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Children's Entertainment Super /Children's Entertainment Blog /Outdoor games for children

Any party where there are children deserves to be organizedoutdoor games for children that are fun. If we have the opportunity to celebrate the children's event, it is in a park or patio, do not hesitate because the open space allows us to plan many fun games to play outdoors. Of course, we have made a list of activities, so we will take notes so that, when it comes to organizing the party, we have everything under control. Remind you that these types of games are special forchildren's parties at schools.

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Outdoor games | ||191


Remember that they are alloutdoor games for children, they would lose their charm if you do them in a confined place, let's get started!


The Dragon's Tail: It is a very fun game that requires a large number of children. A draw is held to see who will be the head of the dragon, at least three children will be chosen. Behind them the rest of the friends will stand with their arms extended on the shoulders of the next one. The last in the row will be the dragon's tail. The game consists of the heads having to catch the tails of the other dragons, without anyone letting go of their partner in front. The head that reaches the tail can stay in its hole but if it breaks it will have to go to the tail and the next friend will be the new head.


Step on the balloon:|| |205 Es tan sencillo como divertido. Tan sólo necesitamos globos y un poco de cuerda para atar los globos al tobillo de cada participante. El objetivo no es otro que intentar pisar el globo del contrincante, evitando a su vez que pisen el de uno mismo. El último que mantenga su globo perfecto será el ganador.




Catch the Flag: Of all the fun games for girls and boys, 'Catch the Flag' is one of the most intense, most exciting and funniest. It brings together the concepts of catch, catch, and dodgeball. To play it is necessary that there be a large number of children. Two groups are made and the space is divided into two fields. At some more or less accessible point on one side, one of the fabrics is tied, and the same is done on the other with the other piece of fabric. The mission of each group is to recover the flag (the cloth) that protects the opposing team in their field. But be careful! Because when we cross the enemy's camp, they can catch us and put us in their prison, and until another companion comes to make the rescue running and without being hit, they will not be able to get out of there!


Egg race: A classic in ourgymkhana for children from 6 to 8 years old! We form two or three teams depending on the number of children who are at the party. Each team is given a tablespoon and an egg. (If you want to prevent the eggs from wobbling too much, boil them first, although it is better not to mention this to the little ones, it will take away the excitement of the matter). Then we placed the children in a row and separated them several meters from each other. They will have to rush in a relay race, spoon in mouth, egg in spoon. If they fall, they must return to the starting point.




Children's Outdoor Games


The broken telephone: We placed all the little guests in two huge circles. The bigger they are, the more complicated the matter will be and, therefore, the funnier it will be. A random child from each circle will whisper a word, phrase, or even tongue twister of your choice into the next's ear. The last one in the circle will say what he has understood out loud. The winning team will be the one that says the expression that is most similar to the one you proposed. Without a doubt, a great asset in outdoor games for children.

Aim, fire!: It is one of those fun games to play outdoors that everyone likes the most. . To play we will need some blindfolds to cover our eyes and some balls, if they are made of foam rubber even better. We put the little ones in pairs. One of each pair will be blindfolded and will have to hit the ball against another of the blindfolded children. The mission of their partners will be to tell them where to aim, when to bend down, where to pick up the ball, which way to go, etc. Those who have been hit with the ball will be eliminated and will become spectators. 

Cavalry: This is one of the outdoor games coolerIt is a variant of the English hide and seek.  We put all the children in a row and one stands in front playing the role of a knight. When he shouts 'cavalry!' His companions will run to touch the wall or overtake the knight. But when he shouts cavalry again, they must remain still like statues. Whoever moves begins the race from the beginning.

Giant goose and ludo: We carry out this practice in Superanimaciones and the truth is that sometimes even adults want to take the children's place and play. Traditional games in large dimensions are the best outdoor games for children. Here you have a section with ouranimations with giant games 😉

The handkerchief: We make two teams and assign each member a number the same as another child on the opposing team. The adult stands in the middle holding a handkerchief and says one of the assigned numbers. Those whose numbers correspond, one for each team, must run in search of the handkerchief and return to the line with their team before the opponent catches or snatches the handkerchief. This is, without a doubt, one of the most typicalgames for children's parties 😉



Games for children on the Street


Not allgames for children on the street are for all ages. We have to adapt the activities to the ages of the little guests. That is why we have considered it vital to include a section in which we specify somegames for young children outdoors. Of course, if the little ones are receptive, why not introduce slightly more complicated games? And, in the same way, maybe the older ones still love to play sneaker from behind…


Sneaker from behind tris after: No It could be missing among the games for small children. The children stand in a circle and sit on the floor. One will be the one who has the shoe and will remain standing. The rest close their eyes and sing the song, in order not to hear or see where their friend is going to leave the shoe. When they finish singing the song, everyone will look behind them for the shoe. Whoever has it will have to get up and go catch the person who left it there. If he catches him, he can return to his place. But if the one who left the slipper reaches the place of his pursuer, he will be saved.

Do you remember the song?

To the slipper from behind, tris after.

Ni la ves ni la verás, tris tras-

Look above, the beans are falling.

Look below, the chickpeas falling.

A sleep, sleep, the Three Wise Men are coming.


Sack races: Another classic of outdoor children's games that has earned a permanent place over time. You just need some very large garbage bags. You can organize individual or relay races. The falls will be amidst great laughter. You have all this in our Basic Animation Pack. It was impossible that among all the fun games to play outdoors, these races did not fall. Right?


Tulipán: It is a variant of tag in which children who are about to be hit can shout 'Tuli', extend your arms crosswise and stay safe completely still. If they lower their arms they will become the new pursuers, replacing the other. To get out of this state of forced paralysis, another partner will have to reach them, touch their arm and shout 'Pan'.


Forklift races: It was a long time ago that we had not heard this style of racing mentioned among the typical games for children on the street. It is simply a race in pairs in which one becomes the wheelbarrow by resting his hands on the ground and being supported by the ankles by his partner. The one in front, the wheelbarrow, will run with his hands, while his partner from behind will run with his legs and supporting the weight of the other's legs.


Hide gifts:| ||306 Un poco como el caliente o frío. Escondemos pequeños detalles, golosinas y/o chocolate sen el entorno. Bajo alguna piedra, entre la hierba, entre unas ramas, etc. Los niños solo tendrán que ir buscándolos y, si tuvieran suerte de hallarlos, se lo quedan.


Tricks for organizing a communion or birthday with outdoor games




To prepare a good children's party with outdoor children's games, it is essential to have some tricks up your sleeve that will help us make it perfect.

  • No dejes nada a última hora y mucho menos lo dejes al azar en los juegos al aire libre niños.
  • Establish a budget evaluating the decoration, the food, the games, the entertainment if you want it hire.
  • Plan well the details of the event such as the place, date and time. In addition, we should think about the place and the benefits that one or the other could offer us.
  • Decide the theme of the party, if it is with your child the better, since at the end of the day the party is for him .
  • For an outdoor party with outdoor games for children, it is very practical to organize a buffet with all the food. This way everyone can come and serve themselves whatever they want.
  • For such a special day we cannot let the guests leave empty-handed. You can give them candy and sweets in boxes, for example, and set up some of thefun outdoor games that we have proposed.


These are some of the best and most funoutdoor games for children that you can do at a children's party, so you know, enjoy!!!| ||341




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