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Superanimations has the bestentertainers for communions you can imagine. Science covers so much knowledge about so many disciplines that it is impossible for us to like any of them or generate even a little bit of motivation. Even more so in children, who hallucinate when they see a volcano erupting on the living room table, sound waves dancing to the sound of music, star maps... Well, let's imagine, for a moment, that you have toorganize communion, and you want to be able to make the best communion by using fun science.

Parties are over always. We will do something different, interesting, where the laughter is as immense as the surprises. No one will forget this communion. 


Fun science

Where do we start?

Ascientific communion tiene que pasar, necesariamente, por la realización por parte del homenajeado y sus amigos, de diversos experimentos. Ya sea en el salón de fiestas o en la casa después del convite. No hace falta que seamos un communion magician, we can also resort to children's games and entertainers, which leads us to point out that we can find entertainers who develop thoseexperimentos, juegos y actividades with the children.

Decoration with balloons for communion scientific

It is possible that, within of science, our son has a preference for something in particular, perhaps he is passionate about the universe? Or could he love nature and its creatures above all else? If this were the case, we could take advantage of those tastes to decorate space with stars, astronauts, galaxies, etc. Or animals everywhere, cakes with the figure of a cat, tablecloths with jungle creatures...

Other ideas are to place blackboards with chemical formulas, napkins from the periodic table, use test tubes or test tubes as drink containers and even place a microscope with several slides with different substances so that everyone can pass by and take a look at them through the lens. 

Candy bars have stopped being a fashion and have become a tradition of every self-respecting communion. They can be the reflection of a good thematic communion that shows thatscience is fun.We could make a DNA chain with clouds and licorice, write chocolate equations on cookies, put sweet charcoal and write that they are meteorites, fill a jar with candy worms, etc.

Y para el photocall no pueden faltar pequeñas pizarras, gafas protectoras, guantes, batas blancas, acreditaciones, pelucas…



Science is fun|| |208

Cómo Hacer slime

This is one of the bestcrafts for communion. Theslime is that elastic mass that is now all the rage on the networks but that, a few years ago, we called it flubber. Although it never had the life of that endearing sticky mucus that drove the crazy professor crazy, it gave us hours of fun and stains on the walls of our house when we smashed it against them.


  • Cola blanca
  • 150 ml. of water
  • Food coloring or paint
  • Mixing bowls
  • A spoon
  • Liquid detergent

Mix the white glue and a few drops of food coloring in a bowl. We will add more or less depending on the tone we want, stronger or softer. In another we will mix the water and the detergent until the compound is homogeneous. Next, we combine both mixtures and stir it well with the spoon, and then continue kneading, but with our hands. At first it will be sticky, but the more we knead, the less viscous it will be. If the slime is too liquid we should add white glue, if it is the other way around, that is, it is too dry, we will add water.

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Crear una nube

How will the rest of the guests feel when they see that the little ones are able to make clouds?


  • A bottle of plastic
  • A large plastic cap
  • Alcohol
  • Inflator


A hole is made in the cap , crossing it from side to side. We place the inflator pump in said hole and the pump to the inflator. In the plastic bottle we pour a little alcohol, just half a finger. We shake the bottle to promote evaporation. We place the cap on the bottle and fill it with air with the inflator. We remove the plug and there will be our cloud. Another very good option is to click here and discover how to make apuppet theater.


Make a homemade kaleidoscope|| |263

Muchos adultos recordarán con cariño aquellas primeras impresiones cuando miraban a través de un caleidoscopio. ¿Por qué no enseñar a los niños a hacer el suyo propio y que entiendan cómo funciona?


  • 20 cm x 5 cm cardboard tube
  • Tres espejos rectagulares de unos 18 cm x 3 cm. Podemos obtenerlos de viejos CD que haya por casa.
  • Colored plastic bead
  • Colored paper
  • Adhesive tape
  • Glue| ||280
  • Dos círculos de acetato del mismo diámetro que el tubo.
  • A cardboard circle of the same diameter as the tube, with a perforation in the center and approximately 1 cm.

The three mirrors are joined with adhesive tape, creating a triangular prism. We introduce that same prism into the tube and wrap it with a thin paper. Next, we placed one of the acetate circles on the base, the opposite side from where the prism was inserted, and glued it. On top of this acetate lid we put the colored beads until everything is covered and with the other lid we close the hole so that they can come out. We return to the other side of the tube, where we glue the perforated cardboard with the 1 cm hole. We also drill another of the acetate circles and put it inside the tube. And that's it. The rest is to decorate, to the consumer's taste, the exterior. And be amazed by the colorful shapes.

If you wantread more click here: Ideas for original communions|| |293


Communion Animation Madrid

Communion Animation Valencia

Communion Animation Castellon

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