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Privacy Policy and Legal Notice

Hello, I am Daniela: in compliance with the duty of information contained inarticle 10 of theLaw 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Services the Information Society and Electronic Commerce below is declared  as a personal website managed by Elena Daniela Ropotan with CIF X6717953K (hereinafter, “the provider”) with address at c/Horta nº7 CP.12550 Almassora, Castellón.



Any person who accesses to this website assumes the role ofuser, committing to strict observance and compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.| ||178

El prestador se exime de cualquier tipo de responsabilidad derivada de la información publicada en su sitio web y por la falta de disponibilidad (caídas) del sitio el cual efectuará además paradas periódicas por mantenimientos técnicos. Además, el prestador se reserva el derecho a modificar cualquier tipo de información que pudiera aparecer en el sitio web, sin que exista obligación de preavisar o poner en conocimiento de los usuarios dichas obligaciones, entendiéndose como suficiente con la publicación en el sitio web del prestador.

Rules of use

► The main theme of this website is theanimation of children's parties, so They offer entertainment services with children's entertainers for birthday parties, communions, municipalities, companies,... In addition, some of the parties that take place are disseminated through the blog.

The user who accesses the website must respect both the theme and the dynamics of the site and make appropriate use of the services and content. In particular:

1. Do not use them to carry out illicit, illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order.

2. Spread content or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, in support of terrorism or that violates human rights.

I reserve the rights to delete any comment or contribution that violates the rules of this site. In no case will I be responsible for the opinions that users may leave.

Promotional, insulting or comments that go against the good tone of the website are also not allowed.


Use of Cookies

The provider's website may use cookies with analytical functions (small text files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page). This is a technique commonly used on the Internet to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct functioning and display of the site. The cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary in nature with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient and disappear when the user session ends. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information.

Third party Cookies are used on this website, more specifically Google Adwords, Facebook Ads and Google Analytics:

Google Analytics

Google Analyticsis a statistical data analysis service provided by the companyGoogle. uses this service to track its usage statistics.

Google Analytics uses cookies to help the website analyze statistical data about its use (number of total visits, most viewed pages, etc.). The information generated by the cookie (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States.

Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of generating statistical information about usage. of, Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. Google may transmit this information to third parties when required to do so by law, or when such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. You can consult detailed information in this regard at this link:

If you want information about how Google uses cookies, we attach this other link: hl=en&csw=1).

You can reject the processing of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate browser settings, however, Doing so will limit the full functionality of By using this website, you consent to the processing of information by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.


Google Adwords

Cookies Google Adwords are advertising cookies and allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that the provider has included on the website, based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency in which the ads are displayed. . They will be used, in turn, for remarketing campaigns (more information about remarketing here:
You can obtain more information about the cookies used by Google Adwords at the following link:


Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads cookies are also advertising cookies, they will be used for remarketing. You can obtain more information at


The user may -at any time- choose which cookies you want to work on this website using your browser settings; for example:
Chrome, from: 95647
Explorer, from: in-internet-explorer-9

Firefox, from: disable-cookies-that-the-sites-we
Safari, from:| ||262
Opera, from: .html


There are third-party tools, available online, that allow users to detect cookies on each website they visit and manage their deactivation.

Los navegadores web son las herramientas encargadas de almacenar las cookies y desde este lugar debes efectuar tu derecho a eliminación o desactivación de las mismas. Ni esta web ni sus representantes legales pueden garantizar la correcta o incorrecta manipulación de las cookies por parte de los mencionados navegadores.
In some cases it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget your decision not to accept them.

Acceptance of this privacy policy implies that the user has been informed in a clear and complete manner on the use of data storage and recovery devices (cookies) as well as that the provider has the user's consent for their use as established in article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE).

For any questions or queries about this cookie policy, do not hesitate to contact us at the email address daniela@

From the client's website it is possible to be redirected to content from third-party websites. Since the provider cannot always control the contents introduced by third parties on their websites, it does not assume any type of responsibility with respect to said contents. In any case, the provider undertakes to immediately remove any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to immediately withdraw the redirection to said website, informing the authorities. competent the content in question.


Protection of personal data

The provider complies with Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set out inOrganic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD),Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21 December, which approves the Regulations for the development of the LOPDand other regulations in force at all times, and ensures the correct use and processing of the user's personal data, being replaced on December 6 December 2018 by the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, in accordance with the RGPD.


Política anti-spam

The provider completely declaresagainst the sending of unsolicited commercial communications and any type of conduct or manifestation known as “spam”, also declares itself committed to the fight against this type of abusive practices.

Therefore, the provider guarantees the user thatunder no circumstanceslos datos personales recogidos en el sitio web serán cedidos, compartidos, transferidos, ni vendidos a ningún tercero.

For the same reasons, the registration process should not be used to register email addresses of people third parties without the express consent of the affected persons.

In the event that auserreceives communications from this website without having registered, or without having given your express consent to said registration, you can cancel the subscription from the links provided in the communication itself.

In addition, the user can contact us through the contact form that is maintained on the website or by postal mail with the address indicated above, both to communicate what happened and to request the immediate deletion of your data from our system.

