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To have a great time in the animation of your birthday party you should choosethe piñatas for children as a fun activity with which you will receive a very sweet reward, in addition to enjoying with your friends and spending a very special time with them and with ourchildren's entertainers Madrid and from anywhere. Here you will find different activities that include piñatas as the main element,keep reading this article and you will be surprised 😉


piñatas infantiles para cumpleaños

Piñatas for Children on Birthdays

• The most typical game that we can find to explode a piñata is similar to putting thetail on the donkey. This consists of covering our eyes beforehand so as not to be able to see anything. Then we take a stick that is not too hard to avoid hurting ourselves and we have to hit, following the instructions of our friends, the piñata so that it can explode and collect all the candies and sweets. When the piñata explodes we must take the prize and share it with our friends.

• A very fun gymkhana that you will enjoy a lot is the one it contains elements like the piñata. For those who do not know what the gymkhanas are about, these are great games that contain tests that the participants must pass in order to access the next activity and win the final prize. Therefore, within these mini-games we can include the piñata as a test where all the boys and girls receive a reward. The piñatas are very important within the gymkhanas since although all the teams are not the winners of the big game, each and every one of them wins a prize. We can also leave the piñata as a final surprise so that all the boys and girls have candies and sweets so they can see that the effort of the game has been worth it. que disfrutarás un montón es el que contiene elementos como la piñata. Para los que no saben de qué tratan las yincanas estas son grandes juegos que contienen pruebas que los y las participantes deberán superar para poder acceder a la siguiente actividad y ganar el premio final. Por tanto, dentro de estos minijuegos podemos incluir la piñata como una prueba donde todos los niños y niñas reciben una recompensa. Las piñatas son muy importantes dentro de las yincanas ya que aunque todos los equipos no sean los ganadores del gran juego, todos y todas se llevan un premio. También podemos dejar la piñata como sorpresa final para que todos los niños y niñas tengan caramelos y golosinas para que vean que el esfuerzo del juego ha valido la pena.

• Thepiñatas always they entertain all the participants of the party. These make both the youngest and oldest members of the family laugh. Therefore, relay races can be held in which the entire family or the parents who are at the party participate. The relay race can be or contain the tests that we ourselves want. Therefore, we will include a piñata at the end of the relay race and thus share with your sons and daughters the illusion of receiving a lot of candy. Or, on the other hand, you can use the piñata halfway through. We put a series of obstacles in the race and one of them can be pulling one of the fringes that hang from the piñata and whoever breaks it will get an extra point even though we share the interior with the rest of our friends.

piñatas para niñas

The Girls are the protagonists of the children's party

• Another option that Superanimaciones offers you is thepersonalized piñata. The protagonist of the birthday party wants everything to be perfect. To do this, the piñata can also be to the taste of the boy or girl who is celebrating the years. If we have aprincess birthday party we can choose the Frozzen theme, our piñata must be one of the sisters from the movie or the friendly snowman. If our party, however, is about cars, we can choose a piñata that is shaped or contains the characters from the movie. Choose the piñata that you like the most and have an authentic and magical party. Now you have more information about how to celebrate a children's birthday, but do you want more? Keep reading 😉

• If we want to make the fantasticpiñata ourselves we can propose this great activity as a craft for our party and make it together with our friends and friends. By following these simple steps we can make a very beautiful piñata:

o First of all we must take into account all the materials that we need to make the craft. These are the following:

 Balloons
 Newspaper
 Water and glue
 Toothpick
 Pintura
 Sweets
 Rope

o Then what we have to do is glue the newspaper in layers to decorate the living room with colored balloons. We must glue it well and put the necessary layers so that it is very consistent.

o When it is dry we can paint the balloon in the colors we want so that it is beautiful and attractive. When we have decorated it to our liking we have to let it dry for a few minutes.

o Once dry, with the toothpick, we will prick and extract the balloon that is under all the layers and we will put the sweets inside. us and we want.

o Once all these steps have been completed we will tie the piñata on a string to hang it wherever we want and play the game we want to collect the sweets inside.

pinatas para ninos

• Por otro lado, podemos incluir la piñata in other fun games that will make us have a great time. For example, we can place the piñata at a safe distance and place ourselves at a point right in front of it. Then, we mark some numbers on the piñata and throw some plastic darts or toothpicks at the mark to hit the center. Another variant would be to place several piñatas with different numbers and with balls we must shoot at the highest number. Earn a lot of points and if you manage to explode the piñata you get a great prize. Without a doubt this is one of the best games for children's parties 😉

• Another very fun game in which we can include piñatas is the || |243búsqueda del tesoro. This game consists of the monitor giving you a map of the venue where the birthday party is taking place. We separate the group of boys and girls into two groups or three, depending on the number of participants. When we have the maps distributed, a cross will be seen on one of the points of the parchment, this will be the hidden treasure (in this case the piñata with our candies and sweets). So that there is no conflict, each piñata will be painted in one color and, therefore, each group of boys or girls will have a color respectively. The red piñata will be for the red group. In this way, all the participants will have their prize and they can all enjoy it together.

Cumples y Comuniones

Piñatas for Children's Birthdays

• A very fun game isconcurso de la piñata. We separate all the participants into teams (depending on the number of boys or girls, there will be approximately two or three groups). Then we will ask questions related to movies, television series, cartoons, questions related to school... and we will give them some time to think about it. The team that knows the question will raise their hand. First we must choose a representative from each team to answer the question. If you get it right, you must go to the piñata and tear off one of the fringes hanging from it. If you don't get it right, it will bounce. When the fringe is stretched and it breaks, the team will have a prize. If not, the questions will continue until the piñata breaks. This game can have many variants such as the level of the questions depending on the age of the boys and girls or tests can be performed instead of knowledge questions. Dare to participate in the SuperQuiz and win lots of sweets and candies. This children's contest is ideal if you have to celebrate the children's birthday at home 😉

If you want to have fun and have a good time in your fiesta cumpleaños infantil includes a piñata to share a great moment with your friends. As you can see, this is an element that makes the games more interesting and makes the excitement greater. Additionally, after each game you can receive the prizes found within thechildren's piñatas.Candy and treats for everyone!


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