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The perfect party withgames for girls from 10 years


By the time they turn 10, both girls and boys have gone to a lot of children's parties and you have to work a little harder to keep them having such a good time May you continue to be excited to celebrate your anniversary. Furthermore, it is a special date because they fall into the group of two figures. They stop being little children and move on to other activities and bigger challenges. A good idea for celebrations with 10-year-old girls are themed parties, that is, those in which the norm is to go in costumes. A Halloween party with a few witches, a meeting between heroes in which Wonder Woman is the one honored, the zoo party with a lot of lionesses and tigers eating the snack...

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It should be noted that, if your daughter has a hobby that she really likes or a passion for a specific sport, there is no need to think a lot, right? The best theme party is the one in which the guest chooses the theme.

Okay, we already have the theme, the decoration, the snack and the guests. We are left with the core of the event, that is, thegames for girls aged 10.


Games for 10 years old| ||192

La tarea que tenemos entre manos ahora es dar a conocer juegos súper divertidos para niñas y, aunque podemos picar de las actividades para otras edades, seguimos teniendo un montón de ideas que aportar.

We have rope for a while!

Tennis-Baseball: We call it tennis-baseball because it is easier for anyone around us to have tennis rackets than baseball bats. We delimit the field, which will not be very big, since they will have to run all over it, and we establish the bases at similar distances from each other. In teams, some will throw the ball so that the person with the racket can hit it with all their strength. If you miss and miss three times, you will be eliminated. If he hits it and one of the other team catches the ball before it hits the ground, he will be eliminated. If the ball runs and bounces, the one who hit it with the racket will have to run around the bases as fast as he can, before those on the opposite team pass the ball from their places to the one who threw it. You can stop running whenever you want, always from base to base, because if the ball reaches the person who threw it to you (who cannot move) without him being on a base, he will be eliminated. The team's players will pass and points will be scored based on how many bases have been covered and how many have covered all the bases.

Then the tables will be turned and the pitcher's team will become the hitter. As you can see, the rules are very similar to those of baseball.

The handkerchief: The participants are divided into two teams and each of them is given a number. In each team there will be a number 1, a number 2, a 3, etc.  In the middle of two fields divided into equal parts, an adult is placed holding a garment, known interchangeably as a handkerchief. The person holding the handkerchief will say the numbers and the person on each side will run to grab the handkerchief and return to their side of the field. Once the item is taken, the opponent can catch the person who has it and the latter will lose.

Cops and crooks: It is a game in which a deck of cards is necessary. One card will be the police officer, another the crook and another the nurse (They will be chosen and shown to all the children). The rest will be citizens. All participants will sit in a circle, so that everyone is looking at each other's faces. The criminal will stick out his tongue very discreetly at other friends to make them accomplices or wink to kill them. Those who have been winked will say out loud 'Dead'. Accomplices cannot make more accomplices, only kill. The policeman will have to catch the crook and his accomplice and will have X chances of getting it right, which will depend on how many people are playing. The nurse's mission is to blow kisses to the dead to revive them. She will also have to be careful so that the case doesn't kill her. The criminal wins if he kills all the participants or makes them accomplices without the police catching him

Pencil Stop: Pencil Stop, Scattergories or Stop are not among the games for 10 years old, but everyone, almost any age, will enjoy playing this.  You start by making a list of categories on a sheet of paper. You can find one online or create one yourself. For example: Animals, desserts, girl's names, professions, school subjects. In a time that will be agreed upon in advance, the given categories will have to be filled in with a chosen letter.  We can measure both the time and the random letter and get it from our mobile phone by setting the timer and searching the Internet for a letter dice.

Now you knowhow to organize a 10th birthday years with the best and most fun children's games. Do you want to read more? 


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