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Super Children's Entertainment| ||166 / Children's Entertainment Blog /Ideas for Children's Parties

When we are adults we look for any reason to celebrate with friends or family. Why doesn't the same happen with the little ones? Can't we give our children reasons to celebrate on a regular basis? Good grades, the arrival of spring, the end of classes, the beginning of classes... Don't you suddenly think of a lot? And in response, we came up with a lot ofideas for children's parties,whether they areideas for communions or for any party with children.

We don't even have to spend too much money organizing it. If we know how to make low cost a doctrine, we will be able to assimilate a lot of parties in which our children will enjoy, interact and laugh. You already know that we are dedicated toentertainment for communions, but here we will show you many more things!

Sit down with your little one and look for an excuse... To celebrate!


Ideas for children's parties: Decoration


Balloons: You can assemble one party with balloons or you can set up a party with balloons. It is not the same to have a bunch of balloons everywhere as four poorly inflated ones in some areas. Just as having a giant elephant made from balloons is not the same as not having one. The really important thing is that they fit with theballoon decoration and that they are not perceived as an obligatory decoration, but meaningless in the environment.

Piñatas :Although they are not expensive, we can make them ourselves with wrapping paper and pinocchio paper. Then we fill them with candy and let the candy fall everywhere.

Costumes: Take scarves, dresses, crowns, paintings and all the costume accessories you find around your house and that of your friends. We put them in a box and let the little ones dress up however they want during the party. You can't miss the photos!

Photocall: A huge piece of cardboard and even a white sheet can be used to cover a wall and recreate a photocall. To decorate it we can cut out figurines from colored cardboard and glue them.

We recommend: Crafts for Children's Birthdays o| ||212 Manualidades para Comuniones


Ideas for children's parties: Snack-dinner

Pizza: Don't risk it a lot with flourishes. A good ham and cheese pizza or a barbecue are safe bets. You can buy them or make them yourself at home. They are not difficult at all and usually come out very good.

Sushi sweets:Can you be more original? Surely not. Just as you can't have more glamor at a children's party than putting out a plate of sushi candy. It will be the main dish of the sweet table at the party and it won't take us too long to assemble.

Ham and cheese crepes:Crepes are easy to make and even easier to mount. In a very short time you have the dough to make them and they can be filled with salty or sweet products.  

Sandwiches: The usual ones, the basics of a children's party. Stuffed with nutella or with pâté, they are always the wardrobe staple of any event. No one will be left hungry.

Burgers: A good idea is to prepare mini hamburgers, with small fillets of meat and pieces of cheese slices. Or also prepare some very large ones for all the kids. That will be your choice and will surely depend on the number of guests at the celebration. 

We recommend: Puppets and marionettes

ideas for children's parties: Games


The || |244juegos de fiestas infantiles will always depend on the space we have. Below we mention a few to inspire you for wonderful new ideas for children's parties.

Catch the flag: This is one of those games that requires a lot space. First, the children are divided into two teams, as well as the space. In some area more or less accessible to them, 'the flag' will be placed, which will be a rag or cloth. Each team will have its own and the mission will be to cross to the other field and steal the enemy's without being caught, while protecting their own. When they are in 'jail', that is, they have been caught, they will not be able to leave until one of their team reaches them and touches at least one.

Chairs: Un clásico que no encuentra digno competidor y que sirve para cualquier fiesta y en cualquier espacio. Sólo hacen falta unas sillas, nada más. ¿Qué no hay música? ¡Alguien dará las palmas o prestará su voz para la ocasión!



Cracked Telephone: This is the typical game that they performclowns for children's parties. With all the children sitting in a circle, a phrase or tongue twister is said to one, quietly, next to their ear. This one will have to tell the next one, and that one will have to tell the next one. Always trying not to be heard by the rest. The last one in the circle will have to say out loud what he has understood. Laughter will be guaranteed. We can also include the competitive element if we divide the little ones into two groups. The one who is able to pronounce what has been said in the most similar way will be the winner.

With all this you should now be able to organize a themed children's party, although if you want to read more, we recommend:


Halloween Face Painters for Children

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How perform artistic makeup

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