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The best outdoor games for 6-year-olds


Without a doubt, playing outdoors is one of the most intense and fun activities in which we can encourage our children. Yes, of course, they will have to have our eyes following them in every corner, but that does not stop them from continuing to laugh while they run as if a lion were following them. What does going crazy among herbs, races and screams do for you?

  1. Exercise. When did it stop being important to move the skeleton without a teacher, parent, monitor or any adult indicating where, how, in what way to move?
  2. Creativity. This is exactly related to the point of the exercise. Nobody but the little ones decide what to play, what rules to impose, what the limits are in the game...
  3. Relationships. Wow… everything is related. While they decide with their friends they are developing their social skills.
  4. Autonomy. They don't need someone on top of them every second of their lives making decisions for them. Ok, they are not going to choose the food menu (pasta, pizza, popcorn, pasta, pizza, sausages, pasta, pizza, croquettes) but they can choose if they want to play one thing or another, jump a lot, run crazy and get exhausted. everything.

That said, it is necessary that we give way to the bestoutdoor games for 6-year-olds. Get out your notebooks and pens, you have to take note of these ideas.



Children's Games for 6 Year Olds

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Por fin, sin mayores dilaciones que estas escuetas palabras, damos paso a lo prometido, actividades y dinámicas perfectas para niños y niñas de 6 años que estén disfrutando del aire libre cualquier día.

  • Gallinita blind: Basically it's one of those finding things games for children, only in Little Blind Hen that thing is another child. One of the participants will be blindfolded and play the role of blind man's chicken. They will turn him around three times, guiding him by the shoulders, with the unfair goal, it seems that it is not enough that he cannot see, to disorient him. Unsteadily, he will go in search of his friends to catch one and feel his face and hair to guess his name.


  • Palms: Do you remember when Did we form a huge circle with a bunch of schoolmates and play clapping? There were songs, with dances included, very funny. When we start talking like this it seems like we come from the Middle Ages... Someone stop us! We can teach the new ones songs from clapping games like 'On 24th Street', 'Chocolate' or 'Don Federico'.


  • The Hide and Seek: A nadie se le puede olvidar las reglas de este juego y es imposible que alguien no haya jugado nunca o no tenga noticia de la existencia del mismo. Es el sol de los días de los niños, el arquetipo de los juegos infantiles, el eterno asistente de cualquier fiesta. Se puede incluir en los juegos de encontrar cosas para niños, aunque, una vez más, esas cosas vuelven a ser niños.


  • Hopscotch: Getting started , we will need some chalk and a floor on which we can paint a 10-square diagram. In each one of them we will write the numbers, in order from 1 to 10. A stone is thrown and, wherever it falls, you cannot step on it. Where there is a square, you must step on one foot, if there are two you will have to step on both squares at the same time, one with each foot, obviously.


  • The mouse and the cat: Among the outdoor games for 6-year-olds we find this one that is very, very fun. Two children are chosen at random to be the mouse (the prey), and the cat (the hunter). The rest of the children will form a circle or a straight line, they will hold hands with each other and sing'Mouse that the cat catches you, mouse that is going to catch you, if it doesn't catch you tonight, tomorrow he'll catch you.' Meanwhile, the mouse will run to escape the cat, crossing the rows of children through the gaps left by the union of their arms and between their legs. When the cat tries to do the same, the children will block the way. Sometimes he will be able to sneak in, sometimes he will have to back away and find another way to reach the mouse. When the cat catches the mouse, it will become the hunter. But if, within the agreed time, it does not hunt it, a new mouse will be chosen and the cat will have to try to catch it.


  • High: Es un pilla pilla más elaborado que el clásico juego. Los jugadores solo pueden librarse del que pilla si son más rápidos que él o si se suben en algo que esté más elevado que el suelo. Lo que siempre hemos llamado casa. Debido a las normas, lo idóneo es practicar este juego en un parque infantil, donde hay muchos sitios para subirse.

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