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The Catalog of the Diputació de Castelló was born in 2013 to offer the Town Councils of the province of Castellón a quality cultural and leisure offer. . With all of this, the aim is to create an integrating network of services and contracting of shows in the province of Castellón and to have a single brand in which all Castellón animation companies appear under the same umbrella: the Cataleg. Thanks to this great initiative, thehiring of children's entertainment companies, shows and artists is facilitated.


Logo creado por la Diputación de Castellón

Logo El Catàleg


Why a definitive guide to hiring on this web platform? We know it is difficult. The Provincial Council offers you a subsidy that you have to spend and you must make all the town residents happy. We want to make a guide to give you solutions and make everything easier. Within the Cataleg there are more than 700 companies and choosing is complicated when you don't know them. Stay with us and make the neighbors of your town enjoy withthe best services of El Catáleg 😉


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How should grant money be diversified?Obviously, this will depend on the budget allocated for the Festival and the activities that you want to carry out. We have to think about the young, the elderly and the children. From here we just want to make a consideration: «children cannot enjoy an orchestra, going out at night or many things that we can do; thinking about them is thinking about the future, so at least we should invest 15-20% of the total budget in children's entertainment so that they can truly enjoy exclusive activities for them, with this we all win«.



How the El Cataleg platform works



Plataforma cultural de El Catàleg


The Cataleg platformis a database launched by theCulture Area of ​​the Castellón Provincial Council donde las diferentes empresas de animación y agentes culturales pueden darse de alta y gestionar sus propias propuestas. De esta manera los gestores de los municipios tan sólo tienen que entrar en esta plataforma y buscar las opciones que más les satisfagan.

To enter, you must enter Google in the internet search engine:, The platform automatically appears. Once you enter, you must click on the part marked in red where it says «CATÀLEG«:

paso 1 para entrar en el Cataleg

Step 1. The Catàleg

Una vez hecho esto, verás dos botones, ESPECTÁCULOS y ARTISTAS. Debes apretar el botón «shows" button and a drop-down menu automatically appears with: dance, music, theater, traditions, circus, magic and others| ||226. Aquí puedes elegir el espectáculo que prefieras para tu pueblo. Los hay muy buenos, pero nosotros te aconsejamos que elijas el de otros porque aquí es donde está la gran variedad de buenos espectáculos.

As you will see in the two boxes below you can enter a price range, but you will not be It will be necessary because when you click on "others" next to each show, the price and cache of each performance will appear.


paso 2 de El folleto cultural

Step 2. The Catàleg


Below are a wide variety of shows and performances. We can only comment on the shows ofSuper Animaciones, since they have extensive experience carrying out village activities, such as in Almassora| ||241,  o Atzeneta. Therecommended shows for a large municipality LARGER than 3,000 inhabitants are thiss:


contratacion espectaculos municipios grandes

Step 3. Children's Pack municipalities > 3,000 inhabitants


As you see, these children's activities offered are designed to fill the entire town square with activities, such asballooning, children's mobile disco, bouncy castles,professional face painting workshop, and other possibilities such as a Master Class of Children's Zumba, balloon decoration of rooms and gardens for party presentations, etc. Without a doubt, a great choice to put together aquality party program with children's activities, since these are usually the most forgotten ones at parties. Children want to have fun and parents will be delighted.Trust Super Animations,Shall we talk? 😉


Por otra parte, entendemos que si eres gestor de un pueblo pequeño y quieres diversificar más la subvención ofrecida, quizá el pack anterior no te satisfaga. Para estos casos, de municipalities LESS than 3,000 inhabitants, Super Animaciones hasthis special pack:


parque infantil municipios pequeños para fiestas patronales

Step 4. Children's pack for municipalities < 3,000 inhabitants


Without a doubt this will be a GREAT CHOICE that will make the little ones excited and enjoy of the town. Discover us hereand see everything we can offer you 😉

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animaciones infantiles


How subsidies are distributed for the municipalities in El Catàleg


All the towns in the province of Castelló have already benefited of the Castellón artists and companies that are attached toEl Cataleg de la Dipu.The Castellón Provincial Council has allocated some 558,000 euros to provide subsidies to the Town Councils so that they can cope and offer cultural activities for their neighbors.

The aforementioned budget item has been increased by one 10% compared to the previous year, so the 126 municipalities of the province have more possibilities when it comes to hiring one of these services for the patron saint festivities. It should be noted that in the vast majority of the City Councils the Castellón Provincial Council assumes almost the entire cost.

