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If you have If you've gotten this far, you're thinking about organizingchildren's birthday parties at home.I just want to tell you that if so you have come to the right place! We haveentertainers for children's birthdays throughout Spain, so if you want your party to turn out great, count on Super Animaciones and enjoy the bestjuegos para fiestas infantiles!

celebrar un cumpleaños infantil a domicilio

Children's Birthday Parties at Home

Without a doubt the most comfortable option for you is to celebratefiestas de cumpleaños infantiles en casa  because then you don't have to look for a restaurant un restaurante nor do you have to go anywhere. Sometimes, you may even reject the idea because you don't know how to handle or get all the necessary elements so that your child is proud and happy with the prepared party, thus enjoying it together with his classmates and friends.

About Uswe offer you the best solution so that thebirthday at home is the most surprising and fun thing that the most people have ever seen. small and so that parents also do not have to worry about organizing everything related to meals, activities and games on that special day for their child.

Games to do at home with children


A house party can be an absolute success if we know how to handle the situation. The key? Master the rules of various indoor games for children from 6 to 12 years old. Once we have that tied up, all it takes is a few chocolate sandwiches and that's it. Everything will turn out perfect and the guests will enjoy themselves like never before.


Magos para cumpleaños

Wizards for birthdays


Children's cantajuegos: Los cantajuegos son canciones que se relacionan con algún baile o actividad relacionado con la letra de la canción. A los niños más pequeños siempre les encanta y, además, les suponen retos divertidos para hacer en casa porque tienen que seguir la coreografía marcada por la música. Las letras que más gracia nos hacen son la de Hands and Feet Dancing,Noah's Ark and that ofEl pollo pío. The latter is especially funny and, if you don't know it, it will make children laugh a lot.

Read more: Funny Dance Songs y || |215Música para Fiestas con Niños.

Crafts: Depending on the number of children attending the party, you can consider the possibility of organize some crafts. Without a doubt, it is an ideal way to keep them entertained and have them have a great time promoting their creativity.

Read more: Crafts for Birthdays

Who am I? : It is a comfortable activity to play at home for children, it consists of putting on some cards the names of famous people that the guests can easily recognize: Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Santa Claus, etc. Each player will take a card without knowing who touched him and will stick it to his forehead with adhesive tape, without looking at what is written. Taking turns, everyone will ask something about their character. Am I a drawing? Dressed in red? Until they find the right name.

Scavenger hunt: Finding things games for children are usually a hit in any space. We can put hidden clues around the house that lead them to a huge treasure of trinkets and other goodies.


Games to Play at Home with Children

Hide and Seek: One of the best games to play at home with children inside the whole house , although it is well known that it is originally framed withingames for children on the street.  If the house is big they will have a very, very good time. Being small, they can even be hidden behind a chair and make it difficult to find them. Who hasn't spent hours running through the hallways so that their brother or friend wouldn't see them?

Costume contest: These games to play at home for children are very funny and without a doubt one of thefun challenges to do at home. You can have the little ones come in disguise from their homes or bring out the heavy artillery, that is, take out all the scarves, masks, dresses, wigs and other belongings that are around your house and those of your loved ones. Let them themselves choose what to use to give life to their character. Then the best are chosen and rewarded for their ingenuity.

The question: This game is one of the original birthday games|| |249 más chulo, así que es perfecto para cuando llevan mucho rato corriendo y empiezan a estar cansados. O incluso para cuando están comiendo o merendando y queremos tenerlos más o menos quietos. El juego consiste en que alguien hará una pregunta acerca de qué cosas se encuentran o hay en un lugar determinado. Los demás tendrán que ir dando respuesta sin repetirse y sin pararse demasiado. Aquel que repita lo que ya se ha dicho o no se le ocurra una respuesta perderá un punto. El que se quede sin puntos estará fuera de la competición. Podemos otorgarles tantos puntos como rato queramos que estén sentados o quietos. Al ganador siempre está bien premiarle con algún detallito. ¿Y qué preguntas podemos hacer? Por ejemplo: ¿Qué encontrarías en una playa? Olas, gaviotas, sombrillas, toallas, peces, bañadores, arena, agua… O ¿Qué encontramos en el aula? Una pizarra, tizas, mesas, sillas, niños, profesores, mochilas… Con todo esto ya sabrás what to do at a birthday party.

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Superanimaciones can transform your hopes into smiles, just like our children's entertainers throughout Spain transform simple balloons into fun | ||260figuras con globos. It is also possible for us, thanks to work and effort, to give life to the dolls thanks to the puppeteers we have.


Animadores infantiles a domicilio

Children's entertainers at home


We also have the best resources suitable for the queens of the house. Your daughter may not want a conventional party where there is only music, balloons orcandy cakes. No problem! We also have the best animations for those celebrations where all the guests are girls. In these cases they will also be able to enjoy aSPA workshop, where they can paint their nails, have a refreshing smoothie...


Do you have a very young child and you don't know how to get his children's birthday right? Is this the first party she has celebrated in the company of her friends? When they are very young they get bored or tired easily with toys and material gifts. Instead, they become passionate when they receive a surprise that they could only imagine in their dreams. For example, one of these could be obtained if some of yourfavorite cartoon characters appear in your living room or bedroom, since you will be able to see them not only through the television screen, being able to hug them and talk to them in person.  The latter is something we also offer to the many parents who have questions abouthow to prepare a great birthday party.


También hay otras opciones, ya que contamos con los mejores maquilladores y productos cosméticos para así tener por ejemplo painted Halloween faces. This animation could be done at home without any problem. Thus, we commit to making up each face in about five minutes, giving multiple options for the child to choose what they want us to draw: animals, figures, landscapes... It is also possible to transform this activity and make it more dynamic for the children through games. in which your participation is essential.


dos payasos con sonrisas


As you have seen, there are many options that we provide you when it comes to celebrating a fantastic birthday party without leaving home, and you can even order a || |297payasos para fiestas infantiles,  wizards for children's birthdays or puppets and marionettes go directlyto your home. We are convinced that you will not regret celebrating that special day in the birthday child's home, since with theactivities and entertainment that we offer you will forget about the problems and nerves that causes the preparation of the birthday, as well as its development and final result.


Do you dare to celebrate thechildren's birthday party in home? Count on us to advise you and you will find the best children's entertainmentat home that you can imagine. Contact us here😉




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