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Super Children's Entertainment| ||166 / Children's Party Blog /themes for children's parties

Find, create, organize and Making sense ofthemes for children's parties are a task that sometimes gets a little more complicated than necessary. And they not only require a payment of creativity, they also need us to dedicate time to them because everything that surrounds the framework of the celebration will have to recall the chosen theme. Yes, even the napkins themselves. Okay, okay! We can do without napkins, but it will be the only concession we will make at the super children's party that we are going to give to our son.

The first piece of advice that we are going to highlight is that we ask the little one what he likes the most. he likes it He will tell you a lot of things from which you can get fabulous ideas... Or he won't tell you anything and we will want to tear our hair out. But there should be no stress. If the child cannot decide, we can always resort to fashionable characters and, of course, appropriate to their age.

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Sin embargo, lo más valioso de todo esto no es la temática en sí, sino la capacidad que desarrollemos de poder hacer que nuestro hijo se involucre en la organización del evento desde el principio. Una buena opción es consultar con empresas de animaciones y que nos detallen un presupuesto. Ellos nos apoyarán y no únicamente en la decoración, sino también en las actividades y juegos para el evento.

The first thing we must get out of our heads is that organizing a children's party is an easy task, because it is not is. It's not just about sending some invitations, putting out some balloons and some nut sandwiches. If your child's birthday, communion or any other holiday is approaching, it is better that we get down to business and start designing the celebration.


Themes for Parties with Children|| |192

Está bien… haremos trampa y ofreceremos algunas ideas para que nos inspiremos en los temas de nuestra perfecta fiesta infantil.

We recommend: Children's Birthday Entertainment|| |198



For parties from 1 to 4 years old:

  • Color party: Each guest is given will assign a color and they will have to attend the event dressed in that tone. The decoration could be rainbow, multicolored.
  • Pacifier Party: A pacifier decoration is very funny, very cute. There are those who dare to have a ceremony to officially (and not so officially) remove their children from the pacifier.
  • Pocoyo: This character is very typical in the world of the most small and it is very easy to use when decorating or even creating our own invitations.

For parties from 4 to 7 years old:

  • Animal party: Podemos centrarnos en uno de los hábitats en particular o hacer una amplia selección de aquellos que más le gusten a nuestro hijo. No podrán faltar disfraces, caretas con nuestro taller Halloween face painting for children, makeup and all kinds of details. Click Here if you want to seeface paints.
  • Spring Festival: If our son or daughter has been born In spring we can play with this season to decorate the entire space as if it were a beautiful garden. What's more, if we can have a garden it would be great. Related to this topic, it occurs to us that we accumulate several tubs of yogurt, (yes, like in the old childhood days) and teach the little ones to plant a chickpea or some lentils in cotton.
  • Cowboys and Indians: It is the ideal opportunity for everyone to dress up. Setting a party in the Old West is very simple and fun. A few cacti on one side and the children's faces on papers that say 'wanted' and almost ready. We also recommend this party:Children's Pirate Party.
  • Disney:A dedicated theme cannot be missing from this list to the cartoons that have been present for so many generations. Of course, perhaps we have to update ourselves and leave aside the typical crying princesses to make way for hero princesses and real princes.


For parties from 8 to 11 years old:

  • Sports Festival: In an event of this category, trophies and finish lines cannot be missing. The good thing is that when it comes to games, we don't have to improvise much, but we can use the great sports that we know. However, if we can include something new and surprise the guests, much better.
  • Space Party: Don't they say that all children want to be astronauts? Possibly that is more in the United States, but it is still a very interesting proposal because you can get a lot out of it: Aliens, astronauts, planets, stars, moons, galaxies, spaceships, rockets...


Any other ideas for themes for children's parties? There is no shortage of proposals!


Read more:

Themed Children's Parties

Children's Party Games

Animaciones para fiestas infantiles


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