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Antes de que empieces a leer, recuerda que somos Superanimations, Santa Claus's friend company, so if you want to haveSanta Claus at home, contact us.

Until relatively few years ago, this friendly character was not even present in our country. It has been in recent decades that Santa Claus has slowly entered Spanish homes. Now, the representations of the old man of theNorth Pole blend perfectly with the decoration of theWise Men . Currently,calling Santa Claus is the most common.


papa noel existe si o no

Saint Nicholas Santa Claus or Santa Claus


In some countries,Santa Claus takes the name ofSaint Nicholas. Para algunos historiadores se tomó la imagen de San Nicolás de Bari y se fue deformando por unos y por otros hasta llegar a lo que es hoy. Este santo fue un obispo del siglo IV al que se le atribuyen varios milagros. Vivió en Mira, actual Turquía, aunque sus restos fueron llevados a Bari tras la conquista musulmana.

How did the distortion of the person begin to turn him into a character? At first, literary documents were created in the United States describing the flying reindeer of a certain Saint Nicholas. Texts and drawings began to give shape to a new vision of the saint, but it is the political caricaturist, Thomas Nast, who gives the definitive twist to the figure of Saint Nicholas in the mid-19th century and turns him into the bearded chubby man we know today. . We owe what Santa Claus is like today to Nast.

Then came Coca Cola.


In the second decade of the 20th century, the North American company introduced for the first time to the character of Saint Nicholas/Santa Claus/Santa Claus in its advertising.

So, where is Santa Claus from? Well, although we tell the little ones that Santa Claus's country is Finland to their question about where Santa Claus is, the reality is that Nicolás de Bari was from the Italian city that accompanies his name; and he died in the current Turkish lands when they were part of the territory of the Roman Empire

Does Santa Claus exist or not


¿Qué podemos decirle a un niño de ocho años? ¿Santa Claus existe en tu ilusión? ¿O soltamos la perorata que acabamos de leer? La realidad sobre de donde viene Papa Noel no parece una idea fácil de explicar a un ferviente creyente. Quizá con el tiempo podamos explicarle que Santa Claus existe, o, mejor dicho, lo hizo, en la figura de San Nicolás de Bari. Y luego podremos decirle que Papa Noel no existe, que todo lo inventó Coca Cola con la estrategia de publicidad más grande de la historia… aunque, eso aún está por probar 😉 ¿Quieres ver where Santa Claus is from?


Call Santa Claus


Call Santa Claus no debería ser tan complicado en el siglo XXI. De acuerdo que antes era más complicado establecer las conexiones entre Laponia y nuestra casa, pero con la fibra óptica todo debería ir rodado en las comunicaciones para llamar a Papa Noel gratis. ¡A ver si llamar a Santa Claus va a ser como llamar a Marte! Podría resultar muy divertido jugar con esta idea. Por ejemplo, nuestro hijo nos pregunta ‘¿qué día viene Papa Noel?’ Y nosotros le respondemos, ‘oye, ¿y por qué no se lo preguntas a él? Podemos dejar que mande una carta con mucha preguntando esto y otras cuestiones. O plantear llamar a Santa Claus a través de WhatsApp o de Skype… (Alguien tendrá que llamar a papá para que se vista de Papá Noel) O una simple llamada telefónica.



Call Santa Claus or write to him?


The Universal Postal Union is an organization of the United Nations United States that decided to find out who was the person who received the most letters in the entire world. During their research they revealed that around6 million letters are received by Santa Claus.

For many, having children write letters is very useful because It teaches them to navigate the reality of a post office. Although, it doesn't hurt that they know how to send an email, right?

The difference, only in some countries, is that, if you send a letter to Lapland in the name of Santa Claus, the children receive a pleasant response.



Santa Claus Movies

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Para averiguar cómo es Papa Noel bien podríamos dedicarnos a una extensa maratón de Santa Claus movies. A nice way to show the little ones in the family some of the benefits of this character.

1.- The Polar Express

During this cartoon film the adventures he lives are narrated an 8-year-old boy during the night of December 24. The child goes to sleep feeling that he should no longer believe in Santa Claus because he does not find reflections of his existence in the world. But a while later something crashes into his bedroom and the little boy goes out to find out what has happened. He finds himself in front of a train on which the conductor invites him to board. The boy refuses to do it, although he finally ends up getting on the iron machine. He is not the only child and the nickname El Niño Héroe is attributed to him. The Hero Boy will make friends with Billy, the Heroine Girl and the Know-it-all. No one expects to be able to meet Santa Claus and his elves.


2.- Miracle on 34th Street

This is an adaptation of the mythical || |271Milagro en la ciudad. This new film addresses the issue of whether Santa Claus exists. To believe or not to believe? That is the question... And make the laws ensure or deny this possibility.


3.- Go Santa Claus!

Charlie is a boy with great displeasure because his mother and her boyfriend have confessed that Santa Claus does not exist. He spends Christmas Day with his father, Scott, at his house. During the morning they hear a loud noise on the roof and Scott goes up to confront the thief who is trying to sneak through the chimney. The unknown man falls into the void... And it turns out that he is Santa Claus. Scott must take his place to fulfill the responsibilities of the injured man and little by little he begins to acquire the physique and attitude of Santa Claus himself.


4.- The Grinch|| |284

Dentro de un copo de nieve se encuentra el pueblo de Villaquién, donde sus habitantes, los Quién, preparan todo lo concerniente a la Navidad. Todos los Quién celebran estas fechas en armonía e ilusión, excepto el Grinch, que odia la Navidad y se fue a vivir a las montañas. Todos los Quién desprecian al Grinch, y es algo recíproco.  De todo esto se entera la pequeña Cindy Lou y se interesa por el oscuro personaje. Así, descubre que el viento empujó el carrito donde dormitaba el Grinch de bebé y lo arrastró hasta Villaquién. Dos mujeres adoptaron a la verde criatura que, aunque travieso, no se parecía al desagradable personaje que es de adulto. En el colegio siempre se burlaban de él por su aspecto y un día el pequeño se desesperó y destruyó su clase. Después se marchó a las montañas y renunció al mundo que había conocido hasta el momento.



Children's Videos of Santa Claus


One of the most beautiful parts ofChristmas with the songs with Christmas Carols and, consequently, singing all together. There are those who choose a small sample of Christmas carols, selecting those they like the most, and play them on a loop while they decorate the house for dinners and gatherings of family and friends. Because, in essence, Christmas is that, taking advantage of the days to spend more time surrounded by all those people we love and who love us.

To encourage these encounters, we suggest that you give the search of videos on the Internet and enjoy the dances, music and Christmas lyrics. We leave you a couple of children's videos of Santa Claus so that the march can begin from the beginning.


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