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The bestgames for children in groups| ||172


The best of any children's party are thegroup games for children. Today we bring all kinds of games so that the little ones at the event can have a great time whatever the space. No one will leave with a single memory of boredom and, who knows, maybe even the adults will join in on the activities.

So take note of these group party games and get running!| ||180


Games for older children

Not allgames for groups of children are ideal for anyone type of age, so we have found it interesting to present them in this way. Games for older children involve more strategic skills to win and understand more rules.

Catch the Flag: This activity is one of those games for older children that are ideal for livening up any party. outdoors. The participants are divided into two groups and also the space, so that there are two fields, one for each team. At the bottom of each field there must be a piece of cloth (sweatshirts, handkerchiefs, scarves, etc. are valid) that will represent the flag of that field. The objective of each team is to take the opposing flag and take it to their field without the opponents catching them. Those who have been trapped will have to wait in a corner of the field to be rescued by an intrepid companion. As we can see, it is one of those games for large groups of children.

The handkerchief: The children are divided into two teams and each member of the group is assigned a number, which another opponent will also have. Someone stands in the middle, between two equal imaginary fields, with a cloth hanging from their outstretched arm. It can be a handkerchief, a scarf, a jacket, etc. The person in the middle will say the numbers and whoever they correspond to on each side will run to grab the handkerchief and return to their side of the field. Of course, before your opponent catches you.

Stop the pencil: It is also known as Stop and is one of those children's animation games for perfect for when the little ones are about to leave school for high school. Even adults could sign up for the activity. A list is made horizontally on a sheet of paper. The list will be our choice, we leave one optional:  Fruits, animals, colors, items of clothing, boy's names, music groups... A letter will be chosen at random, we can do it with an online letter dice from our smartphone. And with the letter that comes out, we will fill in the categories. Following the list given and with the letter F: Raspberry, seal, fuchsia, skirt, Felipe, Fangoria. You have to be quick and the first one to finish will say out loud: Stop the pencil! And everyone will have to drop their pens and pencils on the table. Points are given based on the correct answers and another letter is drawn to continue. We can use the mobile timer to set a deadline. Isn't it an ideal adult game for a rainy or very cold afternoon?


Entertainment games for children

And now we can't forget of games for groups of young children. Or not? They are simpler activities that allow for full fun. On with them!

Sack races: a classic of animated games for children. It never goes out of style. You only need some very large garbage bags. The races may be individual or relay. Obviously, this game has to be played in a large, open space.

Crashed phone: We sit all the children in a circle. The more children, the larger the circle and the more fun the game will be. A child will whisper a short phrase in the ear of his neighbor next to him. This one will tell what he has heard to the other, and the other to the next. This is until the circle is closed and the information reaches the first child who said it. You can only say the phrase once, so you have to pass on the information that arrives.

Game of chairs: Another classic game to have fun at a party . As many chairs are placed except one as there are participants. They stand in a circle and music is played. While it plays, everyone will dance around, but when the song goes off (which will be done by someone in charge of managing the music), everyone will have to find their seats. Someone will be left without a place and will be eliminated. He will pull out a chair and turn on the music. A game for children in a group ideal to do in the living room.

Here you have the bestchildren's entertainment games in a group. Enjoy them!



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