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We often We laugh at thechildren's songs to dance to with that pleasure that younger children usually have when they listen to music while dancing non-stop. Not all the tenderness comes out of the body, right? Well, it turns out that dancing benefits them a lot, both from the physical and emotional aspects. Surprised? It contributes to coordination and concentration, also helping with the sense of rhythm and memory. Not to mention that it is a boost for your self-esteem. And we could continue adding benefits. Also, how much fun do they have following the steps of achildren's dance? Well, ourchildren's party entertainers wanted to rescuethe square danceso that we can learn the stepsdance stepsall together. Maybe we can put them into practice at a family gathering or on a birthday and show it to their little friends.


The square dance

As we can deduce from the name , this choreography takes place inside a square. We can draw it on the floor or outline it with pens, shoes... Whatever we have at hand. It may seem silly, but it is vital so that the essence of this dance for children is not lost.

All actions, that is, all movements or steps, will be performed within that square. The lyrics of the song itself indicate what to do. We will start witheasy dance steps and then complicate it little by little.


Square Song

Esta canción es una de las más divertidas dentro de music for dancing children. If you want to keep an eye on the square song, we make it very simple for you. Because we bring you the lyrics and a very illustrative video of how to do it step by step.

because here comes
the square dance.

Each one in his square,
each one in his square (x4)
And I go from side to side
each one in his square
side to side, each one in his square. 

Square Jumping,
Square Jumping(x2)
Square Jumping,
Square Jumping(x2)

Swimming in the square,
Swimming in the square (x2)
We swim and spin,
Swim and spin (x2)

And I go from side to side each in the square
side to side each in the square

On horseback in the square,
on horseback in the square (x2)

Egyptian in the square,
Egyptian in the square (x2)

Messi's in the square, 
Messi's in the square (x2)

Dance little monkey,
Dance little monkey, 
Dance little monkey, || |252
Ha Ha, 
Dance little monkey,
Dance little monkey,
Dance little monkey,

And I go from side to side
each in his square,
from side to side
each in his square

Aerobics on the square, 
aerobics on the square.

Pushups on the square, 
pushups on the square.

Bíceps en el cuadrado, 
biceps in the square. 

100m flat in the square, 
100m flat in the square.

 Bicycle in the square, 
bicycle in the square.

Nunchaku in the square, 
nunchaku in the square.

Michael Jackson in the square, 
Michael Jackson in the square.

Halloween in the square, 
Halloween in the square.

I fight with the guy next door,
I fight with the guy next door.

I make friends with the guy next door, 
I make friends with the person next to me.

I high five with the person next to me, 
I high five with the person next to me.| ||316

Digo chau al que tengo a lado, 
I say bye to the one next to me. 

And I go from side to side
each one in the square
side to side
each one in the square (x2 ) 


Okay, do we have the lyrics under control yet? Well now it's time to carry it out. You can follow this video to get started, I'm sure you'll have it mastered in no time. And, on the way, we had a blast.




How's that motivation going with thecoreografías para niños? If it's smooth sailing, ascending, flying out of control... We have a few more easy dance steps!


Easy Choreographies


1ª Coreografía Fácil: El pollito pío

The truth is that it is difficult not to have heard, even if only from afar, this song. And a few years ago we danced it everywhere, adults and children. He even sneaked into a nightclub when closing was near. The music has its hook and the lyrics work almost like Grandma's Trunk game, since animals are added to the list and their corresponding dance step.

We leave you a video so that, or either remember how the famous choreography was done, or learn it from scratch.


2ª Coreografía Fácil: El arca de Noé

A classic among classics at the level ofThe Potato Circle. It is also related to the movements of animals, but this time remembering the biblical story of the universal flood.


3rd Easy Choreography: I am a cup

And since we have already started with the classics, we have not been able to stop. It has been impossible for us to avoid including that of “I am a cup, a teapot, a spoon…” And while we sing the precise objects of a kitchen we make their shape with our body.


Y hasta aquí el bailoteo. Pero, eh, ¡en casa don't stop moving your hips!


Click Here Do you want to continue dancing with our zumba dances?Remember that we can offer you these services with our children's birthday entertainers orchildren's entertainers for communions.


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