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Los magic tricks with cards have always raised passions to a greater or lesser extent. But it is difficult not to find a participatory audience. They may not believe in magic, but they do believe in the magician's ability to play with our senses. One of the most appreciated skills amongmages is card magic. This is a branch of close-up magic, that is, magic that ispracticed at close range with small groups of people who often interact with the magician. Card magic is one of the most widespread and well-known branches and its main element istricks and magic with Spanish cards. En España tenemos a uno de los ilusionistas más reconocidos, especializado en card magic, in the world, Juan Tamariz.


trucos de magia con baraja española

Tricks of card magic

One of the attractions of card magic is that almost anyone can practice this branch of magic. And most of theseeasy magic tricks are based on mathematical properties. Another plus point is that it does not require an investment in materials, we only need one or two decks of cards. The only thing card magic requires is practice and dedication. From a creative point of view, you may not think that card tricks are the most attractive area of ​​magic, but how many times have you had card magic done and been blown away? Well that's it.

The most interesting thing about card tricks is that we can find a wide selection of easy card magic tricks that we can learn. Little by little, and by trying many times with determination, we will advance in the world of card magic until we become the ace of magic.

Another positive aspect of card tricks is that They allow us to interact with the public. Much of the time this requires a developed humor with which to sweeten the magical process. And few things require as much eloquence as doing magic tricks with cards.


trucos de cartas faciles


La memoria también es un elemento indispensable para los trucos con magia. Quizá pensemos que ahora nuestras destrezas de memoria son bastante escasas, pero es una habilidad que podemos entrenar, tanto, que incluso podríamos memorizar cuatro o cinco cartas con solo echarles un vistazo.



Easy card tricks

At this point it would be appropriate for us to start with some easy magic tricks. That's what we're here for, right?


1st card tricks

The basic trick: From among theeasy card magic tricks the basic trick is the simplest of all. There are those who recommend that novices start with this activity when they take their first steps in card magic. The card trick consists of finding the card that the participant in turn will have observed and memorized. We shuffle the cards or even ask the participant to do so, thus creating an atmosphere of trust. He will draw a card from the deck, observe it without the magician seeing it, and memorize it. While the participant is doing this, the magician will cut the deck in two, trying to be fair to the two piles. He will tilt the right hand side of the deck, trying to memorize the last card. We ask the participant to place their card on the left deck. The decks are put together again, placing the one on the right on top of the one on the left. The card we have memorized will be below the one the magician has memorized, almost in the middle of the deck. A couple of cuts are made, shuffling the cards without interfering with the position of the center cards. Then, the cards are placed, one by one, on the table, when the one memorized by the magician is reached, the next one will be the one taken by the participant. It is one of the easy card tricks, the most complicated part is not the sleight of hand, but the conversation that we will have tobe having with the participant, which should be entertaining and fun.

This trick is usually done by our magicians for children's parties.| ||225


trucos con cartas faciles y sencillos


2nd Card Tricks

The hostel: It is one of thetrucos de magia con cartas españolas. The core of the action is the story that is told, which is why it is one of the funniest magic tricks for children. Each one tells the story a little differently or radically opposite, but the important thing is that it is good. They are easy card tricks, let's see it.We need four aces, four knights, four kings and four jacks. In addition, we will take any letter that will act as receptionist. The story we tell is that four citizens arrive, the aces, each one will stay in one of the four rooms. So we placed a letter in each corner of the receptionist's letter. Then four horsemen will arrive, (we spice up the story with a storm, a terrible forest of witches, etc.) The citizens allow one knight per room to pass. Shortly after, four friends appear, whose transport has been stranded in the storm (why not?) and the riders and citizens give up space in their bedrooms for each one. Finally, four kings arrive, who are also divided among the four rooms. Suddenly, some terrible noises are heard. The magician turns over the cards and collects them all, room by room. The participant will say some numbers from 0 to 10, and the magician will pass the cards according to those numbers, one by one and in the same order. Then, while he continues with the story, he will leave the cards again, now face down, distributing them among the four rooms. When he picks them up, each room will be occupied by the same four figures: the four aces, the knights, the jacks, and the kings. Among themagic tricks with a Spanish deck this is one of the ones that focuses most on the history that surrounds magic, which for many makes it stand out among the magic tricks magic with easy cards.


trucs de magia


3rd Card Trick

The magic breath: The participant choose a card. The magician, with all the skill he possesses, will place the last card upside down inside, always without anyone noticing. The participant will memorize the card and return it to the place in the deck that he prefers. The magician will have already turned the cards over so that they are face up, but no one has noticed because the last card was turned over, in order to avoid suspicion. The magician will blow on the cards and say some magical string. Afterwards, you will only have to look for it among the cards.

