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Characterization Course


Here in Superanimaciones you will find theBest Professional Characterization Course,from the hand of a expert like herselfDaniela Ropotan of Superanimaciones 😉



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What is the duration of this characterization course?


Thecourse is totally practical| ||216 y tiene una duration of 24 face-to-face hours, spread over three 8-hour days. At the end of the course, the student will receive a diploma of completion signed by Daniela Ropotan.


What will I learn in the characterizations course?


In this professional characterization course you will learn how to create the best special effects in a practical way with Daniela. Thework system is for pairs, who do each other's makeup with the example previously made by Daniela. In this way, Daniela reviews, step by step, all the student's achievements and can specify where to improve so that the result is Excellent.


In this course we will teach:| ||235

  • Caracterización de Zombie nivel Básico 
  • Advanced level Zombie characterization (prosthesis)
  • Basic level wounds (artificial flesh)
  • Medium level wounds (latex)
  • Advanced level wounds (silicone)
  • Witch characterization


In addition to all this, Daniela will teach you || |251trucos de caracterizaciones, use of artificial flesh and blood, latex and silicone so that the finish of your work is really good.




Should I bring any type of material to take this course?


No, nosotros te ponemos todo el material a disposición para que puedas disfrutar con un aprendizaje avanzado y profesional.


maquillaje para halloween


On what dates and places? Are you going to teach the course?


To teach the course we must have a minimum number of students, so if you are interested, contact us and we will put you on the list. We will start the course when we have the minimum space filled and we will inform you of everything 😉

The course will have limited places with a maximum of 16 students, so registrations will be accepted in strict order of arrival.


Go ahead and reserve your place in the characterization coursesbefore they run out!

*If you take ourcharacterization course characterization and you show us your commitment and worth, we will count on you to make our children's party animations! 😉

Contact usdesde aquí if you have any questions and ask us about the discounts for doing more than one course 😉

You can see more of our makeup from here: || |458maquillaje de caracterización😉

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