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Animación Infantil Súper /Children's Animation Blog /Experiments for Children

Generate interest forfun science in children can be much easier than parents and teachers might imagine. If we take advantage of the appropriate moments to combine children's play and science, we will not only awaken the willingness to learn more about science, but the children will have a great time, in addition, we can always spend these resources onwedding entertainment, birthdays and any children's event.


So, when can we take the opportunity to share a bit of scientific knowledge while the little ones have fun? A children's party can be a wonderful option to introducescientific experiments for children amidst laughter and gestures of surprise.


How make experiments for children

Variety is the joy, that is, there are hundreds ||192 and hundreds of other demonstrations ofexperiencias científicas para niños. We can choose those that we like the most or that seem best to do the tests at home. Of course, we must never fail to keep in mind that, at the end of the day, even if we put them in a white coat and insulating glasses, children who are scientists are not real scientists, nor are most of the parents that we will be willing to wear. carry out these childhood experiments. For this reason, we drop some tips that we believe are very valuable and that we will have to put into practice in the 'laboratory':


  • Use products and/or materials that are not dangerous or are toxic.
  • Use, whenever appropriate, gloves and other protection.
  • Carry out the tests in the corresponding and appropriate places, that is, in the place of the house where appropriate, since be it the kitchen, the garden, the bathroom, etc.
  • To surprise children they do not have to be excessively complicated, simplicity often catches attention more easily.
  • The duration will always depend on the age of the little ones, the objective is that their attention does not wane. It is advisable that it does not exceed 15 or 20 minutes. We can always do a second demonstration of another concept if the young audience is very excited.
  • It is a good idea to test how the demonstrations work beforehand so that there is room for error.
  • También es recomendable que el espacio donde se vaya a realizar el experimento sea amplio y tenga luz.


And now yes, we are going to see some proposals for easy experiments to children at home with whom we will enjoy like never before. Ready?


Experiments for children

Experiments for children are, as we said before, an ideal formula for little ones to feel attracted to science , as well as a very timely way to spend time with the family or the perfect excuse for your little friends to go home and learn together. That said, let's look at some experiments


Crystal letters and figures

The materials to use will be:

  • Thread
  • Wooden pencils
  • Measuring jug
  • Spoon
  • Food coloring
  • Borax powder or sodium precarbonate (Easy to find in supermarkets)
  • Scissors
  • Medium-sized plastic container|| |248

Lo primero que vamos a hacer es dar forma a los limpiapipas, ya sea de letras, de figuras o animales. A menudo se escogen las letras del nombre debido a que es más sencillo conseguirles forma que hacer la figura de un elefante o un león.  Atamos las puntas y los cruces con hilo y los extremos a los lápices de madera.

Meanwhile, we heat water in a pot until it reaches its boiling point. We pour 750 ml. Into the measuring jug and, from there, to the plastic container. In it we add 9 tablespoons of borax and the food coloring. Next, we put the shape of the pipe cleaner with the chosen name or figure and let it float throughout the night. The next day the crystals will have been created on the letters.


How to explain thischemical experiment for children? When borax dissolves in water, a mixture of solid particles is created that are so large that they settle. Little by little, this sedimentation occurs and crystallizes on solid surfaces (that is, the pipe cleaners).

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Ver las ondas de sonido

The materials to use are:

  • Cornstar
  • Water
  • Subwoofer|| |275
  • Colorantes de varios tonos
  • A tray

Place a few tablespoons of cornstarch in a bowl and add water. The resulting mixture will seem very liquid at first, but little by little we will notice that it hardens. At first glance, it looks more like cement than porridge, but when we put our hands inside we will get soaked. And the more we are moving the liquid, the more its viscosity will decrease. We connect the music to the speaker with a fun song and set it to 40 Hz, 50 Hz and 63 Hz. We put the tray on the speaker and pour the mixture on top. At that moment we added several drops of the coloring at random to the porridge. This way children will be able to see and follow the sound waves. Ready? We press play. The vibration of the waves will make the mixture move and small mountains will form to the sound of the music. If we change the volume at different HZ, the waves will also change.

Magic? No, those movements of the cornstarch and water mixture are the consequence of the movement of sound waves. Depending on the volume and the music, the movement will be one way or another.

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Create a plant doll

The materials to use are:

  • Thin cotton stocking
  • Grass seeds. (Canary seed or other seeds also work)
  • 50 grams of soil
  • An acrylic glass
  • Three elastic bands


We place the canary seed and 50 grams of soil in the cotton stocking. If we want a large doll we will have to increase the land and seeds. Next we tie three knots in the ball to shape the doll's ears and nose. We fill the plastic cup with water and insert the doll. In a few days the seeds will begin to germinate and our doll will grow 'hair'. It is advisable to change the water every five days or so. What do we gain from this? Well, in a fun way, children will learn about the plant germination process. In addition, we can give them the enormous responsibility of choosing a name for the doll, worrying about changing its water and taking care of its hair. If the grass on their head grew too much they could cut it. This activity can be a nice experiment for children 4 years old and older, to teach them how plants are born. If you want to know more about these techniques, click here:hand puppets.


As you know, we havechildren's party entertainers throughout Spain:

Children's Entertainment Madrid

Children's Entertainment Valencia

Children's Entertainment Castellon| ||326

Animacion Infantil Málaga

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