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Super Children's Entertainment /Children's Animation Blog /Olentzero

The Olentzero is the tender tradition of theBasque Country and Navarra which is represented by the figure of athick man, with his clothes stained with charcoal. He lives isolated from society, only going down from the mountains to the towns during the winter to eat and drink abundantly. He is dedicated to making charcoal and inEuskadi he has the mission of distributing gifts among children on the night of December 24.

Apparently, his origin It dates back to before the Christianization of the territory and announced the winter solstice. And, although it has evolved to become part of today's consumer society, it is undeniable that it has its own identity.

Part of that identity is related to the character's taste for drinking, in fact, in The song that describes him states that he is capable of drinking 110 liters of alcohol in a single afternoon. In order to clean up the image of Olentzero for the little ones, in recent years those stanzas that do not speak so well of the big guy have been eliminated.


Olentzero videos

But you can't imagine a song, right? On the Internet we can find manyvideos of the olenzerofor thechildren's Christmas parties, but this one that we show in particular We thought it was the most beautiful. Enjoy!



How to wear bring the Olentzero home?

If we want the Olentzero to be the one who comes home every December 24th instead ofhiring Santa Claus or the | ||208Reyes Magos and we want to introduce it into the Christmas decoration of the house, there is no need to worry, we have a lot of ideas.


Cómo hacer un Olentzero


  • Balloon
  • Newspaper
  • Cola
  • Paints|| |227
  • Palo de escoba
  • Clothes for the Olentzero
  • Stapler
  • Diver
  • Gloves
  • Socks


navidad olentzero, manualidades y como hacer el olentzero. Disfraz de olentzero


This is one of ourchildren's Christmas crafts most beautiful. To make the head, we inflate the balloon and glue it on the same newspaper. When we are sure that it is dry we can pop the balloon and paint the head. We will paint the skin, eyes, nose, mouth, hair... To make the body we will close the diver's hands and feet and fill it with balls of newspaper. Then we will dress him with the clothes we have chosen. We will make the hands and feet with gloves and socks, which will also be filled with newspaper, which we can staple to the diver or sew.

We take the body of the doll and sit it on a chair. To keep it in place, it would be ideal to tie it with some zip ties. To join the head and body we will use the broomstick, which we will insert into the body, and then place the head on top. We can also fill the head with balls of newspaper.

And that's it, we now have the Olentzero decorating our home for the winter. Let's not forget to add a black beret to that big head!

With all this you also have the option oflook at prices and hire the Olentzero and have him appear at your house, do you dare?


Olenzero costume


  • Jeans
  • White fabric
  • Thin black ribbon
  • Dark scarf
  • Beret|| |274
  • Chaqueta negra
  • White shirt
  • Black shoes
  • Wooden mountaineer staff


Lo cierto es que es un disfraz bastante sencillo.  Simplemente hay que coser la tela blanca en la parte inferior de los vaqueros. Desde debajo de la rodilla hasta el tobillo. Cosemos encima de la tela la cinta negra fina haciendo cruces y vestimos. El único detalle es que el pañuelo oscuro lo atamos sobre los hombros. Bastón en mano y ya tenemos al Olentzero paseando. Podemos elegir añadir una barba gris poblada.


Inflatable Olentzero

Well yes. For those who are very clumsy with crafts, do not fit into the costume or do not have much time, you can search the Internet for an inflatable Olentzero. We can hang it from the balcony, like Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men have been hung until now. Or we can leave it somewhere in the living room, decorating Christmas dinners. Everyone will wantphotos of the Olentzeroinflatable.

Other ideas

We came up with the fantastic idea of ​​hiring entertainers who disguise as Olentzero. In what events could we take the mythical Basque character? The first thing that comes to mind is that he seems at home, loaded with gifts and surprising the whole family. It doesn't have to be the same December 24, any family reunion day will be wonderful.

It is also fun to include this character at company parties. Especially if the families of the workers are invited to these. He will greet the children, take photos with them and may even give them some gifts.abajadores. Saludará a los niños, se tomará fotos con ellos e incluso puede regalarles algunos detallitos.


Read more:

Letter from Santa Claus

Carta de los Reyes Magos a los niños

Santa Claus's house

Call Santa Claus


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