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Super Children's Animations /Children's Animation Blog /handmade communion details

The souvenirs andhandmade communion detailsby ourchildren's party entertainers, han sido una tradición en todos los eventos a los que hemos asistido o que hemos ayudado a organizar. Sin embargo, hace tiempo que muchos de ellos, como los bolígrafos o llaveros, pasaron de moda para convertirse en todo menos en original communion details for guests. Here in this article, in addition to finding the bestanimations for communions, you will find how to make the communion details yourself.

detalles de comunion hechos a mano

The details that have gone Making a place for themselves in these celebrations have been those homemade ones. Handmade communion gifts for guests that have occupied the whole family in fun and creative chores for a few days. Abouthow to make communion gifts and, what may be more important,original communion gifts to make myself, We are going to talk throughout this post. Contributing all the possible ideas so that the maximum imagination flows and that our dear guests are amazed by our creations.

Let's get to it family!


Homemade Communion Details

Communion details have never been the great dream of any guest. A pen with the date of the event? A horrible jewelry box? These objects have ceased to be part of the Communions to give way to crafts or, what is the same,Handmade Communion details for guests.

We only It will take a little organization to get everything ready a few days before the celebration. With a few weeks in advance, a very clear idea of ​​what we are looking for and a lot of hands, we can offer guests special Communion gifts. Although for us they will be wonderful cheap and original communion details.

On the other hand, the communion crafts that we are going to make to create these gifts generate a series of very valuable benefits. Let's look at some of them.

  • It improves self-esteem and not only that of children, but also that of adults since we learn to develop new actions from which we obtain palpable results to show.
  • También supone una oportunidad para pasar más tiempo en familia, aprovechando para reforzar lazos y confianza y pasar largos ratos conversando.
  • Communion crafts promote concentration since, while we are doing them, we focus on the process , leaving aside the rest of the things.
  • As the coordination of the senses is necessary to carry out the crafts, we will be promoting improvements in the children's psychomotor skills and, in the process, training our own . How long has it been since you colored?


If you want to read more: Original Crafts for Communions


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Handmade Communion details for guests

When one thinks of original Communion details to make myself, a lot of things often come to mind. objects and supplies, but does not think about the process that must be carried out to obtain them. Maybe you don't even know where to start. Well, we are here to inspire that activity with some ideas and processes. Ready?

Homemade scented candles

To make these crafts we are going to need Gv 35 wax. It melts easily and is perfect to put in a glass. We will also need aromatic essence, waxed wick for candles and, if we wanted, pigments to color them. When we have all the materials, we will place the wax in a saucepan and heat it over medium heat until it is practically melted. Afterwards, we pour the wax into a resistant plastic container and when the wax is around 70 degrees we add the pigments to color it, stirring well. Next, we add the aromatic essence and remix again. We let it rest for a while and fill the container where the candle will remain. When we see that the heat of the wax is reduced, we put the waxed wick in the center and, when it is completely cold, we trim the excess wick. In the container where we have put the wax we can inscribe the name of our son or daughter and the date of the day of Communion.


Lemon soap:

¿Un refrescante olor a limón en la piel? Gracias por este regalo tan útil y agradable. ¿Qué necesitamos para hacer jabón de limón? 150 gramos de aceite de oliva virgen, 250 gramos de manteca de karité refinada, sosa caustica, 100 gramos de aceite de palma, aceite de caléndula, agua desmineralizada, flores secas de jazmín, limón en polvo, cáscara de limón, dióxido de titanio cosmético, aceites esencia de limón, de árbol de té y de litsea cubeba y moldes para los futuros jabones. Colocamos el agua desmineralizada en un recipiente resistente al calor, añadimos la sosa y removemos hasta disolverlo todo. Lo dejamos en una zona ventilada. En otro recipiente vertemos el aceite de olvida, la manteca y el aceite de palma. En un tercer recipiente añadimos el aceite de caléndula y, por otro lado, los aceites. Estos últimos los calentamos y, cuando superen los 45 grados, vertemos sobre ellos la sosa. Pasamos la batidora hasta que se forme una mezcla homogénea. Incorporamos el aceite de caléndula y mezclamos con una espátula. Separamos una parte de la mezcla en otro recipiente y añadimos el limón en polvo, removemos y añadimos colorante amarillo, batiendo para que desparezcan los grumos. Incluimos el dióxido de titanio y un poco más de colorante. En el otro recipiente, añadimos también dióxido de titanio y batimos. Rellenamos los moldes y encima ponemos las flores de jazmín y la cáscara de limón. Tendremos que esperar unas 48 horas para que se seque y poder cortar las pastillas si está en un molde grande. Para utilizar el jabón hay que esperar otros 40 días, así que es importante hacer con bastante tiempo si queremos que sean detalles de Comunión hechos a mano para agasajar a nuestros invitados.

