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Super Children's Animations /Children's Animations Blog / Halloween Games

One of the most special Superanimaciones parties isHalloween. If we like mystery and terror this is the best option for your party. You will have the best activities and games that will awaken your imagination and at the same time will make your hair stand on end. Here you can see several makeups we do:Halloween makeup.Some of theHalloween games for children that are at your disposal to make your Halloween party a terrifying night are the following:|| |180


juegos, maquillajes y disfraces para el día de Haloween

Games and Costumes for Halloween

1.- To break the ice and put ourselves in a situation in addition to getting to know each and every participantharemos el juego de adivinar el fantasma. The game consists of choosing a participating person who must leave the room. The entertainer must disguise another participant as a ghost, covering him or her with a white sheet. The rest of the boys or girls must hide around the room. When the first boy or girl returns to the room, they must guess who is the person hiding behind the white blankets. The boy or girl who is hiding can make sounds to give clues to the person who has to guess who they are. Do you dare to discover it?

2.- The innovation ofHalloween games is that of thenaughty witches| ||193. El animador o animadora deberá esconder unas brujas previamente antes de reunirse con los niños y niñas. Estas brujas contendrán unos dibujos que formaran una historia terrorífica de Halloween. Los niños y niñas deberán encontrar todas las brujas que se han escondido y formar la historia entre todos y todas. Posteriormente se contará la historia con las luces apagadas y una linterna para ponernos en situación, si eres valiente. Este juego puede tener variantes como por ejemplo construir palabras relacionadas con Halloween o una variante infantil donde se pondrán imágenes en las mismas brujas y deberán encontrar tres imágenes iguales.


Juego terrorífico para Halloween

Scary game for Halloween


The same Halloween game can be played but with additional steps. Once theterrifying story has been told, a scary story contest will be held where the story that receives the most screams will be the winner. Dare to scare all your friends and win the prize for the scariest story.

3.- Themost daring game on Halloween night te lo presenta a continuación Superanimaciones con el nombre de pringados. The entertainer will prepare a concoction that will contain gelatin, yogurt or flour dough. Inside this she will put small objects that will have a certain shape. In groups of three or four people, they must identify, blindfolded, which objects they are touching. Are you sure to participate?

4.- If you want to be the most terrifying boy or girl at the party, you must take themask workshop that Superanimaciones offers you. Different options will be offered so that the boy or girl can choose the one they like the most. Examples of these could be masks of monsters, vampires, mummies, zombies... they will color the mask and decorate it to their liking. Later, the rubber bands will be placed to keep the masks securely fastened and you can now scare all your friends.

juegos infantiles para todos los santos inocentes

scary games for children's parties

5.- If you likemummies this is the game you were looking for. Divide the participants into two teams. The entertainer will choose one member of each team to be placed in the center of the space. This will be a relay race in which you must take a roll of toilet paper and wrap it around the person on your same team. The next participant must unroll it without tearing the paper. The next one must roll it up and so on. The winning team is the one that forms the most terrifying and real mummy of both.

6.- A game so that all the boys and girls who participate in the party know which characters are the best known on Halloween. the one with theterrifying papers. The animator will create some papers with names of terrifying characters typical of these dates. Each boy or girl will have a piece of paper pinned to their forehead. Each boy or girl must give clues so that they can guess the character. The game can vary depending on the ages of the boys or girls.

7.- To practice your aim and also have a great time, you must participate in thepumpkin game jumping. Containers (some larger than others) will be chosen to simulate a Halloween pumpkin. Depending on the size of the mouth of the container and the difficulty, the points will be more or less. The boys and girls in order must make a basket inside the mouth of the pumpkin to earn their points. This element cannot be missing from your Halloween party.

8.- If you are daring and choose a Halloween party to have a great time, you should prepare to be aghostbusters profesional. El juego que te presentamos es para los y las más valientes. Consiste en apagar las luces de la sala y el cazafantasmas, que previamente se habrá escogido de entre los y las participantes, con una linterna que le habrá ofrecido el animador o animadora iluminará durante dos segundos la sala. Durante este mínimo periodo de tiempo tendrá que reconocer las personas que ha iluminado. Así hasta que reconozca a todos los y las participantes del juego.

Juegos para niños en Haloween

Games for children at Halloween

9.- For the little ones in the house Superanimaciones offers very interesting activities and crafts. special ones so that they can have a great time too, even if the activities are appropriate to their age:

orThe mobile of terror. This is a very easy and quick craft to do for younger boys and girls, or even older ones would like too. It consists of choosing terrifying elements such as skeletons, black cats, pumpkins, witches, mummies,... and they are cut out. Later we must tie them into threads and when we have done this step we choose a nice place to hang our terrifying mobile.

o Another of the games that we can adapt to the little ones ismagic bowling. We can pick up skittles and we can stick drawings of horror characters on them. When we have the game ready we will take a ball to throw the pins. An adaptation could be that the animator chooses a character and the boy or girl must throw only the character that has been said.

o A game that boys and girls love isghost and the wolf. The game consists of putting all the participants in a circle sitting on the floor of the room. A boy or girl pays and rolls around outside the circle touching the heads of his or her friends saying “wolf.” When the boy or girl who pays wants to, she must say the word “ghost.” It is at this moment when the participant who has touched the head must run to catch the one who has chosen him.

