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Super Children's Animations _  Blog _Best children's blogs

On the Internet we find all kinds of blogs for almost any topic in which we can look for new ideas and proposals, however we have selected the10 best children's blogs so you can browse, read and learn.  In the world of children, we could not miss the interventions of a large number of people who advise us, suggest us and teach us about all the doubts that parenthood can generate. Today we were wondering where we could find them and enjoy their readings. So we have made a list of the10 best children's blogs.

The 10 bestChildren's blogs ThePeco Deseo Foundation was born in the year 2000 with the aim of making the wishes of children who suffer from chronic illnesses or who suffer from an illness with a poor prognosis come true. Encouraging them and making their illness more bearable are the tasks on which this association works. They support certain activities in hospitals, they are used in decorating hospital classrooms, they carry out workshops with children, excursions, visits by personalities in hospital centers and in supporting other organizations. Superanimaciones is a company that regularly collaborates with them.

Super Children's Animations: This is theblog of a company dedicated to the animation of children's parties| ||195 que lleva el mismo nombre. En su espacio nos ofrecen un montón de ideas para animar, organizar, decorar y triunfar en una fiesta infantil. Además, tienen post dedicados a algunas de las fiestas en las que han colaborado, lo que nos ayudará a decidirnos por contar con Super Animaciones on any occasion in which there are children.

Childhood education bread with chocolate: It is a super complete blog from ateacher with many ideas to propose. In fact, he has already won variousawards and recognitions for his work on the networks. In the space we will find articles, stories, traffic education, education in values, logic and mathematics, emotional and diversity education, plastic and artistic education, reading and writing, pedagogy, documentaries, ICT, heuristic games, information for parents and even experiences from the author herself. Can you be more perfect?
Edu tabs: This is a blog that provideseducational resources and materials both for classes as well as to reinforce the concepts learned in class. You can download numerous free activities from different areas. And also, within this classification we have:


Children will learn a lot from these blogs

The Best Early Childhood Education Blogs

Teacher's website: From this page we can download a lot ofmaterial for preschool and primary school children. But, since it's not all homework, it also offers ideas for crafts. A very important aspect to develop creativity and psychomotor skills.


blog sobre la educacion infantil y primaria de niños


A thousand early childhood education resources:  It is a blog created byMar Gómez, early childhood education teacher. A professional who advises us on education through songs, stories and other activities that are no less enjoyable and entertaining.

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los mejore sblogs para niños sobre educacion y animaciones

El Rincón de Aprender: A flirty name for a flirty website. What we like most about this blog is that it offers resources for everything. From mathematics, science or English; through songs, games, writing or reading. And there's more! The blog was born with the intention of reordering all the activities, curiosities, news and materials found on the Internet, so that all of this makes sense for parents. In the curious news section we will find creative ideas that have been used in education and that, perhaps, will also be useful to some parents.

Fantasy Forest: A fun name for a blog that we should not miss. It was born with the idea of ​​ sharing a mother's relationship with her children, what they like, what they don't, how they move on a daily basis. Take a look at the blog and you won't be disappointed. You will love its literature section and it will surely help you find the right books for your children to get hooked on the pleasure of reading.

Educational Images: They provide us withactivities, worksheets and games so that children can learn through images. Relating concepts with ease and attracted by designs. In addition, they upload articles with useful advice to deal with the different stages and behaviors of children, as well as to guide us on how to deal with certain sensitive topics with them.


Children's Games and ICT resources: Infinite suggestions to carry outonline games related to mathematics, natural and social sciences, and language and literature. Learning by playing is an effective and dynamic technique that will be very useful to consolidate concepts. The website also offers other games to develop othercognitive and creative skills through puzzles, memory games, origami, crossword puzzles, drawings to paint and color, etc. We will find the perfect place to get all the necessary resources to entertain and give vent to the imagination of the little ones, contributing to their education without them themselves being really aware of it.



We love that you enjoy a quality early childhood education blog de calidad

I'm sure you'll find this brief guide through 10 of the bestchildren's blogs in Spanish is very useful to you. Don't let your little one get bored while these types of children's blogs are here 😉

If you think you know a blog that deserves to be in this classification, write to us and we will evaluate that possibility after carrying out our previous analysis.|| |273 MUCHAS GRACIAS y nos vemos en alguna Animación 😉

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