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Las children's animations in the Vall d'Uixó are increasingly common for Super Animaciones. We have the bestentertainers for children's parties in the Vall dUixó (Castellón). We have great entertainers to make the bestchildren's entertainment in Castellón that you can imagine. We make some very fun animations for communions andbirthdays with ourpirate themed parties and princesses, clowns at home,magicians for birthdays, babysitters, bouncy castles, traditional games, etc. In addition, we also do animations atcommunions throughout the province of Castellón.Shall we talk?


celebrar la comunion en vall duixo

Entertainers for Children's Parties in Vall d'Uixó

In Castellón, the Vall d'Uixó is being one of our references when working on children's birthdays and communions. We have manyentertainers at children's partiesand inLa Vall it was not going to be different. Do you want to have the best children's entertainers in Vall D’Uixó? Do you live in Vall dUixo, Alfondeguilla, Vilavella, Moncofar, Nules or surrounding areas? Don't wait any longer andask us for a quote so you can have professional, quality children's entertainment at your children's event or celebration.


A continuación te vamos a contar el cumleaños que animamos el día 8 de diciembre en la Vall dUxó:


What did our children's entertainers do on this occasion?


Today we had Victoria's birthday, a lovely 7-year-old girl, who along with her friends and cousins ​​had a great time with ourentertainment at the party childish.

First we started with the presentation of both myself and my partner. The twochildren's entertainers were dressed up, one as apirate and the other as aprincess| ||218. Para empezar los hemos maquillado a todos con nuestro spectacular fantasy face painting workshop, if you want to see some of our work, click here.Then,  we have told a short story set in our costumes, to put the children in the situation. Later we did a treasure hunt through tests throughout the garden, it goes without saying how eager and excited the little ones were.

Next we have playedcompetitive traditional games, such as sack races, dance games with balls on the forehead, etc. And to finish the animation we have given the girls a spectacularbeauty and Spa workshop and for the boys a balloon twisting workshop where they have learned to make all kinds of figures. We have completed the animation with abouncy castle with an entertainer during the entire duration of the birthday.

Without a doubt an animation to frame since it is not We know if the children or the parents enjoyed it more watching them have fun.


Where to celebrate a children's birthday or communion in the Vall d'Uixó?


In La Vall you know very well that you have many quality places to havea communion: Les Grutes,el Palau,… any of them have very large and spectacular rooms. 

On the other hand, if what you want is to celebratea birthday with children you can have the party in one of the two ball parks that you have, in any restaurant in town or, your own home! 😉

In Super Entertainment we havechildren's entertainers at home to go wherever you need us. We adapt to any space and we know how to do our job of animation, fun and joy like no one else.Have we convinced you?Contact us now by clicking here!


la vall duixo es uno de nuestros lugares favoritos para realizar animaciones con niños en celebraciones

Map of the Vall d'Uixó





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