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Antes que nada debes saber que Superanimaciones is aAgency that is dedicated to children's entertainment and the organization of communions por toda España. Podemos organizarte cualquier aspecto de la propia comunión, tanto si la organizas en el campo, como en casa como en cualquier hotel o restaurante. Te ofrecemos decoración, magician for communions, shows,animation for communions We are We are also proud to tell you that we have the best animation pack in all of Spain. You can see itby clicking Here.



Are your children about to do the communion? Don't know how to organize it? We will teach youhow to organize an original communion  that will be remembered for a long time. No matter which restaurant you go to, always keep in mind the possibility of hiring the service of Superanimations so that you can enjoy that big day, since it is a once-in-a-lifetime celebration of a child 😉

Organizing a communion is not a simple task, much less for everything to go as we have planned over several weeks of work and dedication. We have a lot to tell about this, so that we answer the big question ofhow to prepare an unforgettable communion.


organizar una comunion es mejor con super animaciones infantiles

How to Organize a Communion


How to Organize an Original Communion


Here we list the most important sections that you should take into account whenprepare an original and unforgettable communion.You must take into account all these aspects at the management and economic level so that nothing is missed. The ideal is that you know exactly what you want and how much money you have. You write all this down on a sheet and make sums with the expected spending money and the actual money in order to see the positive or negative deviations in each parameter. If you want to know more, go here: ideas for original communions

Number of guests for Communion


The first step before To start any organizational process toprepare a communion is to determine the number of guests. In this way we can specify with the restaurant if the number of people will be comfortable in the selected place and the budget. However, the big question is who should I invite? We usually understand that First Communion celebrations are intimate events, so there should be no more than 50 people and always close people. This is not always the case since there are large families with a lot of closeness that exceed the limit. It doesn't make much sense to invite people your child doesn't know. One of the greatideas for an unforgettable communion is to have a separate party focused exclusively on children. You can plan it on the same day of the celebration, after the treat, or another day.  Bring together your son or daughter's cousins, their friends from school, those from extracurricular activities, the neighbors... Imagine what a great party!


The venue


We usually choose a restaurant as the venue. There are some venues that specialize in this type of events and it is not a bad idea to take a look at some of them. They are generally large rooms where those attending the event are comfortable and the children have space to play. If, in addition, it has a garden where they can make a fuss or where we can add entertainment, even better.

There are those who have large gardens or spaces in their own homes, and from there comes a wide range of thousands ofideas for an unforgettable communion.How? hiring a caterer, decorating the place and having a team to liven up the party.



Choosing the Menu

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No tiene porqué ser agobiante esta elección, una fantástica opción sería escoger un menú sencillo, alejado de platos innovadores y experimentos, en el que el comensal pueda decidir si prefiere optar por un plato de carne o de pescado. Los entrantes suelen ser siempre los mismos y un acierto en cualquier caso.



Family outfits and accessories

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Para responder a how to organize a communion we cannot ignore the clothing and accessories of all family members. Anticipation is the key for everything to go well and be under control at the moment. Obviously, the main concentration will be on the protagonist of the event, with whom we will have to meditate on the decisions that are made throughout the organization. We must think that it is an ideal way to get even closer to our little one and to give them the creative and decisive space to be able to give their opinion about a party that, after all, is for them.



Decoration for an Original Communion


At Superanimaciones we are specialists decoration with balloons for communion,so if you are interested in something very special, do not hesitate to contact us.



The details for the guests


A classic of this type of celebrations are the details and gifts for the guests. If the development ofhow to organize a communion can cause real headaches, the choice of those present can result in chaos. We can start by looking online to look for good, beautiful and cheap ideas with which to entertain our guests. If you wantread more go to:Crafts for Communion



El fotógrafo


Finding the photographer should not be very complicated. It will be enough to ask some friends who have already gone through the experience, consult some professionals and calculate the budget we want and/or can spend. Remember that 'My wife's cousin will take the photos' or 'A friend is going to take care of the videos' usually ends in tragedy. A wonderful option so that no one is left without being in the photo is for you to meet before the ceremony and take a lot of photos with the person being honored.



