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Children's birthdays with| ||166 animadores para cumpleaños are one of the most special moments for boys and girls and, therefore, they should be offered the best activities so that the little ones of the house have a great time. Superanimaciones offers you a range of possibilities to make it a fantastic birthday party. Here you will find a lot offun birthday games that, along with the cake, the music and your friends and family, you will have all the necessary ingredients to have an unforgettable party.


animación infantil para fiestas en Madrid

Animations for Children's Birthdays


Original Games for Children's Birthdays


To start warming up we will start the party witha very fun game that is earth, air and fire. We will all stand in line and indicate the instructions indicated by the monitor. When we say earth we will be on the right side, when we say air we will return to the center and when we say fire we will go to the left. It seems simple at first since we will start little by little so that the instructions are very clear. As the game progresses we complicate the situation since the speed will increase. There are also variants such as standing on one foot or touching the ground with your hands. This is one of the best games if you don't know what to do at a children's birthday party.

• Agame birthday party for the little ones and the one that is very entertaining and very famous is “duck duck goose”. We all stand in a circle sitting on the floor and a boy or girl volunteers to start the game. This boy or girl must go around the circle touching the heads of the rest of the boys and girls saying the word “DUCK” and when he or she wants he or she will say “GOOSE.” At that same moment, the person who has touched must run to chase the first one and he must sit in the space left by the previous one.

• Another very fun and much more exciting game is that of theblack spot. All boys and girls must run through space. One person pays and must catch the rest of the participating people. The rest must prevent the person from catching them. If at any time it catches them in the place where they were caught (hand, arm, legs...) they will have the black mark. This means that the person will not be able to move this part of the body and will have to pay without using this part.

• Another game that is all the rage at parties is the variant. little blind hen. In this case, instead of touching and guessing which person it is, you must play the sound of an animal and it must guess which one it is. Whoever guesses the animal they are imitating will be the one who pays next.


disfraces de piratas en un cumple infantil

Pirate party with many surprises!


• A game that also has to do with animals is “hairy spider”. It is a game that boys and girls really like. This is about everyone standing at one end of the space where we carry out the activities. One person stands in the center and says “SPIDER” the rest of the participants answer “HAIRY” and cross the space. The person in the center must catch as many people as possible. Those who are caught will be caught too. One of the variants of this game is that of jobs in which boys and girls must think about the job of their mother or father and when the person who is in the middle names it, they will have to leave to cross to the other end without being caught. Another variant is tutifruti. It is exactly the same dynamic only in this case each participant has the name of a fruit. When the person who pays says tutifruti all participants pass and must not be caught.

• Thegames for birthday parties that are within thesummer months where The warmth abounds and what we most want is to take a good dip, they should always include a super water war. Before having a snack you should choose the most fun water games so that you can eat well refreshed afterwards. The objects we will need will be water balloons or guns. If it is specified that there will be water games at the party, the participating boys or girls must bring their weapon to be able to fight in the war and Superanimaciones will do the rest. We will make two teams depending on the participants in the game and then each side will have to develop its technique so that the other team does not get wet. The team that comes out driest is the one that will win the battle.


maquillaje de león fantastico


Birthday Games


• El game of the “crazy crab”. This game is that, even if you are a crab, you must be faster than anyone else. A space is delimited to carry out the activity. When everything is ready, three volunteers are chosen to pay and these will be the crabs. These must stand and walk like crabs do and when the signal is given they must go catch the rest of the boys or girls. When we are caught we must adopt the same posture as the crabs and catch the remaining participants. UNDER THE SEA! Now it's getting easier if you didn't know how to celebrate a children's birthday 😉

A fun game Much to the boys and girls is that of the traffic light since all the participants must pay attention to what the children's entertainer tells us. As we well know, the traffic light has three colors and each one takes on a different meaning: red is to stop the car, yellow is to stop or slow down as it warns us that the traffic light will change, and green is to pass. In this case the monitor will say the colors and the boys and girls will have to act depending on the meaning: if we say red we must stop, if we say yellow we must go in slow motion and if we say green we must go super fast. The speed of the game will increase and it will become increasingly more difficult, so you must be attentive. dare to play!

• A game to relax a little to recharge our batteries is “sleeping pirate”. We all sat in a circle so we could see each other well. The first person to pay sits in the center with a handkerchief covering her eyes so she can't see anything. They place their legs open and put some keys between them. In this game the main element is silence so we must be as quiet as possible. The monitor points to one or one of the participants and this person has to go as quietly as possible to get the keys that the person in the center is waiting for. If the sleeping pirate then points towards the person who is going to get her keys, he or she has to go back to the place where she came from. On the other hand, if the person takes the keys and returns to her place without being discovered, he or she will become the sleeping pirate. The pirate parties for birthdays, as well as the princess parties are within your reach with this type of games 😉




• The game of“Simon says” is one of the activities that gives the most enjoyment to the boys and girls who participate in it. Everyone must be very attentive since the monitor will give an order that they must carry out as quickly as possible. But they must comply with the order if the monitor first says the words: “Simon says” if he or she does not say this phrase before giving the order, the boys and girls must not do the action. For example: Simón says to touch something red (we must touch something red), we must touch something white (we do not touch it because the phrase has not been said before).

These are some of thegames for children's anniversaries that you can find if you choose Superanimations to organize the games for a birthday party perfect. Make your sons and daughters have a fun and unforgettable time and also enjoy their friends on this special day.


Also, you should know that we can entertain your birthday party anywhere:

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