If you want to read more: Ideas for Communions


Eva rubber communion details

TheEva rubber se ha erigido entre los mejores materiales para hacer manualidades para comuniones ya que nos permite crear todo tipo de elementos. Es resistente, fácil de pegar, se corta también fácilmente y hasta se puede lavar. Por tanto, era imposible que no tuviéramos una sección de communion details to do at home with EVA foam with some ideas.

Magnets with rubber eva:

To make homemade Communion details you have to start by gathering enthusiasm, to make magnets with eva rubber we only need imagination. It is a very simple craft that will result in a beautiful, special and useful gift. You need colored EVA foam, magnets, scissors, glue, markers and an EVA foam hole punch. We can start with easy designs like a sun, a cactus or a star. We cut out the thickness of the figure and then the sun rays, the arms of the plant and the points of the star. We glue them behind the main piece. Then, we glue it to the magnet cut out with the measurements in the figure. With the marker we can paint eyes, mouth, nose, cactus spikes or whatever comes to mind.

Read more:Fun Science for Communions| ||263


Details for Felt Communion

Felt is a fabric obtained by pressing and used in certain garments, such as in the manufacture of millinery. How could it be otherwise, let's seehandmade Communion details with felt that we can distribute to the guests.


To make the bookmark we will need cardboard, needle and thread, ribbon, pencil, EVA foam, colored felt , scissors and ruler. It seems that, with so many materials, it is not going to be a simple craft, but we will see that it is. We mark the size and shape of the bookmark on the cardboard with a pencil and cut it out. Based on the cardboard template, we will cut out two pieces of felt a few millimeters larger, so that we can sew it comfortably. We will use the ribbon to make a small bow to place folded in the upper area of ​​the bookmark. We sew the two felt rectangles and then we decorate it by making shapes with the eva rubber. As it is a communion, we can put some typical reason for the event and the initials of the protagonist boy or girl. Hasn't it been as complicated as it seemed at first? Shall we make another craft with felt?


They can be made very different in size, colors and decoration, so that all the guests like them. It is super easy to make, we will need colored felt, water, thread and velcro.  The first thing is to determine the size and shape of the purse and, based on that, cut out the felt. The cut must be double, making the two sides of the purse symmetrical, although we can include a flap to close it. Then we will join it and sew it, except for the flap if we have put it on. We can make the purse round, with zipper closure, buttoned, etc. Once we have it sewn we can decorate it as we like and include among the material other products such as eva foam to make decorative shapes, zippers, buttons, sequins...


Communion Details for invited children

Sometimes we don't realize that our little guests are happier with a bag of goodies and a nice detail, no matter how simple, than with expensive and unimaginative excesses. Thinking about that, we have thought it convenient to give way to a section of Communion details for invited children from which to extract creativity.

Eva rubber bracelets:

Making homemade Communion details is very fun and allows us to exude ingenuity. Well, with bracelets this goes a little further because creative freedom is almost absolute. There are many ways to make eva rubber bracelets. One of them is the braided bracelet. To do this, we cut a wide strip of EVA foam and make three equal cuts that reach almost to the end. With those three strips we make a braid, tightening each movement. When we get to the end we will apply a little glue so that the braid does not come apart. We can also add some beads in between or at the end of the braid. Another very simple bracelet to make with EVA foam are the smooth buttoned ones. To make them, we cut a strip of rubber, as wide as we want the bracelet to be. We round the tips and make a buttonhole on one of the sides. To the other, we sew a button.     


Sack backpack:

Sack backpacks are here to stay, they are comfortable, manageable and we can find them in a lot of designs. Well, they can be Communion details to make at home and they are quite simple to make, basically, it consists of joining two pieces of fabric. Check it out for yourself. To make the sack backpacks we will need fabric, we need it to be resistant because we are not going to put a lining. We also need rope, thread, scissors and a needle. The measurements will depend on our preferences and the desire we have to sew. We will split two rectangles and make the side hems, to prevent fraying and give it more resistance. Now comes the least easy part, which is making the conduits where the ropes will go. Let's imagine that it was a small curler on which to sew. Next, we fold the fabric in half and place the backpack as if it were turned upside down. We sew the edges, being careful not to sew the ducts where the ropes will go. Once we have the fabric united in the shape of a bag, all that remains is to insert the ropes.  We take two pieces of rope and put them through the ducts, completely going around the two ducts. We turn the backpack inside out and sew the corners. The ropes can be placed in different ways, always to the consumer's taste. Once it is ready we can add all kinds of details to the fabric to decorate the sack backpack. Now you have all the steps to knowhow to prepare an original communion.


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