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Organize a party no It is simple but if we are talking about a children's party, parents will get even more stressed thinking about their little boy or girl having the most fun with their friends. To free yourself from that burden and bet on resounding success, the key is to have Super Animations, where you will find the best birthday entertainers and a thousand possibilities for the event to adapt to your preferences and your for parties is the detail that no one can do better than yourself, and yet it can become the most tedious job to do when arranging the event. The rightfun songs to dance to will set the party in a positive mood, but who remembers what music we liked when we were kids? Easy. Let your children participate when selecting music, you will have a double benefit: On the one hand you will have the opportunity to do something with them and on the other hand you will be much more sure that you are going to make the right selection.


Música para Fiestas Infantiles

Music for Parties with Children


Music for a party when the children are small

Let's go the easy way, We don't have Rolling Stones fans or Madonna crazy people. By this we mean that the ideal is that we choose children's songs from the usual ones and those from the cartoon series they see. That is where the direct participation of your children comes in because even if you know what their favorite drawings are, you can probably miss some details, but not that.

Despite all the effort, do not expect any congratulations for the music For chosen parties, the usual thing is that children care little or nothing about what is played while they play non-stop. But it will set the mood, if they want to dance they can do so and if a game is played, such as chairs, there will be no shortage of background music necessary to do it.


Music for parties yes children are big

On the basis that we consider a big child from 5 or 6 years old, then we have to look for the musical selection in the series and drawings that children of that age watch. It is possible that they will begin to develop a sense or taste for certain musical styles; your children will be the ones who can guide you at this point and who will tell you which songs they like the most. The older they are, the more precise and the more interest they will have in this issue. Of course,  if it is a birthday, remember that a happy birthday should never be missed, whether with Parcheesi or sung a cappella 😉 Remember that we can offer you ourdisco party|| workshop for any children's party. |190 😉


Games with music for parties

Chairs: For those who don't remember, we added it but It is a classic that sometimes even adults join in. As many chairs are taken as there are participants minus one. They are placed in a circle if there is space or attached to each other's backs. While the music plays, the participants will dance around the chairs, but when the melody stops playing, each innkeeper will have to find a chair to sit on. And there is always one less! In this way, children will be eliminated until there is only one and only one chair left.

Statues: It consists of that while the music is playing the little ones will be dancing non-stop, but when They will have to remain still like statues in the position in which they have been caught. Those who move before the song plays again will be disqualified until only one remains.

The gift: Small gifts are wrapped in layers and layers of newspaper until a huge paper ball is formed. With all the children sitting in a circle, the music starts and they have to pass the ball among themselves very quickly. When the music stops, the child with the ball will have to remove as many layers of paper as they have time before the music starts again. Whoever manages to remove all the paper will keep the prize that the ball contained. This game is very fast and can be played several times, and even if there are many children, several paper balls can be put in at the same time.

The lines: Short strips of fabric of different colors between 25 and 30 cm. long. With the children there are, make two teams and give them all one of those strips so that they can place it on the back of their pants, but without it being tied. When the music plays they will have to take over the opposing team's queues, but keep their own! Once you grab one, you will have to put it behind you as well. When the music stops, the team with the most strips will have won the round. But surely the opponents will want revenge.

The opposites: This game is going to make you laugh a lot. It consists of everyone having to follow someone's dance, but completely backwards. That is, if the one who sets the pace raises his right arm, the rest will have to raise their left. The fun is to get the group involved and confuse them. The one who manages to follow the rhythm backwards will be the winner.

Musical performances: It is not so much a game but rather giving the little ones the opportunity to perform a short performance with friends and sing and dance to a song such aszumba. Even better if it is from the existing musical selection, so you can guide them and accompany them with the music. If we reward participation, a few will sign up for the performance, a very fun activity that will make them express themselves and brighten the environment even more if possible.

Have a dance: It's a musical adaptation of the classic grandmother's trunk. With all the children in a circle, the game will begin with the first one showing a dance step. The second will have to repeat it and add one more, the third will repeat the previous two and include one more. All this with the music in the background, otherwise what's the point of so many dance steps? It can be prolonged until they fail and are disqualified or start again when memory cannot remember so much movement. As you can see, in addition to theentertainment for children's birthdays, music and dancing are a very important part of any party 😉



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