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Super Children's Animations/Children's Animations Blog/Christmas Crismas

A la hora de making and sending chrisms on the children's Christmas party we find all kinds of options and tastes. There are families where tradition weighs and they buy the typical chrisms that they send with good wishes in cursive calligraphy and with little emotion. There are also those who prefer to do it themselves and let the little ones in the house write down their beautiful wishes. There are even some who take a fun family photo and send it by email with a short text.

The possibilities are enormous. Can't decide? We will try to give you some ideas, although you can always try something different every Christmas.

There is only one thing we like more than the original Christmas chrisms and that is the free Christmas chrisms, so we will do emphasize this point.


Christmas Chrisms

Let's see how to make original Christmas Chrisms in our home, as a Christmas crafts for kids. Free, what is free cannot be, because we will need some material. But it can be cheap, entertaining and special to make Christmas chrisms to color.


We will need: colored cardboard. Glue, Markers, Scissors, and colored pencils.

We draw some Christmas motif on the cardboard, preferably white. It can be a tree, a hanging ball, the silhouette of a wise man, the shooting star... We can make a different one for each Christmas chrism.

We cut out the silhouette with scissors and with crayons We paint the cut out shape with colors. We take a piece of cardboard of a different color and cut out a rectangular piece of the size we want the postcard to be. We paste the drawing we have made on the cover. We can give it relief by gluing folded pieces of cardboard first. Then, inside, we will write nice words for those people who will receive our creation. Also, if we want, we can continue decorating the inside of the card.


Children's Christmas drawings

Let's see, the best and most wonderful of Christmas is the smiles and hopes of the little ones in families and groups of friends. So it doesn't seem crazy to take advantage of their illusion and have it impregnated in the chrisms.

Well, making original children's Christmas cards is not as complicated as it sounds. And, although we can always use the Internet and get children's Christmas cards to print, we usually prefer everything that involves a little more movement. Children's Christmas cards to color are not enough! We want to cut out, sprinkle glitter, draw a crooked tree and a shooting star that looks like it's plummeting.


Let's look at some examples of children's Christmas cards

Button chrisms

It's super simple. We buy some cardboard of the color we prefer and wrapping paper with a pretty print. We will also need buttons (it doesn't matter if they are different), glue, scissors and the pen to write with.

We cut out the figure of a Christmas tree or a shooting star on one of the cardboard. It will not serve as a template to cut out many other similar shapes in the wrapping paper. As many as there are chrisms we are going to make. Additionally, we cut the cardboard to the size we want the cards to be. We glue the wrapping paper cut out with the silhouette of the tree or the shooting star on its cover. Then, on the top of the tree and on the tips of the star trail we glue the buttons.

Aren't these Christmas chrisms so cute?


Cartoon chrisms

Well, as we said at the beginning, what kind of Does your family look for chrisms? formal or with children's Christmas drawings? We have reached the point where we are going to expel all ideas about the second. Are you ready?

We will need white cardboard, colored pencils or crayons, scissors and a pen. Okay, now what? Now comes the absolute freedom to make children's Christmas cards.

We only have to cut out the rectangles that will be the chrisms and mark a space to leave blank on which to write. We leave the rest to the little ones in the house so they can paint everything. We can wait to see what they come up with or we can tell them to focus on Christmas. Each chrism will be completely different from the rest, but they will all be unique. Surely at the last minute it is a shame to send them instead of keeping them as a souvenir of our children's artistic streak.


Christmas drawings to paste

For these Christmas chrisms to color we are going to need colored cards and a few blank cards, colored pencils or crayons, pencil, glue and scissors.

We will cut out the cards to shape children's Christmas cards.  Meanwhile, on the white cardboard, the children will make Christmas drawings and color them. Christmas trees, stars, flower crowns with bows, gifts, Santa Claus, the Three Wise Men, Bells, Christmas balls, Santa Claus hats, mistletoe... Whatever comes to mind or what we can inspire them with. Then, these drawings will be cut out and glued to the cardboard that will shape the card.  These children's Christmas postcard drawings will touch the hearts of all the recipients of the cards


For those who have already entered the digital age so fully that they don't even want to hear about it a postal letter we come up with some ideas related to free Christmas animations. No, no, no... There is no excuse not to send original chrisms! Even if it's by email. On the Internet we can find free Christmas animations to attach with beautiful messages, like the ones you can see below. Making a smile, a leap in the heart, that is the most beautiful thing about Christmas.


What to put in a Christmas card

A chrism of Christmas is not just colors and drawings. The most valuable part is what we put for the people who receive it. There are people who really find it difficult to write something personal, no matter how much love they feel. Others who can't think of what they can put. There are those who cannot stand the clichés that that expression of 'Happy Holidays' includes. Well, for them, and for those who are not inspired, and for those who feel lazy, we have some messages to share:

  • A great dose of love.
  • A sincere hug.|| |256
  • Una sonrisa a tiempo.
  • And wishing the best for everyone around us, this makes a happy and real Christmas. That's what I wish for you.
  • We only hope that in these Christmas days all the sadness and worries will be erased in one fell swoop and you will enjoy the company, generating affection and love that will renew you throughout the new year that is coming.
  •  As the years go by our priorities and desires change. Except one, may we all find happiness. We wish you a Merry Christmas and an incredible New Year.
  •  Health, joy and laughter. Lots of laughter. That's what we wish you this Christmas. Hugs!


 Read more Christmas content:

Santa Claus at home

Wise Men at home


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