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We continue with theGames for children of eight years


The8-year-olds are those little kamikazes who begin to feel the pressure exerted by those around them. around him. Childhood curiosity is almost palpable at this age; They are more independent, but do not need their parents' full attention. The games for eight-year-olds begin to pose challenges for them, although always under the protection of fun. 

Read more: Animation for communions

Yes, fun is important. Vital for the happy existence of any human being. Sometimes we degrade leisure to laziness aspects of our own personality. Should we be being productive at every moment? Which raises another question: doesn't playing and having fun make us better at some point?

In fact, it is like that. In the case of children, playing offers a series of essential benefits from a healthy point of view, but also from a point of view focused on the development of their skills. Let's see, by playing, the little ones release the stress and anxiety they may have. What stress does an eight-year-old have? A little friend who changes neighborhoods and is not going to see each other as much, a partner who is being too smart, a brother who is about to be born, the pet who is no longer among the living, the parents who are separating... Sometimes We believe that they don't know anything, but they are very sensitive and notice many things. On the other hand, through games they will begin to develop their emotional intelligence and understand the feelings of others and their own.  In addition, we can take advantage of some of the typical games to introduce some educational overtones. This will require the creativity of the parents' team.

Once we have pointed out these points, we begin our journey through dynamic games for children. That is, games where the physical part and the emotional part of the being are exercised.

Clue Games for eight-year-old children

As we have mentioned before, 8-year-olds seek little challenges to face and are full of curiosity. So, what's better than clue games for kids?

The treasure hunt

It's the zenith of theclue games for kids|| |198, aunque también se organizan para adultos. Una aventura que implica pruebas, pistas, tesoros y darle a la cabeza en busca de respuestas.  Lo primero que debe de pensar el organizador es crear una historia, esto es, un hilo conductor que traslade a los niños de una pista a otra, siguiendo una historia. No tiene que ser demasiado elaborada, con que sea lo suficientemente interesante valdrá.

What stories can we think of?

El hada Matilde was in charge of protecting the secrets of her people. But she went for a walk with her friends and she lost sight of the chest with all the things. When she returned from her getaway, she realized that the trolls had taken the fairy chest. Desperate, Matilde asked everyone for help. (And here the children come in) Shall we help Matilde? Since trolls are not one of the most intelligent magical races, they have left a lot of clues that we can follow to find the chest of fairy secrets. This is the first clue…


Elisa and Jack Fanning are two brothers from the British Isles. They arrived yesterday by plane to pay us a visit because they believe they can find the treasure of Captain Marcos, a fearsome Spanish pirate who had the English fed up. When Elisa and Jack told me, I told them that surely we could help them. Since they are super nice and good, they told me that if we helped them we would share the loot among all of us. What do you think? They gave me the following clue to get us started…


What clues can we include?

  • Some simple riddles:
  • My bite is harmful, my body is small, but the nectar I give you eat immediately. – The Bee-
  • This bench is occupied by a father and a son, the father's name is Juan and I have already told you about the son. – Esteban-
  • You see her every day, he thinks mischievously. When she's black, she's clean. When she is white, she is dirty. -The blackboard-


  • An image of something present in the next place they have to look for.
  • If the party is at home: An image of the closet in one of the bedrooms where they will find the next clue.
  • If the party is in a garden: Image of a flower pot where the next clue is hidden.
  • If the party is in a children's party room: If there is a ball park and we want to complicate it, we can stick papers on some balls of one color with cellophane and show them in an image a circle of the color of the ball.
  • Include messages with codes.
  • We could have given them the code keys throughout the game and they just have to put it in order.
  • Use some information that we know they have recently taught in class, for example, new words in English.


What test can we perform?

  • We can tie balloons to the ankles of some adults and have a track lead the children to step on those balloons. The adults will run and try to get away from their little pursuers. (They will have to let themselves step on the balloon) Inside the balloon will be the next clue.
  • Another fun test is to have the children, individually or in teams, depending on how we have organized the little ones, have to run a course as if they were kangaroos. To do this, they will carry a ball between their legs. They have to finish the whole way without dropping the ball, otherwise they will not get the next clue.
  • A good idea is to play a longer game, in which they feel that they get out of the loop a little. treasure hunt, in which one team competes against another or against each other. We will give the clue to everyone, regardless, but whoever wins (or those who have the first positions) will leave a few minutes before the other. We can include games such as dodgeball, penalty round, sack race, etc.



A treasure hunt is a really entertaining activity that gives rise to to many othersdynamic games for eight-year-old children.

When choosing between a treasure hunt for pirates, princesses, and aliens , heroes or any theme, we tend to opt for what they aregames for 8-year-old girls or for boys of the same age. However, as between theomo entre los games for 8-year-old girls and the games for 8-year-old boys there should not be any difference, we propose Ask your questions to the closest children you have. If it is your son or daughter's birthday, talk about it with him or her, and choose what he or she likes the most.

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