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Games for children from 12 to 14 years old


Teenagers are here and they have come to stay for a few years. Did it seem like it was easier to play with six-year-olds? Don't despair. We fear this stage too much, there is not so much uncertainty. And even less when it comes to fun! The holidays will no longer be about heroes or animals, but they will still be special events that they will remember fondly. They won't tell you then, but they will tell you when they're in their twenties. Thegames for children from 12 to 14 years oldare more interesting for adults and even, if we see that they are interested, we can participate.

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¿Sigue siendo importante jugar en la adolescencia con games for 13 years old?

Well yes. As much or more than when they were children. Games are activities that are carried out because they feel like it and they are fun and/or stimulating. For adolescents, games allow them to free themselves from the burdens that get tangled up in their heads during this difficult stage, interact with other classmates, get to know themselves a little better and encourage the development of their imagination.

But Especially and never less valuable or important, games give them satisfaction, pleasure and fun. And that is something that should never be missing, in any age group.

However, today we are thinking about fun games for youth parties.


Los juegos para niños mayores de 13 años


Video games: Occasionally and especially for14 year old birthdays|| |198, entre los padres está muy desprestigiado el uso de los videojuegos que hacen los hijos. Muchos ni siquiera dirían la verdad sobre cuánto rato pasó el domingo su hijo de 14 años enganchado a la PlayStation. ¿Tan malos son? Pues resulta que, como todo en la vida, si te pasas demasiado sí es malo. Pero los videojuegos tienen hasta sus beneficios en nuestros jóvenes integrantes de la sociedad. Algunos de ellos son:

  • When we talk about action games, the players of these games are able to make precise decisions much faster than other people.
  • Regarding video games of action, their players generate a desire to put that sport into practice in real life.
  • In addition, they improve memory, concentration and the ability to do several things at the same time.| ||207
  • Hay videojuegos que son educativos (sí, aunque disparen a siete ninjas por el camino) e inspiran a los jugadores a saber más sobre ciertos temas.
  • They allow them to forget, momentarily, about bad things. moments experienced during the day or week.

Dixit (board games): It does not seem difficult to find games for children over 13 years old if we turn to board games. We are not thinking about typical advertisements or puzzles, we are talking about enormously fun and not always well-known board games. Dixit in particular is a game of creativity and deduction that consists of a narrator choosing between six of his cards (that no one has seen except him) and saying some idea, story, sound or song related to the drawing on the card. Always avoiding being too obvious. The rest of the players will choose from their deck the card that most reminds them of what the narrator said. With all cards face down, they will be shuffled and placed face up for everyone to see.  Each player, except the narrator, will vote on which card they think the narrator has placed. Players will earn points based on their ability to mislead others with their own card or whether or not they get the narrator's card right.

Guess the character: Each participant writes between two and four characters on a piece of paper each. The number will depend on how many players there are. Along with the character's name we will include some taboo words, that is, those that, with the name, cannot be said. The game has three phases. The first is the description. At this point the players, divided into teams and with an agreed time of between a minute or two, will take papers and describe whoever appears on them. Without saying his name or any of the words written next to it. Your teammates have to get them right. When time is up, it will be up to the other team to describe and guess. When it's over, count how many papers each team has. Whoever has the most, wins. The second phase is mimicry. The same procedure is done as before in terms of the technical part, but using gestures and movements. If a word is pronounced or a sound is made, you will have to drop the paper and pick up another one. The third phase is a sound or word. Only one. And guess which character that is referring to is a sound or a word. Can't it be a very fun activity for a 14-year-old birthday or as games for 13-year-olds?


  Games for 12 and 13-year-olds


 How can there be so much difference between a 12 year old and a 14 year old? It's only two years old! Well there is, the distances in childhood and adolescence are gigantic. Games for 12-year-olds are not the same as games for 13-year-olds.

Frog races: A little physical activity is always good. Isn't it? It may be a little complicated to convince our children to include these races among the games for 12 and 13 year olds. But we don't lose anything by trying. For those who are a little younger, it may still be fun to see yourself doingthe goat, perhaps it will even be one of the games for a 12-year-old birthday...  The procedure is not complicated, is to make a route, as fast as possible, jumping like a frog. Probably if they sign up for the frog race they will want to do some frog relays. 

Who am I?: It is an ideal deduction game to include among games for children 12 years old. The purpose of this is for each participant to discover which character they are. You begin by writing on some cards a character that everyone present can recognize with some ease. Proposals? Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, music celebrities, cartoon characters, etc. Each participant will take a card without knowing who has dealt them and will stick it to their forehead with adhesive tape. Always without looking at what is written on his paper. In turns, each one will ask a question about their character in order to rule out possibilities and think of others. Surprisingly, it is one of the 12-year-old games that is most successful in that age group. Although, to be honest, who doesn't like to play Who Am I?


Sardine Game: It's similar to hide and seek, but with a more hesitant point, that's why it's excellent to put in games for 13 years old. A somewhat large space is required. One player is hiding somewhere and the others have to find him. The one who found it must hide next to it, and the next one who finds these must do the same, so on until there is only one player left looking for them all.


The potato burns : All players stand in a circle. The object that will represent the potato can be a medium-sized ball. A volunteer will stand outside the circle and with his back to it and, while the potato is passed in order in the circle, the volunteer will sing: 'The potato is burning, the potato is burning, the potato is burning, the potato is burning, the potato is burning...' When he says 'the potato is burning' the one who has it in his hands will be eliminated.

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