly elaborate dishes, they are eager to leave the table to play! The cake is the most important thing, yes. For the rest, the great advice is to continue with ham and cheese sandwiches, nutella sandwiches, hamburgers and popcorn in bowls. Now, normally parents would inform if this were the case, but it is worth asking them about allergies and/or intolerances that their children may have. Let's focus, we're doing great. Next step the decoration. Obviously it will be linked to the topic that has been chosen. Balloons and garlands won't fail, that's for sure.

And finally, and yet most important: games. You can't organize a children's birthday party and leave the entertainment to chance. Analyze the possibilities that the space gives you to play a lot of games. If you talk to your daughter it will be easier to decide which ones she will like the most.

Read more: Wizards for Birthdays

We're already in to the most important topic and not at all brief. We will try to focus on what is most relevant. Let's start with the games, right? After all, they are what the guests are going to keep.


Games for 10-year-old girls

Here are the games for parties with girls most fun:


A game that never goes out of style because it is super fun. Do you still remember how nervous we got while the music was playing? The butts went in front of the feet, looking for a chair that would allow them to dance one more song. Plus, it's as easy as grabbing some chairs and a cell phone to play music with afunny birthday song.

The handkerchief:|| |224

Hacemos un repaso sobre el juego por si se te ha escapado de la memoria. Primeramente, se hacen dos equipos. A cada miembro de cada equipo le damos un número y los colocamos en fila, unos al lado de otros y sin orden ninguno. Alguien se coloca en el medio con un trozo de tela colgando de su mano estirada. Esa persona que sostiene the handkerchief will say a number and, from each team, the person with that number will run out in search of the cloth. Whoever takes it will have to run alongside his team without the other catching him. If they catch him, he will have lost and will be eliminated.


It was played with a ball, which was in the hands of the person in charge of catching the rest. He closes his eyes and counts up to the marked number. The rest of the friends hide wherever they can, hiding from the eyes of their pursuer. The one who is left will go look for them and, when he sees one, he will run back to the ball to shout 'bote boatero' and the name of the friend he has caught. To save oneself and the rest it was necessary to run faster than the pursuer, reach the ball and kick it.


Catch the flag:

Este es un juego que suelen realizar nuestros clowns usually play for birthdays. A super exciting team war in which the objective is to steal the opposing team's flag and take it to our territory. And while some are developing strategies, others are rescuing colleagues who have been caught. The space is divided into two halves, a basketball court is great for this game because in each basket we will tie (gently the fabric that will act as a flag). On one side, the “jail” where those who were caught trying to carry the flag will stay. enemy flag to your field. To rescue them, just pass by and touch one of them. They will be able to escape, but will they be able to reach their field without being caught again?

Read more:


Children's Birthday Songs

How to Celebrate a Children's Birthday

Original Birthday Crafts

Children's Entertainment Madrid





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