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When we want to celebrate a birthday or communion party withentertainers for communions we must take into account all possible details so that everything is perfect and be the funniest of all. One of the things that we must not forget when planning a party is music. As we already know, music is a fundamental element in all parties and which we cannot do without.


Las canciones más divertidas para bailar

The funniest songs to dance to

Superanimations| ||179 te ofrece, no solo dinamizar la fiesta con música moderna, actual y variada, sino crear un apartado a propósito en la misma fiesta donde los participantes puedan mostrar sus dotes artísticos reveladores con songs very fun to dance. During this moment, all kinds of dances and choreographies will be performed, in addition to musical games. For this reason, we will be in charge of making a careful selection of the best songs that you can dance to, whether in achildren's entertainment Madrid, or any place, we also love to take into account your personal opinion to liven up the party according to your needs 🙂

1.- First of all,modern dances with songs that are up to date will be performed . Superanimaciones always focuses on the tastes or preferences of our protagonist, so being a boy or girl, the songs they prefer and that are danceable will be chosen to have a great time. The entertainer will be in charge of preparing dances so that everyone gets excited and has a lot of fun.


divertidas canciones infantiles para bailar

Funny dance songs

One of the variants One of the choreographies that we have mentioned above is to grant the participants ordered dance steps. They must include these steps in a random song where they will have little time to rehearse. Imagination and coordination as well as group work are essential to carry out the game.

Another variant ofchoreography and fun songs would be the game of your face sounds familiar to me. Instead of doing a personalized choreography, the group or person (depending on how the participants choose it) is given a song that they will have to imitate just as the artist who performs it does. The songs, of course, will have been chosen previously so they can perform their favorite artists and feel like they are famous artists, although a raffle will be held to see which song each of them gets. This game allows the boys and girls to have a great time and also lose their embarrassment with the group.

2.- On the other hand, for the youngest boys and girls in the house, there will be a listing withage-adapted songs of these. The most danceable and fun singing games will belong to our music list, in addition to adapting these melodies to very fun games where boys and girls will enjoy the party. Secondly, songs like those of the clowns on TV will be chosen since, in addition to representing a time for many parents, children of today also like them because they are very educational and fun to sing and dance. Songs will also be chosen such as the square dance, the puchino pio, the gummy bear and others that invite boys and girls to play and cheer up.

Superanimaciones offers you the possibility of creating a space where participants can enjoy hours of fun and music. The children's entertainers will prepare a series ofdances that the boys and girlswill be able to follow in addition to proposing new steps to create a choreography between everyone. Then, there will be a show so that all the parents can enjoy the creations of their sons and daughters.


niñas bailando canciones infatiles

Girls dancing to fun songs


Another important aspect in addition to themodern and children's songs and dances are the musical games. Superanimaciones offers you a series of games in which music and the desire to have a great time will be present all the time. Some of the games are the following:

3.-The musical statues. This game consists of, while the music is playing, all the participants must dance as they want or following steps that each of them marks. At that moment, whenever the entertainer wishes, the music stops and the boys and girls will remain still without being able to laugh or move. Boys or girls who cannot stand must sing a song in front of all the participants. There are many variants of this game, for example, when the music stops, the boys or girls must make a monstrous face or make a funny figure.


Canciones famosas para bailar

Famous songs to dance to| ||231


4.- Another of the most fun games where music is essential and necessary is themusical handkerchief. They will be divided into two teams at random. Each participant will have a number simulating the rules of the same handkerchief. When the distribution is finished, the music will be played so that the entertainer can say the numbers. The participant who has been told her number will have to go out to dance against the boy or girl who goes out to dance belonging to the other team. There will be a dance battle where everyone will have to bring out their best artistic skills.

5.- The medleys are combinations of music that each Participant will have to dance whether it be bachata, ballads, pop, rock and roll... every good artist must know how to dance whatever they throw at them. Divided into two teams, the participants, taking into account the instructions of the entertainers orchildren's party entertainers, will go out and dance to the song they play, varying their style.


bailes de cumpleaños con niñas


6.- One of the games that boys and girls of all ages really enjoy isfuror fury. The animator will have a list of words or categories. The boys and girls must be divided into two groups and they will have to sing the song that the entertainer tells them. They will be given a few minutes to think of songs that contain the word they are told and then...LET'S SING! The team that sings the most songs will win the point.|| |254

7.- Uno de los juegos que triunfan en todas las fiestas, ya sean para niños como para niñas, es el del fashion show. Prepare a drawer with different colored fabrics, fun accessories or specific items of fun costumes. Then, modern music is chosen that everyone who participates likes and, later, a route is prepared where the boys and girls will parade. When everyone is ready, they will choose an order to go out and show off their best clothes. If there is the possibility, four of the participants will stand in front of the route to be the judges of the most fabulous fashion show.


These are some of the games and || |261canciones de baile más divertidas where boys and girls enjoy and have a great time. Dances are a way for everyone invited to the party, whether they are boys or girls or the adults in attendance, to share an unforgettable moment. Furthermore, thanks to these games, boys and girls develop their imagination and creativity, also promoting cooperation and enjoyment. Choose thesongs and music as part of your party and we promise that it will be unforgettable, whether hiring our disco party dance party,dances for children or thebasic animation pack.LET'S DANCE!

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