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Super Children's Animations _ children's animation bloggymkana

That date is approaching expected in which we want to surprise our child and we want to do it in a fun and very entertaining way, using traditional games where children will learn to work as a team and great concentration and fun, that is why we offer you a great diversity of original children's activities and games to contribute to thegymkhana for children in order to prepare thetests for gymkhanas and do at a quality party.


gymkana para niños

Team of children's entertainers to hold a Super Gymkhana

What is a Children's Gynkana?

La children's gymcana is a very fun option when organizing an entertaining event with games for children's parties , where the aim is to work as a team to facilitate the integration of groups, giving value tocoexistence,equality,fun andlearning through tests that must be passed where we highly value teamwork. Normally the gymkhanas have a portion of time to finish each test and are also accompanied by a material or intangible prize for the winner.


una gymkana es una serie de pruebas y actividades a realizar con tiempos y premios

tests for gymkhanas


Gymkhana activities are very educational and entertaining and at the same time they are also calledsports gymkhana for children since the participants have to be concentrated and cooperating with your team. This way we encourage teamwork and this contributes to better camaraderie. 

 In most children's gymkhanas they usually reward them for their effort as soon as they finish the activity. This is also a very good way to learn to work as a team, because they have to depend on their teammates in order to finish all the tests to do with friends and togetherenjoy the achievement, aunque nosotros nos centramos más en que los dos equipos lo consigan así todos pueden disfrutar de su reward.

(For the gymkhana prize We can prepare a treasure box with sweets or chocolates inside, or directly bags of sweets or other toys, just consult it so we can prepare everything perfectly so that nothing is missing at your children's party).

Yes want to read more: children's entertainment Madrid


We offer you the tests for the coolest children's Gymkhanas


A la hora de preparar las tests for Gymkanas we have to take into account a series of data, such as the ages of the children that vary from 6 to 12 years where we can choose somegymkhana tests or others depending on their difficulty, the number of participating children is also very important where we can do individual or collective Gymkhanas. Another interesting fact is the place where we organize it, preferably open and large, and finally the weather, so we can organize aquatic tests or also fun water tests.

Now we show youlos 7 Mejores Juegos de Gymcanas:


1.The egg and the spoon: First of all we will put a wooden spoon in our mouth, holding it very tightly so that it does not fall and to make the work more difficult, we add a wooden egg on top. Holding the spoon with the egg we have to reach the goal without dropping it. The team that drops it loses.


esta prueba de gymkana es de las mas divertidas

Gymkhana test: the egg and the spoon


2.Search for bags: The entertainer will hide several colored bags. The team that manages to collect the most bags in the indicated time will be the winner.

3.Limbo: Two people grab a rope, each one At one end, we play music and the others must go underneath, imitating different postures but without touching the rope. Every time everyone passes, we lower the rope a little until we see who can pass almost touching the ground without touching the rope.

4. Sack race:  We get in teams or individually and put on some colored bags, then we establish a finish line to reach and the first to arrive wins.|| |264


las carreras de sacos es un recurso esencial en cualquier gymkana

gymkhana test: bag races


5.Dodgeball: Hacemos dos equipos equitativos y dividimos el campo de juego en 4 partes. En cada extremo de los equipos, uno se pone de portero. En el centro se colocan el resto de cada equipo enfrentados al portero rival y empezamos con  uno de los porteros lanzando el balón a su equipo rival intentando eliminarlos. El equipo que consiga eliminar a todos sus rivales es el ganador.


gymkana infantil para niños de 6 a 12 años de edad

Sports gymkhana with balloons


6.Gymkana with Ballooning. This gymkhana game consists of making a fireworks display with balloons and popping it all at the same time. We created a fun competition to see who is able to pop the most balloons and get the prizes inside.

7. Gymkhana with dancing included . These gymkhana tests are very cool and are liked by both adults and children, you just have towatch the video to see it.



You can do all these games and tests, of course with ourfantasy makeup.

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para realizar las pruebas deportivas de gymkanas es mucho mas divertido hacerlo con la cara pintada de personajes

Maquillaje de fantasía para las pruebas de gymkanas


How to make a Gymkhana for children 6 to 8 years old?


