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Celebrate a communion | ||166es un asunto que suele traer de cabeza a los padres. Ya no sólo por la cuestión económica o dónde organizar la fiesta, sino más bien en lo que se refiere a children's entertainment.How can we make sure everyone present enjoys the day? Depending on the budget and the place where we are going to go, we can choose a lot of things. If you live in Valencia or the surrounding area, we suggest that you count onSuper Animations with the bestanimation for communions.|| |174


comuniones originales en valencia

Quality face paint for communions

Although we are also present withcommunions in Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Murcia, Córdoba... We have everything a child can dream of on this special day, pirates, magicians, theme parties and much, much more.

In addition, we have the ability to adapt to different ages and you can combine everything to your liking, such as the activities and their duration, we are one of thechildren's entertainment companies|| |185 más versátiles y profesionales del mercado y te lo vamos a demostrar 😉

There are still a few months until the communion season but it is not early to start thinking aboutideas originals for your son's communion. The most important thing is that he or she enjoys it to the fullest, and that necessarily involves surprising him or her. Here we present some ideas.

Pirate party: At Super Animaciones we organize an absolute party with themed costumes, ourpirate party. Se transforma todo el ambiente y se decora como si de una película se tratara. A los pequeños grumetes les encantará ponerse garfios, sombreros y parches al grito de: ‘Barco pirata a la vista’. Sin duda alguna son esenciales los animadores ya que tienen la habilidad de divertir a los niños sin parar y organizar juegos muy entretenidos. ¡Pero no todo en la fiesta tiene que ser disfraces y risas! Un Candy bar no puede faltar en una comunión, ¿a que no? Y más aún si está decorado al más puro estilo pirata. Entre las actividades no puede faltar, aparte de los animadores disfrazados y los juegos, una búsqueda del tesoro. Una auténtica gincana donde la emoción será casi palpable.

Princess and Fairy Party: You usually like this one betteroriginal idea to the girls and since she is wearing the dress from theprincess party, why not be in a palace? Setting the scene for the party is essential and for this a lot of columns of balloons, garlands and more are used to make the room look like a castle. What is most popular in this style of celebration is the beauty and spa session, where the girls dress up as princesses and perform a parade and dance. Of course, the result is a resounding success.


spa para comuniones en valencia y castellon

Spa workshop for communions


Details to give as a gift: As we well know, it is tradition to give guests a small souvenir of the celebration. What we have to think about when we are going to choose that gift is what we don't like to be given to us and what we would like. It's much easier that way! If you bet onoriginal ideas and practices you will be completely right. In case it inspires you, here we have a few:

Mugs with message: You can put the name of your son or daughter, the date of their First Communion and a nice thank you for attending. It is a useful gift that you know will not go to the trash.

Chocolate flowers: These are flowers, only in appearance, that when you remove the paper from their petals Delicious pieces of chocolate and bonbons appear. Although they are so pretty that it is a bit sad to eat them.

Pen drives: Once again they are useful gifts that you can also mark with the date of the event and your child's name.

Pendants and bracelets: They can be very cheap if you make them yourself. You just have to buy the material you think is appropriate and start designing. It is an original idea, but it will also allow you to spend more time with your child if you ask him to lend you a hand.

Photocall: It is becoming more and more fashionable and it is really fun. Place a poster, photos or whatever you like on a wall and smile. What also makes more people sign up is the possibility of dressing up to take a photo. All you have to do is put on some wigs, giant glasses, hats, giant and colorful ties, tutus... in short, everything you can think of. You will see what a wonderful time! And the best thing is that it will be remembered through a good number of photographs.

Videos of the guests: Sometimes not all the guests are very talkative in front of the camera , but it's worth trying. Go around with the camera and ask questions, if it is the protagonist who asks them as an interviewer, much better. Then you take all the videos and put them together.

Bouncy castle: They really are not as expensive as we all thought. We can rent or buy them, although generally renting is what is most requested. Without a doubt, the bouncy castle is always a plus point and a triumph. It is advisable that the one you rent is rather large, because the adults always end up getting inside and jumping like crazy.