If you have a communion and want to see this card trick live, click here: hire a magician for communions.


trucos de magia con cartas españolas


4th Card Tricks

The 21 cards: This action is known among card tricks, it is one of the most entertaining magic tricks with revealed Spanish cards to do and easy to understand. 21 cards are dealt face up on the table, leaving them in three piles that will have seven cards each. The participant will have chosen one of the cards that he has been seeing placed in the piles. The magician will ask him which pile the card he has chosen is in. When he knows, he will collect the piles so that the one where the letter is will be in the middle. He repeats the process, making three piles and, again, he must say where the selected card is. We pick it up again, leaving the pile in the middle. We repeat the process again, with the pile of the chosen card in the middle. Before dealing, the cards are turned over so that they are face up in the palm of the left hand. It is dealt into three piles with the cards face down. The participant is asked which pile his card is in. Obviously, he won't know, since the cards will be face down. We collect the cards from the table, from left to right, leaving the deck on the left hand. Once again, we introduce some clever comments, the kind that give more value to easy magic tricks. The spectator is asked to focus on his card, card number 11 will be the one chosen by the participant. 


trucos de magia con cartas españolas revelados


5th Card Tricks

Card Magic Divination: In this action it would be very helpful to have an assistant while the magician speaks to the audience. But in homemade card tricks it is not so easy to have these supports. To do this trick you will not only need a deck of cards, but also several envelopes. As many as cards the magician is willing to hide/guess. Let's say that the 12 random cards from the Spanish deck and a single ace are placed, the latter being the one that the magician has to locate. Is it from Spanish card tricks? It doesn't matter what the deck is, where it is in the category of easy card tricks. But let's not deviate. How will the magician guess where the ace is? Well, showing off his profound eloquence, he will put the letters into the envelopes and seal them. Always without stopping talking to the public. Piling up the envelopes. All cards will be placed horizontally, except the ace. And this is how he will guess what the card is


trucos de magia para niños con cartomagia


Do we want more simple card tricks? Well, he continues reading


6th Card Tricks

The secret card: Con el mazo de cartas boca abajo, el mago va pasando las cartas hasta que el participante le dice que pare. El mago revelará la carta al participante, sin que él mismo la vea. Mientras el participante mira la carta y la memoriza, el mago con la otra mano cortará el mazo y memorizará la carta superior. Colocará la carta justo donde cortó el mazo. Después, el mago barajará el mazo, quizá alabando sus destrezas mágicas o implorando a las fuerzas mágicas que le ayuden. Cuando busque la carta solo tendrá que buscar la que él memorizó, la siguiente será la que escogió el participante. ¿Es o no es esta acción perfecta para una sección de magia con cartas fáciles? Es cierto que requiere de ciertas habilidades con las manos, pero nada que no se pueda entrenar.

If you have a wedding nearby and want to have the presence of a professional magician, click here: contratar magos para bodas


7º Card Tricks

Hummer's floating card: From magic games with letters, the Hummer floating letter is one of the most interesting. To start with this trick we have to prepare the invisible thread, we need it to be very fine, but very strong. Fishing line can be a good option. About 60 cm are cut. of the thread and with a clamp one of the ends is held. Now it's time to sharpen your eyes to separate a strand of those threads. Once we have it, we proceed to place the cards face up on the table and glue the thread in the center of the card. You can use adhesive tape or wax. The other end of the thread will adhere to the upper area of ​​one of the magician's ears. The card is then placed in the deck. The hand is extended to insert the thread between the index and middle fingers, in order to be able to move the card. We can lift it and turn it just with the movement of our hand. It is not one of the simple magic tricks, it requires some skill, so you will have to rehearse a few times. You can also make it levitate by moving your head subtly, remember that it is attached to one of the magician's ears.


juegos de magia con cartas


Now that you've seen | ||306cómo hacer 7 trucos de magia con cartas, you can continue seeing our magician services at home:

Magic for children Madrid

Children's Entertainment Madrid

Magos Valencia

Magos Murcia

Magos Castellon

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