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Games for 9 years


Los 9-year-old children are dangerously close to pre-adolescence, where complications in parent-child communication already begin. Suddenly, the opinion that others have matters a lot to them and the pressure becomes stronger. As we have been saying, there is no more wonderful way to release stress, pressure and anxiety than with boys and girls games. At this point, we will focus on games for 9 years.

Read more: Children's entertainment for communions

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Games for 9-year-old Girls


I'm itchy here: We sit all the youngsters in circle. Each one will say their name and where it itches. When they have finished, they will speak again in turn saying their name and what itched them and the name of their partner on the right and what itched him or her.

The professions: We can let them be inspired or write some professions on some papers. A child comes on stage, takes one of the papers and reads the profession that he has to imitate by miming. The rest of the children will have to guess. We can reward those who guess with some detail or candy.

Jump rope: Although it has traditionally been among the games for nine-year-old girls, we cannot allow it any longer. The boys do not know the delights of jumping rope. Let's search our memory (Or maybe the Internet) to remember those happy songs with which we jumped and played for hours.

Pull the rope: Without a doubt, pull the rope Rope is one of the most popular games. Two teams are created and each one holds the rope at one end. A mark is made on the ground to reveal who is stepping on the other side and each team begins to pull the rope, trying to get the others to cross the ground mark.

Rescue: Es necesario contar con un grupo grande de niños. Un equipo será el que escapa y otro el que atrapa. Los primeros saldrán corriendo y se esconderán. Los que atrapan irán a su encuentro y los capturarán. Aquellos que vayan siendo cogidos se darán la mano y formarán una fila en un punto acordado previamente.  Los prisioneros siempre podrán ser rescatados cuando uno de sus compañeros consiga deslizarse entre las líneas enemigas y tocar la mano del primero de la fila. El juego acaba cuando todo el equipo es capturado o se rinden los captores. Entonces se cambian los roles del juego.


Games for 9 Year Old Birthdays


Botetero: Es necesaria una pelota para poder poner en práctica este juego. Hay uno que queda junto a la pelota, tapándose la cara y dándole tiempo a sus amigos para esconderse. Cuando el tiempo haya acabado saldrá en su busca, procurando no alejarse, al menos al principio, mucho de la pelota. Cuando localice a alguno de sus amigos volverá al balón, lo tocará y gritará ‘bote botero’ y el nombre del muchacho o muchacha. Los niños se irán sentando por donde quieran. Para salvar a sus compañeros uno de los que están escondidos tendrá que llegar a la pelota antes que el la liga soltarle un puntapié. Este es uno de los más divertidos para los cumpleaños 9 años niña.

Follow the story: In this dynamic someone starts telling a story:Lupita and Lupito Pérez are two twin brothers who live on a beach in Almería. His father is a fisherman and his mother is a fisherman. A week ago they stole one of his father's boats and went to sea...The next one will have to continue the story a little more. And the next one will continue where the previous one left off. So on until everyone has contributed something to the narrative. You can record it and then watch it all together.

Grandma's Trunk: A very well-known game that has led to many other variants. In case you don't remember, we'll tell you what Grandma's Trunk is about. Someone will start by saying that there is something in grandma's trunk, and the next person will repeat what they said, adding something else. The third will remember what has been mentioned so far and will include something new. The fourth will say everything that is in grandmother's trunk according to what the previous participants have told and will put something else. This is how the game will continue until someone forgets one of the things in the trunk.

Animal Hangman: The classic hangman game focused on the animal theme. A perfect theme forgames for 9 years old. An animal is chosen and kept secret. On a piece of paper, as many horizontal stripes are painted in a row as there are letters in the name of the chosen animal. A gallows is painted, that is, a horizontal line, a vertical line in the middle and another vertical line coming from the top of the vertical. Letters will be said to fill in the blank lines. If that letter is not in the word, elements will be added to the hanging: Rope, head, trunk, right arm, left arm, right leg and left leg. With the last limb, you will have lost the game.




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