Clown: A professional in children's entertainment is the most It is needed in a communion and it is avery original idea.The little ones will have a great time and even the parents will be absorbed.

Magicians: Who doesn't like magic tricks? The children's surprised faces are the funniest thing one can see, their 'how do you do it?' is laugh-out-loud.


How to organize a communion|| |247


The sooner we start, the better everything will turn out. The first thing we have to do is talk to our son and ask him what he expects from that day. There will be many requests that we will not be able to fulfill, but many others will. Furthermore, if we prepare well from the beginning we will surely achieve much more than we ourselves expected.  Let's go step by step, shall we begin?


juegos y animación en comuniones

games in communions


 Guest list: It is essential to have a list of those invited to our child's communion. Who will go only to Church, who only to food, how many to both. Everything detailed for what could happen. It will be easier to plan then.

Deciding where to do it: This is the most nerve-wracking part for all parents. Lately it has become very fashionable to do it at home or somewhere. It is usually more intimate and is what families are ultimately looking for. Not to mention that, after all, it is a child's party, so other children will come, and what do they want? Play. Give them space and if you are looking for a restaurant, pay attention to whether it has an area where children can play.

Choose menu: The most appropriate thing for those dates is to start with a refreshing first course, like a gazpacho. And then choose between meat or fish.

Design invitations: We can always go the traditional route, order the invitations in a store and let our child sign them... or enter the 21st century and do so with new technologies. Any option will be perfect. If you choose to do something original you can make a video inviting people and send it to them by email. Another possibility is that you buy an invitation online or design it yourself. Remember that it must include where the ceremony will be held and at what time and where you will eat and celebrate.

Buy reminders: A classic of communions are reminders. The children distribute them among their relatives and friends and, in truth, they are excited to do so.

Choose a gift: As we have mentioned before, at the end of the communion the guests leave to their house with a gift that reminds them of the child's First Communion (apparently reminders are not enough). Remember thatoriginal ideas and practices always win.

Communion dress: Girls usually give greater importance to the outfit they are going to wear that day. They feel like princesses and want to stand out that day with their outfit. For that reason alone, choosing children's clothing is usually easier. The best thing we can do is ask our child first what he or she would like to wear and go with him or her to see different models.  For girls the variety is very wide, so if it is a girl who is going to make communion you will have to take many walks. On the other hand, if it's a boy you're in luck because the style doesn't change much either. Either a suit with a tie, or the typical sailor suit. We recommend that you visit different stores so that you can get a good idea of ​​the quality of the clothes and make price comparisons.

Outfit for the rest of the family: Here The topic can go more calmly. But don't delay too long because then the day approaches and no one has anything to wear or can find anything. According to protocol, women must wear cocktail dresses, including the protagonist's mother. For men, a suit or jacket with a shirt and tie is enough. With these premises it is impossible to fail.

Hairdresser: If you have a trustworthy one that you usually go to, there will be no problem, they will probably have no problem doing mother and daughter's hair on the morning of communion. However, if you don't have it, you will have to go find a hairdresser who will come to your house and fix it for you. It is important that you have it more or less ready as soon as possible so that you can settle matters related to the outfits for that day.

Children's entertainment: A communion is almost like a birthday. It has to be fun. If your budget allows it, hire professionals to entertain the children and make your child's communion a wonderful day. Depending on where you are celebrating the party, you will have more or less space to carry out activities or even place a bouncy castle..

Decorations: Whether the party is at your home or at the restaurant, a minimum of decoration cannot be missing. Add balloons, garlands and other traditional elements of this party such as white doves (made of paper or cardboard, of course) or ears of oats.

Following these steps onhow to prepare a communion| ||295 no te dejarás nada en el tintero y lograrás que la fiesta de tu hijo sobrepase sus expectativas y las tuyas. Planearlo con tiempo es la clave del éxito communion parties. That, and theoriginal ideas. So now you know, let's get to work!


Remember that we have services in:

Communions Entertainment Seville

Communions Entertainment Zaragoza

Communions Entertainment Murcia

Communions Entertainment Málaga

Communions Entertainment Communions Castellón


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End of year party in schools

Makeup artists for children's parties

Cheerleaders for children's birthdays



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