Since we are a company withchildren's party entertainers and we have no shortage of imagination, so to organize agymkhana for children from 6 to 8 years we must rack our brains and bring out the best in us. We have a multitude at your disposaloriginal gymkhana tests with traditional games such as handkerchief, hide-and-seek, the statue dance, catch-all... But we are also willing to prepare a children's Gymkhana adjusting to the tastes of your children, since we have made gymkhana of any theme such as:



  1. Treasure hunt: Where we prepare a gymkhana for boys and girls with different games and tests to overcome, the final objective being to find the long-awaited treasure that will be full of surprises.
  2. Detectives: We are looking for a partner or we try to solve a crime, where we will have to pass some tests and decipher some codes in order to find our hidden partner or our corpse, which we will make up very well to make it look more real. (We recommend this game for children ages 9 and older, as the tests tend to be more difficult.)
  3. Team tests: Depending on the number of children, the more the better , we organize the teams, having these to pass the different tests, which may well be traditional games like those mentioned above or water games, all depending on the season of the year in which we are. Finally there will be a winning team, but as What we want is for them to have fun, both teams will get their reward.


pruebas para gimkanas para niños en edades comprendidas entre 6 y 8 años

Preparation of sports tests with balloons for children from 6 to 8 years old

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A continuación te vamos a ampliar estos conceptos mencionados anteriormente para que así puedas conocer a la perfección de qué tratan:

The Treasure Hunt: As we have already seen, when developing In a sports gymkhana, we must take into account the ages of the children, in order to adjust ourselves more closely to the gymkhana tests depending on their difficulty, whether they are older or not.

To start thegimkhana, we must take into account the theme of the Treasure Hunt, for example we can do the pirate theme which will consist of deciphering some tests and riddles in order to find the hidden treasure.


Gymkhana for children from 6 to 12 years old: Gymkhana tests with the Treasure Search

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Doing agymkhana for children from 6 to 12 years old is more complicated if possible, now that by expanding the age range, you must satisfy everyone with thegames for gymkhana:


las pruebas mas originales con super animaciones infantiles

Treasure hunt with parachutes


  1. Pirate: We can adapt this game into achildren's pirate party . We will start with a map so we can contemplate the route we are going to start, where we will indicate the place of play that can be a house, a garden, a shopping center... Then we will read a letter from a pirate where he reveals some riddles and some clues that we must solve in order to be able to go through the tests, as soon as we decipher an enigma, it leads us to the next test, which will make us closer and closer to the treasure, which we will find very well hidden and will be full of surprises for everyone.| ||376
  2. Princesses: We can adapt this game into aprincess party. We will also start with a map and a letter from the prince to the princess, where he tells her that they have taken him to a castle very far away and he needs the princess's help to be rescued, so he reveals some riddles that he will have to solve and some tests. that they will bring her closer to him until they find him, but yes, the princess needs the help of the other princesses in order to find the prince and he can have a box with candy or a surprise to thank the princesses for his rescue.| ||382
  3. Detectives: This is a game in which we need many participants because then they can help us decipher all the enigmas hidden on the map or the detective card.
  4. Sports gymkhana: The sports gymkhana for children is indicated for older children, between the ages of 10 and 12, almost as if we could talk aboutgymkhana for young people. Here you can invent all kinds of acrobatic circuits, timed races, games of skill. There is a world of possibilities to choose the tests for the most appropriate sports gymkhana for the children at the party. This type of gymkhanas is very good when organizingchildren's parties for schools. Now, if you've come this farwatch this video and be amazed.



First, We are going to need a letter where a banquet of lawyers ask us detectives to help them find a person who has disappeared, so we have to be very cautious and skillful to be able to decipher the enigmas that the letter hides and overcome the tests that will lead us to our missing companion.

InSuperanimations we can show you the 5 best Gymkhana games for children from 6 to 12 years old within our children's party animations.



Original Team Gymkhana Tests: These games for children's gymkhana are the ones we use for the little ones.


los juegos para gymkanas son muy divertidos

Gymkhana games. Individual skill with soap bubbles


We get into teams and try to do all the games that the facilitator shows us and as they progress, we adjust their difficulty. At the end of all the gymkhana games already made by the two teams, everyone will get a reward for their effort, which can be bags of candy or a piñata that they will find hidden.



Now that you know what type ofOriginal gymkhanas for children we offer and you can adjust it to your tastes apart from those we have already mentioned, we recommend that you Choose the one that best suits your party and tell us about it, so we can prepare perfectly so that everything goes smoothly. To all this, you can add face painting depending on the theme so you can get more into the characters and don't forget that everyone can participate, both adults and children, to make your party even more fun and more original. All these games can always be used to perform tests and do them with friends whenever you feel like it.

At Superanimaciones we strive for teamwork along with respect and fun. That is why we have entertainers on our team trained to carry out these aspects and at the same time, supervising each child so that they can all enjoy and spend unforgettable moments doing our basic entertainment pack withgymkana for children.

Do not forget to contact us as soon as possible so that we can prepare your party well and nothing is missing.


gymkana infantil

Superanimations team doing a Gymkhana


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Games with parachutes

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Juegos para niños en grupo

Games for children from 10 to 12 years old

Children's outdoor games

Water games for children



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