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Clown Makeup


En Superanimaciones, a company dedicated to children's animation, we are going to show you step by step how to do thebest clown makeup|| |177 de España, de tal manera que te resulte sencillo maquillar a una niña, niño o mujer  de cara a una fiesta infantil. Aquí aprenderás realmente a how to paint a clown's face.

Clown MakeupStep 1

En primer lugar cubriremos todo el rostro de color blanco. En este punto ya conseguimos la clown face.

Clown MakeupStep 2

Now we will paint the lips intense red.

Clown MakeupStep 3

With the same lip color, the star touch of painting the clown nose, achieving asimple clown makeup.

Clown MakeupStep 4

We will paint hearts on the cheek of our children's clown.

Clown MakeupStep 5

We will make up the nose and mouth red, achieving an advancedmakeup clown for women.

Clown FaceStep 6

We will make up the eyes blue.

Maquillaje Payaso Step 1

First we will cover the entire face in white. At this point we already get theclown face.

Clown MakeupStep 2

Now we will paint the lips intense red.

Clown MakeupStep 3

With the same lip color, the star touch of painting the clown nose, achieving asimple clown makeup.

Simple Clown Makeup

This is the final result of this simple clown makeup for girls . Really fun and spectacular.

Girl Clown Makeup

You can combine any costume or wig, since it is a makeup that goes well for any event or children's party.

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Paint Clown Face

Clown FaceStep 1

Primero difuminaremos con morado la frente para darle un toque especial a la clown face.

Clown FaceStep 2

Here in theclown makeup we have already distributed the colors in stripes on the entire face.

Clown Face | ||440Paso 3

We will blend the red color with white color so that it remains pink on the cheek.

Clown FaceStep 4| ||463

Pondremos color azul en la mejilla de la cara de payasa.

Clown FaceStep 5

We will finish with borders on the forehead of ourgirl clown makeup.

Clown Makeup Step 6

Now it's time to do the eyebrow makeup highlighting them well. Little by little we are seeinghow to paint a clown.

Clown FaceStep 7

Ahora remarcamos las cejas hacia arriba con color negro para señalar el carácter cómico.

Clown FaceStep 8

We return to the previous step but this time towards below, simple right?

Clown FaceStep 9


Clown Makeup

Ahora que has visto how to paint yourself as an easy clown, with a good costume, materials and good training you can now make any children's entertainment.

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Let's go!

Killer Clown Makeup

Now, about the initial clown makeup, we will put makeup on top and transform it into a | ||617maquillaje de terror.

Killer Clown MakeupStep 1

We will put some drops of bench color on cheeks.

Killer Clown MakeupStep 2

Now we will highlight the lips with black.

Killer Clown Makeup || |660Paso 3

The clown paint fades and we enter more into the dark world.

Killer Clown Makeup Step 4

Here is the key to our evil clown, a wound on his forehead.

Killer Clown MakeupStep 5

Este es el resultado de nuestra herida con sangre.

Killer Clown Makeup Step 6

A little artificial blood in the mouth.

Devilish Clown Makeup

Lastly we will put on some light blue contact lenses, to highlight the look in depth.

In addition to these painted clown faces Do you want to see moreStep by Step Tutorials of our makeup?

Read more about Clown Makeup Techniques and Tricks

The best clown makeups and how to do it step by step


If there is something that never goes out of style at children's parties, it is clowns. And, what's more, little ones love to wearclown makeup and dress up. There is no better time than a school event, a birthday or a communion party. But why reduce this activity only to celebrations? Why can't we dress up on any given day with the family at home and go out to the park to play?

And before diving into how to create a perfect clown makeup for children step by step, we want to review some of the great benefits of costumes.


Clown painting

On the one hand, when children dress up they express themselves more freely because they become disinhibited. In fact, a particular costume could boost your self-confidence or reinforce other emotional characteristics. For example, if he dresses up as Superman maybe he will feel so strong that he can sleep without the light on. On the other hand, costumes also help enhance our children's imagination and encourage them to create new characters and stories, which in turn improves their creativity. Furthermore, by taking on another role, children generate greater empathy by seeing themselves in another person's shoes. It is also believed that dressing up as characters stimulates intelligence and the development of vocabulary, as well as discovering how the child perceives the reality of the adults with whom they live.

Although almost all children like to dress up There are also those who do not enjoy this activity. There are various reasons, that they are afraid, uncomfortable if they have their face covered, that they feel out of place dressed in something that is not them... Well, in no case do we have to force them to wear the costume or paint their face. Maybe over time you will feel more daring about the matter or maybe not. Well, there are no adults who hate costumes!


And now, let's focus on the matter at hand, theclown painting| ||806 o, mejor dicho, how to paint a clown face. And since we know that taste is in variety, we bring various styles, shapes, colors and ideas. Although you have to know that gorse, white and black tones are vital! This way no one will finish this reading without having a favoritechildren's makeup. Shall we go there?


How to paint a clown face

Simple clown makeup

Easy and quick to go on stage without lose time. We paint some arches on the eyebrows with white wax and fill them with color from the eyebrow itself to the marked edge. With the color red we draw a red circle as the classic clown nose. And on the cheeks we make two other circles a little larger than the one on the nose.

Circus clown makeup

We paint the face white, in an oval shape and leaving a few centimeters between the hair and the paint, even covering the eyebrows. We can help ourselves spread the face paint with a sponge. With a fine brush we will draw a triangle under each eye, with the tip facing down and in different colors (not red). We will fill it in and do the same above the eyebrows. We clean the brush and with the red color we paint a round on the tip of the nose. We will also paint the lower lip red and draw two circles one finger from the corner of the lips. When we paint the upper lip we will join it to those two circles, visually lengthening the upper lip.

We already knowhow to paint a clown perfect!|| |828


Classic clown makeup

It may be the simplestkids makeup and, without a doubt , a success at any costume party.

Draw two arcs over the eyes with a black pencil that go from the eyebrow to the top of the cheekbone, extending to the top of the forehead. Next, we draw a smile that goes from cheek to cheek. We fill the three shapes with white, we can use a makeup sponge to make our work easier.  With black wax we will highlight the arches of the eyes and, closing the eye, we will draw a vertical line from the upper area of ​​the eyebrow to the lower eyelid. We can do it in both eyes or just one. Then we highlight the smile, also with black paint, first the profile of the lips and then the big drawn smile. We take the red paint and make up the lips. We will also draw a circle that occupies the entire lower part of the nose and fill it with red. We can use a false nose if we have one. Finally, we painted two circles as blushes on the cheeks and filled them with red.


Clown makeup

Although little ones usually love to wear makeup, we have You have to consider a few things like using products that are completely safe for your skin. That is, they assure us that they will not have allergic reactions. In any case, we will have to pay attention to ensuring that no children at the party have irritations, itching, eczema, inflammations and other manifestations. When removing it, you should also take some care and use neutral soaps or micellar water.

And as a final note, it is worth remembering that makeup is a form of body expression whose objectives range from highlighting the beauty to create a completely different character from the person who wears it.

Do you want to have makeup of this level at your own party?

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