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A workshop children's Christmas crafts should be more or less brief, no longer than an hour, since if they are long and complicated to do the children will get bored and will not even have time to finish their works.


Manualidad en un cumpleaños infantil


Thecraft workshops are a fantastic idea not only for large birthday events, communions and other gatherings; If not, they are perfect for anychildren's entertainment at any time, since, as we will see below, they are very useful for the little ones.

Ideas to organize a children's crafts workshop


Stone mandalas: The mandala is a Sanskrit word that means sacred circle. They are representations of different colors that appear in different regions of the world. But, obviously, this is not the part that interests the little ones, what they want is to get covered in paint and waste creativity. What do we need? Flat stones, acrylic paint for porous surfaces, permanent and opaque acrylic markers, ultra-glossy vitrifying varnish and flat brushes. It sounds very expensive but don't worry because everything won't cost much more than 20 euros and the stones are everywhere.  To begin, we paint the stones with a base color, the background of our design. We let them dry for an hour or so, first on one side and then on the other. (It's best to do this before the party because otherwise it will take a long time to dry). When they are very dry we can start drawing them with markers. You can bring designs so that the children can be inspired.

Souvenir jars: The truth is that it is a very nice idea and we need few materials: glass jars, colored papers and colored wool We take an empty jar, the bigger the better, and we put phrases, experiences, dedications, etc. in it. previously written on the papers in our companions' boats. These in turn will be tied with the wool. In addition, the glass jars could be painted to the owner's liking and by himself. From the next day the children will be able to open their jar every morning to read a little note that will get them off to a good start.


manualidades originales


Bird feeder : For those who have a garden or terrace, it will be a useful and recycled craft. And to develop this craft we will need a carton of milk or juice, brushes, cutter, glue, stickers, buttons and, of course! Bird seed. Of course, the part where we make the hole with the cutter will have to be done by an adult for safety.

Bookmark: To make the bookmark (which are still objects useful) we will need as materials: colored cardboard, glue, colored papers, lining paper and scissors. We take the cardboard and draw the shape that we don't want the most: wavy, rectangular... On that shape we will place all the elements we like to give shape and color to the bookmark: glitter, tree leaves, petals, stickers, etc. When it is ready we will cover the final product with the intention that it does not get damaged and that's it.

Puzzle: To create our personalized puzzle we will need a piece of cardboard, a shoe box lid, glue and scissors. The first thing we have to do is cut the cardboard to the same size as the lid of the shoe box. On that piece of cardboard will be where we will do the puzzle. The design will depend on the children and the drawing they imagine. When everything is well painted and drawn, the cardboard will be glued onto the cardboard cover and then cut out very carefully. Then we will cover it and that's it!

Our recommendation is that we prepare in advance and try to carry out the crafts on our own before presenting them to the little ones. Lest we be unable to continue!


Great reasons to do a craft workshop


manualidades de cumplaños


Doing crafts with children can be quite an adventure. And it won't just make them have a good time. Craft workshops have great benefits for children. Do you want to meet them?Keep reading!

  • It improves their concentration. The fact of having to be aware of their creation forces them unconsciously to pay all their attention to it. This skill that they acquire while playing will be very useful in the not too distant future.
  • It stimulates their creativity. The freedom to be original is not something that is allowed or taught to them. often and yet it is something very important. Without filters or impediments, they will be able to create from what they carry within themselves.
  • Group or family activities. A crafts workshop does not have to be limited to birthday parties. birthdays and other events. Meetings can be held from time to time with other parents and children to invent and imagine together. In this way they will develop more social skills.
  • They will achieve manual skills. Coloring, drawing, cutting, gluing... All with their little hands! At first they will seem clumsy but over time they will create authentic works of art.


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