                 If you want to see more: clown makeup murderer



Disfraz terror Santos Inocentes

Horror makeup for Holy Innocents


Every self-respecting children's party deserves some good games to entertain children and make them laugh out loud. Here we show you a list for you to choose, organize and reinvent:

10.- Ghost, ghost, vampire: We sit all the children in a large circle. The 'keeper' or vampire walks around the circle, on the outside, gently patting his friends on the head or shoulder. With each clap he says: 'ghost, ghost, ghost...' Until he chooses someone he calls 'vampire'. That child will have to get up and run after the one who named him a vampire. If he catches him before he takes his place in the circle, he will win and will be able to sit down again. But if he doesn't get it he will become a vampire

juegos para halloween

Halloween games

11.- Look for the hat (or the spider): We cut out shapes of hats or spiders from cardboard. If you make it in different colors you can complicate the game a little. Hide them on both sides of the house and garden if you have them. The children will have to look for them everywhere and whoever has the most will win. If you put some figures of different colors you can give them scores and have them compete for prizes in different categories.

12.- Tomb chairs: The typical game of chairs can become in a typical spooky Halloween entertainment. How to do it? We take as many chairs as there are children except one participating in the game and we put them in a circle. We will turn those chairs into tombs with black and gray plastic bags or even cardboard. We will put up some epitaphs, more fun than gloomy, after all they are children! Furthermore, the music we will play cannot be anything other than from beyond the grave!

13.- Costume contest: A self-respecting children's Halloween party necessarily involves a costume contest. scary costumes The children will enjoy it a lot and will take the contest seriously. Of course, the thing is that we warn about this days before it is the day of the event.

Read more here about: Painting a Halloween face| ||284


14.- Wrap the mummy: Make groups of three or four children and give them a roll of paper per team. They will have to wrap one of the members of the group as if it were a mummy. The team that finishes first and the one that does the best will win.

15.- Lanterns: We will have to get several small glass jars, at least one per child. Also with vinyl glue, acrylic paint, candles and typical Halloween motifs such as stickers, although we can also make them ourselves with cardboard. When the children have decorated their lanterns, we will put the candle inside and light it. Of course, we have to prevent them from playing with the candles there.

16.- Scary dolls: If we recycle the egg cups and use their cardboard shapes we can create scary dolls with which the children will be entertained. All you need are those egg cups, colors and stickers. Simple but enjoyable.

17.- Tangerine baskets: It is a fun and useful craft for that night. Give each child a tangerine with the top cut off. Let them empty their insides with the help of a spoon and wash them. Afterwards, they give them to you and you make the shape of the eyes and mouth with a cutter or scissors. A rope is tied and that's it, we now have our mandarin basket. Then they can ask the neighbors for sweets or win them in the games that you propose.

18.- Chocopan cobwebs: We need breadsticks and a chocolate bar to melt . We place the breadsticks on a tray forming a star.  Then, we heat the chocolate to melt and when it is, we put it in a pastry bag. With it, we will make circles on the breadsticks, then let it cool and serve.

19.- Ghost bananas: It is the simplest thing to make and yet they surprise a lot. You just have to cut the bananas in half and add a few drops of chocolate to shape eyes and mouths.

20.- Calamandarina: As in the case of ghost bananas It is a healthy, simple and funny meal. We just have to peel the tangerines and place a piece of green celery on top.

21.- Mummy sausages: Buy sausages and puff pastry. We cut the latter into strips and wrap the sausages in it as if we were bandaging it. Beat an egg white and use a brush to apply it to the puff pastry. Then we bake it for around 10 minutes until it becomes crispy. Then we place them on a serving tray and add two drops of ketchup as if they were eyes.

22.- Cheese eyes: No, it's not a compliment. We need round cheeses, pitted black olives, red food coloring and ketchup. We draw veins on the cheeses with red coloring and put black olives cut in half in the middle, so that we can put a few drops of ketchup inside. This is how gloomy eyes will appear.

23.- Cupcakes: They are a more laborious recipe but they are worth it. To prepare it we need 22 g of butter, 200 g of flour, 200 g of sugar, 300 g of mascarpone cheese, 150 g of icing sugar, 100 ml of orange juice, ½ glass of milk, 4 eggs, yeast, orange zest and red and yellow dyes. We beat the eggs in a bowl and in others we mix the flour with the yeast. On the other hand, we beat the butter with the sugar and add the eggs and flour, as well as the orange juice and zest. We place the mixture in muffin molds halfway up and painted with oil and bake for half an hour. To prepare the topping we will beat the cheese with the sugar and add two drops of red food coloring and another two of yellow and stir it until it turns yellow. Using a pastry bag, we will make a circle on each cupcake and then place chocolate spiders. We can also draw scary faces, ghosts, spiders, etc.

24.- Sausages: To prepare them we will only need sausages, flaked almonds and fried tomato sauce. We cut the ends of each of the sausages making it irregular. We will split the ends to place the almonds as a nail and we will put a little tomato on the cut ends. Scary!

Boys and girls love to be scared and have fun. To do this you have to find a party where scares and laughter are present. Choose the children's Halloween parties from Superanimations and we guarantee you aterribly incredible day. The best entertainers and the best children's entertainers will be attentive at all times to ensure that the party is as special and themed as possible. They have already done our Halloween makeup course.Dare to spend an unforgettable afternoon with the bestchildren's Halloween games and the scariest activities you've ever seen 😉


Remember that if you want to have some spectacularHalloween games we have party animations children Madrid and that we have expanded our animations in:

Children's Animation Almeria

Children's Animation Cordoba

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