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Outdoor games for children 5 years old


Children's games are, essentially, free activities that produce pleasures and emotions and that do not have a specific objective or purpose beyond the mere enjoyment of children. However, and curiously, children's games are essential for the development of children.

Do you still remember those games we used to spend hours playing? Although it seems so, things have not changed that much. We already imitated our parents jumping rope... And our older cousins ​​played Hopscotch in their childhood... Are you one of those older cousins? Clapping games are a classic in any schoolyard, where there is no shortage of tag and hide-and-seek. Thinking about all this, today we are going to focus on theoutdoor games for 5-year-olds. They are dynamics that we can transfer to our families, to birthday parties or to family events.We are talking about simple games for children,always fun and sensational.

Let's go!


Juegos Sencillos para Niños


These games are designed to elicit natural smiles, huge laughs, exciting heart palpitations, spontaneous applause, astonished gestures and breath holds caused by a surprise illusion.

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  • Relay races: The usual races taken further by bringing together teams to the young participants. During the section of the race, several children will be stationed, one per team, at the same height and along the route. When their companions catch up with them, they will have to continue the path running with all their strength. A taste of competition that is always healthy when the distance is finished reaching a delicious snack.


  • Jenga: It is a game that, although we have included it among the outdoor games for 5-year-olds, we could also sneak it in among the party activities for adults over forty, at a gathering of university friends or at a 12-year-old pajama party, regardless of whether the events They will take place in a living room, a patio, a garden or a bar. And why everywhere? It is an easy and complicated game. Quiet, requires concentration and exact pressing. It also demands extreme emotional and physical balance. It wasn't even a tightrope walking activity! No, it's not. It consists of building a tower with blocks in turns. They are placed in the upper area until the construction rises to the immensity of the Tower of Babel. However, that will never happen because someone will destroy the mental plans that others have designed in their heads. The tower will collapse by the hand of some clumsy finger that will touch where it shouldn't.


  • Step on the balloon: We are talking about a classic and basic dynamic. What do we need? Balloons and rope. Each child will tie a balloon to their ankle with a string. The balloons will have to be dragged slightly along the ground. The objective of the game is for the little ones to destroy other people's balloons by stomping on them, always keeping their own balloon safe. He who manages to keep his soles away from his balloon and remains alone in survival will have won.


  • Blind makeup: Sometimes we meet at an art exhibition and without any regret we say, 'My 5-year-old son is also capable of painting this' or that trendy 'Yes.' If you see what my 5-year-old daughter is painting, you would see that this is not art,' and then go into a pseudo-artistic rant. It is like a song in which he praises artistic illiteracy through ridiculous mockery that consoles many. That said, blind makeup is a game of arts, but blind arts. Let's see, the children will cover their eyes with a blindfold and their partner opposite will close their eyes and mouth to isolate them from lipstick, powder, blush, eye shadows and other makeup items. The 'blinded' will begin to distribute artistic beauty all over the face, generating a shocking change of image. Then, of course, the tables will have to be turned and the makeup artist will be the one. It occurs to us that you can then organize a fun model show and vote in the categories of 'best makeup', 'funniest makeup', 'strangest style', etc. And as a joke... the most voted ones can be exhibited in an art exhibition.


  • Egg in a spoon race: Un huevo roto es un ceño fruncido, una mueca torcida, una molestia enorme. Da igual donde sea. El huevo roto y el cabreo que implica es universal. ¡Con lo sensibles que son! Pues en las carreras de huevos en cuchara tendremos que hacer el esfuerzo de verlo como algo anecdótico y que, al fin y al cabo, es la parte cómica de la actividad. Es uno de esos juegos sencillo para niños que no pasan de moda y que dejan un olorcillo un tanto molesto. La carrera, que también puede hacerse por relevos, requiere de agilidad y equilibrio, pues los participantes llevarán en sus manos una cuchara, que a su vez sostendrá un huevo. Si cae antes de que lleguen a la meta, tendrán que darse la vuelta, volver al punto de salida, coger otro huevo y reiniciar la marcha.


Here are theoutdoor games for 5-year-olds that you can do at your children's party.

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