Cakes and desserts


Desserts are often provided by restaurants or catering companies. However, if we want something special we can also count on the services of pastry shops. If, in addition, we place sweets, lollipops, lollipops and other delicacies of the same type on a separate table, we will succeed; not only among the invited children but also among the adults. Who can resist a few jelly beans? Read more inpersonalized candy cakes


Children's entertainment for Original Communions


As we said Before, we can plan the children's entertainment depending on how we organize the party. After eating, in the same space where the treat takes place; in a party that we organize in another space on the same day or in a more specific party that we have with all of our son or daughter's friends.

Inhow to organize a communion|| |331 no se puede dejar para el último momento la disposición de la animación infantil. Tenemos que pensar que la fiesta se lleva a cabo realmente para nuestro hijo o hija, por lo que las sorpresas y las diversiones tendrán que estar adecuadas a su edad. En Super AnimationsThere are all kinds of possibilities to make animation such a success that it makes both children and adults happy. Wizards,clowns,children's pirate parties,children's party games,face painting, dances,gymkanas, decoration and even bouncy castles andfiestas temáticas.

The choice of entertainment and its details will depend on the children who are going to attend the celebration, as well as the space available. The ideal? Count on Super Animations from the beginning of this adventure that involves organizing a First Communion. This way we can set a budget and talk to real professionals who will help us design everything.

Of course, managing party entertainment successfully is a process that requires time. For this reason, it is recommended that the hiring of entertainment be detailed in advance, especially if it is about events specific to very specific dates such as communions. This being the case, clients will be sure that at the party they will be able to count on all the entertainment details they are thinking about.

And, Súper Animaciones guarantees that the service provided at the celebration will be fun, special, reliable and with the highest quality.Preparing a communion so amazing has never been so simple.


The Best Original Communions with Super Animations


Our entertainers forcommunion parties travel to the restaurant itself or even to the home of the child who is making communion in order to encourage the children's guests, ensuring that after the ceremony they are willing to dance and sing among many other activities that we propose. We knowhow to surprise a girl at her communion.

We can even participate in the communion menu, since we can prepare atarta de chuches personalizada for the boy or girl in question, being able to form with candy some characteristic feature of thefirst communion, also including some figure that represents the protagonist of the same. Surely this detail will make them very excited, since the dessert thus becomes another communion gift, where they see themselves reflected on the top of that cake that is also full of sweets.

¿Y qué sería de una comunión sin música? Nosotros también nos encargamos de poner esa nota de felicidad en las comuniones para que niños bailen e interactúen. Os podremos acompañar en todas y en cada una de las canciones, participando e incluso enseñándoos también algunos pasos con los que formar bonitas coreografías.



In the Parties, such as communions, also usually have karaoke, an aspect that we can also bring to the place where you wantcelebrate original communion in question. What better way to express feelings ofjoy,friendship orlove|| |391 que cantando en compañía de los seres queridos? Así, lograremos formar un ambiente muy especial, en donde todos podrán elegir qué canción quieren cantar al resto de invitados de entre la gran variedad de estilos musicales que ofrecemos.

You have already seen how to celebrate an original communion. We also offer you children's entertainment with which to end this type of celebration in the best possible way.A themed party with Fantasy makeup! After eating, listen to ourfun songs to dance to and watch thepuppet show and dance all the guests will be called to participate in this refreshing and original activity. What if the weather is bad? There is no problem, since we also have many other activities with which communion can also be concluded in a satisfactory way, for example through inflatables where children will jump, play, run... All of this can be used to know:

1.- How to prepare a communion at home

2.- How to organize a communion in the countryside

Therefore, you don't need to worry If your son or daughter's communion day is close,Super animations is committed to making this celebration an unforgettable day, full of music, fun, joy and, above all, high-quality activities, both for children and the elderly, since It is a party in which everyone should have a great time.

Don't forget, we want to turn that party into a very original event and helporganize the communion with our children's entertainers for all ages! Contact us now and we will provide you with a personalized quote for your communion 😉



Do you want to Seeimages de nuestras Original Communions?

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