The procedure is as follows: the Castellón Provincial Council allocates a total of approximately 558,000 euros to collaborate with the municipalities provincial in the hiring of artists and children's entertainment from thecatalogue,investing a percentage inversely proportional to the size of the municipality in terms of population, in this way the hiring of shows and local activities:


Towns with 1 to 3,000 inhabitants

These municipalities receive a subsidy of 2,500 euros, without the City Council having to contribute anything. 


Towns with 3,000 to 10,000 inhabitants

In these municipalities the subsidy is 3,000 euros, although the City Council must also contribute 1,500 euros


Towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants

These municipalities will have a subsidy of 5,000 euros, with another 5,000 having to be contributed.

Through the web portal the Cultural and entertainment programmers will now be able to consult the shows available in the province. In addition to knowing the subsidy that corresponds to them based on the number of inhabitants of the municipality, the technical characteristics and needs for their hiring.

This cultural platform includes a guide toauxiliary companies of the show, where production, sound and lighting companies are exhibited.


Rules and Requirements to be able to register the company in El Catàleg


The company that wants to be included in this directory of cultural activities must be established as a S.L. company, self-employed, S.A., C.B. or cultural association, in addition to being up to date with the payment of IAE in Castellón.

In addition, said company must be dedicated to these purposes:

  • Dance: Traditional dance, world dances, contemporary dance, street dance, etc.
  • Music: choral, jazz/blues, classical music, folk, flamenco, world music, new trends, opera, percussion, music bands, singer-songwriters
  • Theater| ||351: Café teatro, cuenta cuentos, teatro de calle, teatro para adultos, sainete valenciano, teatro infantil o títeres
  • Traditions:  Children's entertainment, typical games, drum and dulzaina
  • Circus:Children's entertainment, circus activities
  • Magic:autonomous magicians, magic shows


How to enter the data within this cultural platform if I am a company


To complete the guide, an artist registration guide could not be missing, So if you are an artist in the entertainment niche and you are not yet in the catalog, we recommend that you sign up. Registration is not automatic, but must pass a filter or review so that all your data is consistent and the Provincial Council verifies that the company meets the minimum requirements to be able to be on the platform.

Para To start, we just have to click on the red circle, where it says «SIGN UP«.


paso para dar de alta a una empresa de animación



Next, you must press the button markedred where it says «REGISTRATION«, fill in all the data and click save. Later you can access the button ingreen where it specifies «ENTER«:


dar los datos a la plataforma



More information to read about the Cataleg

Almost 700 companies, including companies, music soloists, plays , artists and children's entertainment companies are at the disposal of the City Councils of the province of Castellón.

This project has been the continuation of others already carried out in Barcelona with the «Banc de dades de la Oficina de Difusió Artistic of the Provincial Council of Barcelona and Aragón with the Circuit of Performing, Musical and Plastic Arts of Aragón, to encourage the hiring of local and provincial artists. Thanks to the great audacity of Dipu's technicians and politicians, successful projects have been observed in our surroundings and carried out here knowing that they are a success before starting.


Diputacion de castellon dipcas area de cultura

Presentation of the Cataleg


The artists are the ones who register in the inventory and here they select their category so that the City Council that requires it can find them more easily. This way, they can also put a price on the show including their cache. Within the cultural platform, music of many styles and many high-quality theater groups such as Xarxa Teatre predominate.

The platform has a list ofmusical groups andstage performances: 254 musical groups and singer-songwriters, 225 animation companies and actors, 50 dance companies, 36 traditional activities, 21 magic companies and 19 circuses . Without a doubt, a very broad offer for our province.

The Cataleg began rolling in 2013 in the Plaza de las Aulas with a show byXarxa Teatre, with fire, tabals and dolçaina. From that moment on, the Dipcas platform has become the comprehensive and definitive guide to services and hiring of artistic and children's shows in the province of Castellón.

In addition to having all the information on the website by Dipcas, the Catalog is available in 600-page book format paper in which you can consult the shows by categories, disciplines and prices.

The Catalog has been published in Valencian in book format and is written in Valencian and Spanish on the web. The book has been designed by the Vila-Real photographer Paqual Arnal at the Arco fair in Madrid.

The Cataleg has been the main commitment of the legislature at a cultural and leisure level. In 2013, no more and no less than 130 City Councils contracted 500 shows within the platform created by Dipcas.

This successful initiative has meant that by 2014, the Provincial Council will increase its contribution to subsidies by 10% destined for the hiring of shows, reaching an investment of 558,500 euros.

I hope you likedthis Definitive Guide, if you have a website and want to share this information, you just have to copy and paste this link /el-cataleg

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