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One of the most requested within any birthday party, communions or other activities for boys and girls aregames with parachutes. This resource allows all participants to enjoy and cooperate with each other with games that will allow them to have a great time. Here we show you a wide variety ofcooperative games with parachutes which you can choose from to celebrate your perfect party, you should also know that with our basic pack of children's entertainment you can have all these games from the hand of our children's entertainers.

actividades y juegos de paracaídas con niños

Outdoor parachute games

1.- A game which boys and girls know but never get tired of playing is theshark game. We all sat in a circle and the parachute overhead as if we were covering our feet with a blanket. Next, two volunteers are chosen: the one who will play the lifeguard and the one who will play the shark. When we have our first two protagonists we will explain the rules of the game. The shark will have to “swim” inside the parachute and will grab its prey by the feet, dragging them inside. The bather who is caught has to shout out loud the word LIFEGUARD. When he hears it, he has to go rescue the boy or girl who claims him and pull him with all his strength so that the shark does not drag him to the bottom of the sea. If the lifeguard succeeds, the swimmer returns to the beach calmly. On the other hand, if the shark drags it into the sea it turns into a shark. When the game ends, how many swimmers are left and how many sharks there are in the sea are counted and the winner is proclaimed. This is a great game for any birthday entertainment 😉

2.- A very fun game that invites laughter from all the participants It's the game ofstrange faces. We all stood in front of the parachute. When the monitor gives the signal, it starts to move. At the moment the word “INSIDE” is said, we all raise the parachute and lie down on the ground with our heads inside. At this moment we form a tent like those in the circus and only our heads are visible. Then we make a funny face to make those in front of us laugh. There are variants such as making faces of animals that the monitor indicates, imitating those in front of us, a contest to make people laugh, making monstrous faces...


la actividad del paracaídas es genial para las animaciones infantiles

playing with the parachute|| |193

3.- Un very fun game is the parachute statues game. The numbers from one to four are distributed. When the monitor indicates, the parachute begins to move and a number from one to four will be shouted. These people must get under the parachute. The group that is left out must count to twenty. While they count, the people inside the parachute must form a common statue together. By the time the twenty seconds are up, the boys and girls will have formed a fun and funny statue for everyone. There are different variants, such as for example that the monitor indicates the instructions that the participants must follow to make the statues later (jungle animals, crafts, country activities...).

4.- Another very fun game with which we also use the parachute iscat and mouse. The boys and girls are placed in a circle holding the parachute. At this moment it is decided who will be the cat and who will be the mouse. In this game the mouse must go under the parachute and the cat must go over it. While the other participants wave the parachute, the cat must catch the mouse and the mouse must prevent them from catching it. It is a game that makes all participants enjoy and also take part in the game even if they are not cat or mouse. It can be repeated as many times as necessary so that everyone can be a character.

5.- For younger girls and boys you can make fun songs that setrhythms and simple movements along with the parachute. Any nice song is good to sing and move the parachute. For example: the potato circle, the patio of my house, the little car I will read... each of these songs has predetermined steps that can be combined with the waving of the parachute.

6.- The | ||206juego de los colores. This game is very special since all boys and girls can play and it can be adapted to all ages. All participants stand in a circle and choose a color of the parachute. When each of them is ready, the parachute begins to move and when the monitor deems appropriate, the parachute is raised and a color is named. The boys and girls who have that color go under the parachute and change color. Continue moving and saying the rest of the colors. When they have all been said, they can be said in twos, threes or “rainbows,” which means that everyone passes underneath. One of the variants of this game is, instead of naming the colors of the parachute, you will say characteristics of the boys or girls (blonde hair, button-down shirts, whoever is a girl...). This game is the favorite of many of our communion entertainers since the children have a blast with it.

7.- Another game that Boys or girls really like it is the one with theboat sail. This game must be played in a relatively large space. It is more fun if both older and younger children collaborate, so the result is more beautiful. We take the parachute and put it on its side like a ship's flag. Older boys and girls hold the parachute from the top and the younger ones from the bottom. We stand against the direction of the wind so that the sail is as realistic as possible and we walk faster and faster to raise the parachute.

jugar con este tipo de animaciones es maravilloso

Games with parachutes for children's animations

8. - Another game to practice balance isparachute balancers. First of all, before starting the game, we must paint a circle on the ground with chalk the same size as the parachute. The participants must go above the line marked above without leaving it when walking. We will be rolling and we will increase our speed more and more. One of the variants would be that the participants would take turns saying a movement and everyone would imitate it above the white line.

9.- Games withparachutes and balls. The use of the ball together with the parachute is a guaranteed success. If you like playing with the ball and, in addition, you enjoy playing with this fun element, keep reading because we show you very fun games:

  • First of all, to warm up and familiarize ourselves with the two objects, we will play the game of theball and the hole. We all hold the parachute in a circle and we all have to try to get the ball into the hole.
  • Another very fun game that motivates boys and girls consists of making touches with the parachute and the ball. We move the parachute upwards and when the ball goes up we score a point for the whole group.
  • Another game isfootball with the parachute. Half of the circle is from one team and half of the circle is from the other. To mark the team we have to take the ball from its corresponding side of the parachute. We have to move the parachute so that we don't get hit ourselves either. The important thing is to cooperate with our team members to score the best goal.
  • If we havetwo parachutes we can make impressive and very fun games. One of the variations would be to pass the ball from one parachute to another without it landing on the ground.

You see that there is a wide repertoire ofvery fun games with parachutes that combine the parachute with other resources. These are some examples that you can find in Superanimaciones but there are many more games and they are also very fun. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy these great activities. You should know that we carry out children's entertainment Madrid and anywhere. Gain strength and play!


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Games for 12 years old

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