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Children's Entertainment Super /Children's Animations Blog /Letter to Santa Claus

The letter to Santa Claus that every child writes to Santa Claus is overloaded with illusion and hopes. The excitement that comes from the night the chubby guy will sneak into the house and leave the presents under the tree is only possible because of the magic of Christmas. It is a childish mirage that makes them enjoy themselves for a few years and, for parents, it serves as a threat when the little ones do not behave well.  In fact, there are those who have gone a little further in this postal relationship with Santa Claus...


Letter from Santa Claus for children who misbehave

Para que nos lleguen los regalos deseados no solo hay que a letter to Santa Claus, good behavior at home and obtaining at school are also mandatory. some decent grades. It is difficult to amend a year of misconduct and have it approved at the last minute. However, sometimes, the benevolence of the bearded character is present.

A few years ago, some British brothers received a letter from Santa Claus, sincecall Santa Claus|| |188 por teléfono está un poco complicado. Desde luego, ellos no esperaban en ningún momento esta misiva, ¡lo normal es que sean ellos quienes escriban una letter to Santa Claus!, which is what they call the always welcome protagonist of the Christmas skies.



The letter read like this:


Dear Tyler and Freya ,

I've been watching you for a few weeks now and I'm sure you're both on my hit list. You have not been good children. I see you have been fighting with each other and with friends. This has made me feel very bad.

I am also not impressed with Freya's lack of attention and Tyler's attitude. You have 13 days to change this. I will be watching you both very, very closely.

If you do not start behaving well, you will not receive the beautiful gifts that I have for you.

Remember that only good children They are on the white list. I hope to see you on Christmas Eve.

Santa Claus


Okay, for the adults, it's obvious that it was some of their parents, in this case their mother, who decided to use her children's belief in Santa Claus to achieve a little peace and understanding. The letter warns that the gifts are already prepared and that if they do not change their behavior they will stay in the sleigh guarded by Rudolf the reindeer. What better way to have a peaceful holiday than to respond with a letter from Santa Claus to a child?


Write a letter to Santa Claus

Write the letter to Santa Claus's goal is for the old man to know what gifts the children want to find at Christmas. There are no more mysteries. But parents can take the opportunity to teach our little ones some things. For example, instead of simply making a list of toys, you could write something about your daily life, say hello, and even politely ask how the recipient of the epistle is doing.

We can make it more entertaining for children. If we search on the Internetfree letter to Santa Claus. We will find examples and models to download and print that children can be inspired by or on which they can paint and/or draw. A personal touch that will inspire them. We're sure we're sorry to lose it forever in the mailbox.


What do postmen do with the letters that arrive for Santa Claus?

Surely many times we have come to wonder what happens with the letter to Santa Claus that is has written, put in the mailbox and forgotten among thousands of others. Well, we have found the answer.

The normal thing at Correos is that those letters whose recipient does not exist or the address appears incomplete are returned to the sender. But, if the letter does not have a sender, it ends up in the unclassifiable mail section and will finally be destroyed. So yes, the letter to Santa Claus that we wrote ends up disappearing forever.

Why not gather the best ones and publish them? There are already those who have thought about this possibility, but the communications, even if they are a letter to Santa Claus, are private and often contain personal information.

Of course, in some countries, such as the United States, the Parents can write the response to the letter to Santa Claus that their children have made and include it in the envelope, pretending to be the character. And the country's postal company will send it in a few days. How cool is that? What a thrill to receive a letter from Santa Claus!


Santa's address



You have to put somewhere when you have to write the letter to Santa Claus, this way we teach our children how postal companies work. We can show off a little imagination and invent something like: 

Santa Claus

Polar Star Avenue.

Number 7

Utsjoki, Finnish Lapland -99980-


Click here if you want to know where Santa Claus lives.

Another good idea is that we use Santa Claus's phone... How? Basic tricks. We change the name of someone in the contact list to Santa Claus and let our son daughter call him and have a touching chat with him.

If you want hire the visit of Santa Claus at home or the prices for the visit of Santa Claus  click here.


If you want to read more:

Letter to the Three Wise Men

Children's Entertainment Malaga



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