Contact form


Data hosting

For technical and quality of service reasons, the blog is hosted on the company's serversRaiolanetworks|| |320. Por las razones similares, la prestación del servicio de suscripción por correo electrónico y envío de newsletter se efectúa desde las instalaciones de la empresa MailChimp. The first company is Spanish, while the second is of American origin with facilities located in this same country.


Consent to the processing of the user's personal data

Within the framework of its activities, has the possibility of subscriptions to send electronic communications including personalized quotes for services offered, newsletters, exclusive promotions and any communication related to the children's entertainment service.

The user through the subscription acts within any por-up of the website, or sending the form to request a quote, you will be giving your express consent to the processing of the personal data provided in accordance with the provisions ofarticle 6de la LOPD. El usuario podrá ejercer sus rightsin the terms provided byarticle 5of the LOPD.

These same acts also imply the express consent of the user to the international transfer of data that occurs in terms of the LOPD due to the physical location of the facilities of the providers mentioned above.

The data requested personal data will never exceed those corresponding to this section of the website: /contratar-animacion-infantil/, which are:

  • Name
  • Mail
  • Phone
  • Party Type
  • Party Day
  • Cantidad de niños presentes
  • Number of animators requested
  • Age of the children
  • Province
  • Locality

Los datos insertados por el Usuario en el Registro deberán ser auténticos y verdaderos. No se podrán registrar datos falsos, inexactos o que induzcan a error. El Usuario garantiza la autenticidad y veracidad de todos aquellos datos que comunique a través de la web y será el único responsable de las manifestaciones falsas, inexactas o que induzcan a error.

The personal data requested in these activities will be incorporated into a file whose purpose is the communication of news related to the website where, once the data is received, they can be sent: personalized quotes for services offered, newsletters ), other promotions and any information related to the children's entertainment service, acting asresponsible for the filetheprovider. The fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory to complete, and it is impossible to achieve the stated purpose if this data is not provided. You are also informed of the possibility of exercising the rights indicated in the section relating to User Rights.


User Rights

In accordance with established inarticle 5of the LOPD, the user is informed that theexclusive purposeof the database registration data is the sending of information about news related or promotions with the website. Only the owners will have access to their data, and under no circumstances will this data be transferred, shared, transferred, or sold to any third party.

In accordance with the provisions of the LOPD, theuserat any time may exercise theiraccess rights,rectification ,cancellation, and oppositionbefore theprovider .

To facilitate the exercise of these rights, aunsubscribe request link is provided in all mass mailing communicationswhich will result in || |405eliminación inmediata of the user's personal data from our database. When a user requests a quote through the page /contratar-animacion-infantil/, in subsequent response emails in relation to the service to be provided, no unsubscribe request link will be sent, since It is understood that the user contacts the provider to establish a contract for services. However, after the service established in the conversations, when you want to make a promotion or offer, said link will be placed.

In any case, in turn, any user can contact through postal address, email or through the form established on this page to unsubscribe. The request will be taken into account immediately by the provider.


Contact form to unsubscribe

c/Horta nº7 Almassora (12550) Castellón


Candidates for children's entertainers who provide their curricular information through the website

De In accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), we inform you that the personal data voluntarily provided by you on the occasion of the delivery of your curriculum vitae to Daniela, as well as all those that derive from the interviews that may be held with you and those that may be collected in the course of the selection process, are incorporated into a folder owned by Elena Daniela Ropotan whose purpose is to maintain a file with curricular information of the candidates to provide services. with

You. expressly authorizes Elena Daniela Ropotan the aforementioned processing, as well as the conservation of your data for future selection processes whose required profile may adjust to your characteristics.

To exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition provided for in the law, you can contact:


Contact form to unsubscribe

c/Horta nº7 Almassora (12550) Castellón|| |435


We would appreciate it if you would inform us as soon as possible of any alteration or modification to the personal data provided by you.


Use of the contents

The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, The designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the provider or, where applicable, have a license or express authorization from the authors.

Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

The designs, logos, text and/or graphics other than the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, and they themselves are responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them. In any case, the provider has express and prior authorization from them.


Information on the use of the service by minors under 14 years of age

Según establece la normativa de protección de datos,  para el tratamiento de  datos personales de menores de 14 años será necesario el consentimiento de  padres o tutores. Por lo tanto,  si todavía no eres mayor de 14 años, utiliza esta página Web únicamente con la autorización de tus padres o personas encargadas de tu tutela. La protección de datos personales de niños es muy importante para nosotros. Por este motivo, queda prohibido el acceso y uso del portal a los menores de edad no autorizados.


Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the resolution of all Any controversies or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit. In the event of a conflict in the interpretation of these conditions, the user or the plaintiff undertakes that the competent jurisdiction will be the Courts of Castellón.


Modifications to the Privacy Policy Privacy

The web portal may make periodic modifications to this Privacy Policy without prior notice. recommends that Users periodically review and read the Privacy Policy that is in force at all times.


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Hello! We are delighted to have you here, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Remember that we have entertainers all over Spain ;)