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Today We have found out through social networks that on the dates of November 7 to 8 the  Fira de Almassora Empren will be held in which entrepreneurs will be the protagonists, and of course, SuperAnimaciones will be there since we are dedicated, as you already know, tochildren's animations in Almassora, and if you don't know, I invite you to browse this website so you can see what it is what we can do at your little one's birthday or communion party 😉

Now, let's get to the point...


La Feria de Almazora Emprende

Fira Almassora Empren

Programación de la Feria de Almazora Empren

Friday, November 7:

7pm Motivational Conference by Javier Hernández (journalist, writer and Paralympic athlete and trainer) 

20h Opening of the Almassora Empren fair with D. Vicente Casanova 😉

Saturday, November 8, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.:

10h– opening of doors and welcome presentation

11h- Inauguration of nutrition workshops and photocall

11:30hInstitutional visit, press conference and coffee

12:30hPresentations with cases of success (we could perfectly be here hahaha)

13hStretching workshop

16hPresentation on financing

16.30hWorkshops on public speaking, time management and occupational risks

6pmYoga and Ginkana

19h Prizes and ideas

20h Institutional Closing

After watching the program… I think the day will be quite good, especially because you never know who may come to the Almassora Empren Fair, so all you young people who have a great idea in your head, I encourage you to go around the Fair and intercept all the knowledge you can, because you will need it.

If you are an entrepreneur, from these lines I just want to give yousome advice: if you go to a Fair of this type: skip the success stories, Focus on the cases that failed before success, that is the key to not making the same mistakes. Another thing that is also very positive is seeing theexcitement andenergy power + that these types of people have. Soak up all this, it's the best you can get, and it's not small.

Okay, and now the best!! Our own Interview hahaha. I'm going to do like Sesame Street, with one hand I'm going to ask and with the other I'm going to answer, innovative, right?  hahaha:


Interview about entrepreneurship in relation to the Almazora Fair


daniela de super animaciones infantiles

Daniela from Super Animaciones


What was your initiative to start the Super ANimations project? 

I decided to create my own company when I discovered my talent forpainting children's faces on a birthday, so I got information from CECOT, at the Chamber of Commerce, IEES,… and I decided to become self-employed to carry out this activity on birthdays. By the way, from here I want to mention Manuel Robles who helped me so much in the beginnings of Feeling Castellón, (another of my projects) you can see his blog from here. If you are an entrepreneur, I recommend reading his blog

Do you remember what your first steps were to create Super Animations?

When I initially created the Pintar Caras activity, I created Pinto Tu Cara, a company that was dedicated to just that. Later, when I saw that I was providing a very good service, since everyone was delighted with what I did, I decided to expand services and create Super Animaciones, a company that you can see right now .

During this time you have had very beautiful times, but also hard ones, tell us a little 😉

The truth is that I am very happy with how Super Animaciones is working You just have to look at how we have grown on social networks, with more than 9,000 followers on Facebook and how we have grown at the work level: Spectacular. On the other hand, the hard times have come from being able to adapt to change. This project was not the only one I had, but I had to decide and bet heavily on one of them all, since when you have to dance, you have to dance, and now we dance with Super Animaciones (this has been a little cheesy, but I like it 😉 ) Simply say that the hard moments have come when it was time to say goodbye to viable projects with a lot of energy behind them, but there is only one life and I preferred to dedicate myself body and soul to this project to focus all my work here.|| |269

Que consejo darías a los jóvenes emprendedores para poder hacer un proyecto rentable 

I have always heard very good business ideas, but ideas are just that, ideas. The reality is that you have to materialize them and the reality that no one likes is that before you succeed you have to hit it a few times. I always think of a phrase that marked me:Get ruined soon, get ruined quickly and above all get ruined cheap, it's the quickest way to achieve success. It's good, right? 😉

Well, I hope you liked today's post and I hope you are at theFira de Almassora Empren, will we see you there?| ||279

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