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Super Children's Entertainment /Children's Entertainment Blog /The best children's games in the pool

As soon as the heat starts to tighten, everyone's minds, adults and children, begin to drift towards long weekends on the beach, warm embraces of the sun and exciting afternoons at the pool with friends. Perhaps because they can only be enjoyed a few months a year, swimming pools are completely entertaining for children, who put aside soccer balls, computers and other games and toys to spend as much time as possible splashing in the water. Thinking about this, we thought it was perfect to make a post aboutthe best pool games for children. Although yes, whether to play them or not will depend largely on the age of the child. the participants and their abilities in the water.

Into the water, ducks? We start with ourchildren's games!

Marco Polo

This game is ideal for all ages and kids can join together and great to have a great time. It is best to play in the areas of the pool where everyone stands because otherwise it would be too exhausting. How does the game work? One of the participants has to catch the rest and will do so with their eyes closed and stroking from one side to the other. When he sees fit he will say 'Marco' and the rest must respond 'Polo'. This way you can locate with your hearing where others may be. If you catch one, without opening your eyes, you will have to guess who it is. If he succeeds, the one who has been caught will replace him in his position.


Swimming races

Motivating a little competition between boys and girls can be enriching and enormously fun. If there are many of them we can organize a fun team relay race. If we have churros or other objects, we can make the races a little more complicated or make them very fun, depending on where you look.


The treasure hunt

A Children usually love to dive. In fact, many go to the pool with their goggles and snorkel, as if they could really find a sunken treasure in the waters of the pool. We can take advantage of that interest in diving for the treasure hunt game. What is this activity about? We tell you. While all participants close their eyes, some shiny or relatively striking object is thrown into the water from outside. A coin, a colorful scrunchie, etc. We wait a few seconds for it to sink and we begin the search for the treasure. Depending on the age and ability of the children, it may be necessary to restrict the action area to the pool area where everyone stands.


Water Polo

Teniendo en cuenta que son niños, podemos permitir que la zona de juego sea en el área que no cubre, así se cansarán menos. Se ponen dos porterías, que pueden ser imaginarias si no tenemos el material y dividimos a los participantes en dos equipos. Los de un lado tendrán que meter gol en la portería de los otros con una pequeña pelota y pasándola con sus manos.


Jumping contest

The contests Jumping games are usually enormously fun and make children very original. Of course, we must set safety standards that allow us to jump without taking any risk. We can ask them to jump in different ways: like a bomb, with their legs open, dancing, imitating a tiger... As they jump, they will be scored. The one who achieves the most fun jumps will get the best score and will be the winner of the contest.



The classic game taken to the pool to continue succeeding. An activity that never goes out of style and is always very entertaining. We divide either the entire pool or part of it into two fields and the participants into two teams. With a ball, they will try to hit the opposing team. Every time they succeed, that child will become a prisoner and will be placed at the back of the enemy camp. They will have the opportunity to escape if they hit the ball from the 'prison', if not, they will have to wait for the ball to arrive to be released. The game ends when one team puts everyone on the other team in their prison.


All of these games that we have been discussing are super effective in making a pool party the best it can be. best of all summer. On the other hand, if you see children encouraged to create their own games with their own rules, it helps foster their imagination and creativity. Maybe it's the discovery of the summer! Even so, take note ofthe best pool games for children, it never hurts to have them on hand to ensure that the celebration is wonderful. Remember that you can also see ourbest games for birthdays.


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