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Apajama party is a very fun way to have a good time with friends, in addition to doing great games and activities. Any party can be improved when different dynamics are carried out where boys and girls have a good time and do things that are out of the ordinary by performing ourchildren's entertainment with an entertainer children's party from superanimaciones.


fiestas de pijama en madrid para niñas

Girls preparing their pajama party

Get to know thepajama's party from superanimaciones i diviértete con nuestros animadores y animadoras infantiles que harán de tu fiesta un día inolvidable. A continuación podrás ver una recopilación de los juegos más divertidos que la fiesta pijama te ofrece:

– A tradition that we cannot miss when having a pajama party is a good pillow fight. Since we will not have a pillow per boy or girl, we can adapt this activity usingcolored balloons and throwing them into the air or, carefully, make aguerra de globos.


decoraciones con globos con animadores para fiestas infantiles

Entertainers for birthdays at home


– On the other hand, For boys and girls to have a great time, it is necessary that they dress for the occasion. Superanimaciones offers all kinds of materials so that participants can dress up as they wish as a favorite or invented character, dress up with another friend, make a group costume... this activity allows boys and girls to develop their || |193imaginación y creación, in addition to enjoying with your best friends. After dressing up, they can show off their best clothes doing a parade of models that, accompanied by the most fun music, will allow all the participants to laugh, dance, enjoy and get really excited.

– If we want To make our pajama party a success we can have thehorror party. This type of pajama party only admits the bravest who dare to live a terrifying experience. It is a party variant withchildren's entertainers at home that you can choose as an option. The first thing we must do to get ourselves in the situation is to build a cabin with old sheets, turn off the lights and turn on a flashlight. To begin, we will tell legends, stories and horror stories. Each person will be able to tell their own story and finally the monitor will give a story that will make your hair stand on end. The boys and girls will be able to help the monitor tell their story.


maquillaje para una fiesta de terror

makeup for a horror party


Then , without turning on the lights,we will play in the dark where one person will pay and will have to count to 20 while the others hide. Afterwards, the person paying will have to look for those who have hidden around the room. No noise or laughter can be heard because you will be caught. When the person finds a boy or girl who has hidden, they must identify it and if they do not guess it, they will have to continue looking for other participants. When you find everyone, the game will be over. If the person does not find all the boys and girls, those who have hidden will have won.

– Another very fun game for pajama parties isgykhanas in the dark. The large group is divided into two. Each team is given a flashlight and a piece of paper on which they will write down all the clues they must find. They have to organize themselves to go in turn along the clues. Once the instructions are clear, the game participants will prepare and the monitor will turn off the light in the room and give the order for the gymkhana to start. Each boy and girl has to find all the clues hidden in space and, with the instructions given in these, be able to find the next ones to finish the game. When the team has all the clues they are finished and can help the other team in case they have problems finding their clues. This game can be adapted to any space and plot, including a story or theme.

– On the other hand, if boys or girls really like to dance, they look for choreographies withcanciones que están ahora de moda and that the participants like the most to make a cool dance contest withfun songs to dance to. Additionally, in order to rehearse these dances, you must do some rehearsals beforehand to warm up and break the ice. For this, the instructor will prepare songs to do a little aerobics. In this case, games with dances and songs can be included so that, in addition to moving, you can have a great time. An example of this could be the game of handkerchief bailongo where each boy or girl has a number. When the monitor plays the music, he says a number and he has to go out and dance. Let's say it would be a dance battle where you have to give your all.


Another game that would take place would be the game ofstatues|| |226 donde los niños y niñas tienen que bailar. Cuando se pare la música ellos y ellas deben parar y cuando vuelva a sonar deben seguir bailando. Este juego tiene diferentes modalidades que el mismo monitor o monitora deberá ir cambiando para que los niños y niñas se lo pasen super bien.

Within ourmusical program, superanimaciones ofrece karaoke for boys or girls who like to sing. A song contest will be prepared where there will be singing battles, games will be played in which you must follow the song that the monitor plays, a word will be said and the participants must sing songs including it,... there is a wide variety of games fun musicals that complement fantastically with the dynamic of the pajama party.


Las canciones más divertidas para bailar

The funniest songs to dance to


– Another of the fun games that all boys and girls love arecrafts withactivities related to food. Some of the examples could be the following:

• TheMaría cookies. This game consists of getting in pairs and each participant taking a Maria cookie. Both have to be blindfolded. Next they have to dip the cookie in nutty and, without seeing anything, they have to feed it to the person in front of them. Dare to the challenge.

• Another way to make your pajama party fun is to makesoft drink and juice mixes. The monitors offer you food coloring so that the drinks at your party acquire a fun and funny color.

Relay races. We all know the relay races where boys and girls do a course and have to return to the beginning so that the next participant can start. In this case, resources that could be eaten would be included. For example: you have to carry a candy to a table, eat it, and come back. An egg is put on a spoon and obstacles have to be overcome to reach the goal. You have to put your head in a bowl full of cream to look for an object... Whoever wins here could be, for example, the person in charge of breaking thechildren's piñata 😉| ||260


animaciones en cumpleaños infantiles

sack races


• Aactivity that is a hit at pajama parties is making chocolate lollipops for all party participants. There are different variants such as normal candy, gelatin or fruit lollipops. Choose the one you like the most.

– One of the things that is basic, fundamental and necessary at a pajama party is, apart from dressing up and dressing up, painting yourself as the boy or girl's favorite character. Who doesn't want to have a good time at a party and also be a story, comic or movie character? Our instructors who are the most expert in cartoons will make you have a beautiful face painting and thus be able to take some photos that you will not forget.

– Before going to sleep it is advisable that all the boys and girls who already If you have enjoyed the big pajama party, you must fulfill your best wishes to have beautiful dreams. To do this, we will create a dream box together where we will write the dreams we want to fulfill.

You can see that it is a guarantee of success to have apajama party for all your friends. friends and friends. All games are dedicated to the enjoyment of all participants. You can always vary yourchildren's party or make a combo of all the games mentioned. Of course, if you want to contribute your grain of sand, all your proposals will be well received. Also, you should not forget that at apajama party you cannot miss yourcandy, popcorn and candy that Superanimaciones offers you, but be careful not to eat too many if you don't want to have nightmares. Enjoy your pajama party now and don't let them tell you about it. If you want to see morechildren's entertainment services click here. Sweet dreams 😉


If you also want to see what types of makeup we can do, go here:Children's Halloween Makeup

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