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TheChristmas is a time when we all enjoy the company of our loved ones and we like to spend good and special moments with them. Therefore, what better than celebrating a party to have a great time and share it with your friends or family. Superanimaciones, in addition to having the bestchildren's entertainment, has for you all the party offers you can imagine, including theChristmas party for children| ||171 perfecta para cada ocasión. La gran variedad de actividades, juegos, manualidades infantiles,… que se pueden realizar te permitirá escoger tu children's Christmas party so that each and every guest can have fun and enjoy a lot. To do this, we present below all the material rigorously selected so that the party is perfect:

en navidad haz que tus niños disfruten en madrid, barcelona , valencia y castellon

Children's parties at Christmas

1.- A typical game on these dates either on || |179Madrid orBarcelona is theinvisible friend. As is well known, this game consists of distributing papers among the participants with the names of each and every one of them. When we are given the role we must prepare a fantastic gift for the person who has touched us. Then, we all stand in a circle and distribute the gifts one by one. It is exciting to receive a gift, but even more so is the feeling of joy when you see that your friend is very happy when he opens yours. The variant for the Superanimaciones parties would be to distribute a piece of paper with a name to each of the participants. Materials can be offered to make a quick and easy craft for your friend. Another variant would be to write him a congratulations or a letter giving him the best wishes for the new year or recite a poem. Let your imagination fly and offer your best friend an unforgettable gift.

2.- A very fun and typical Christmas craft is theChristmas postcard. In a complete Christmas, the Christmas card that we send to our friends or family cannot be missing. In it we can write what you want to wish to the people around you and decorate it to your liking with paintings or other types of colorful and fun materials.


Original decorations for Christmas

3. - Another game that boys and girls love and that arouses their excitement and interest ismagic bag. Various Christmas objects are placed such as elements of the nativity scene or the tree, socks, hats, scarves,... at this time all the participants stand in a circle. A person takes the bag where all the objects mentioned above are found and puts his hand inside. He must touch an object and guess what it is. If you guess which one you will get, if not, you will have to let it go and pass the bag to another participant.

4.- A very fun game that you have to choose so that your party is the one The funniest of all is theChristmas treasure hunt. This game consists of carrying out a gymkhana where boys and girls must look for Christmas objects or materials such as nougat, the tree or the Christmas bonus. Another of the most requested gymkhanas is that of the Three Wise Men. In it, the participants must find the typical elements of kings such as gold, incense or myrrh through tests that will be given to them as they play the game. Another of the gymkhanas that both adults and children really like is the Frozen one where they must overcome some mini-games to be able to reunite the sisters Elsa and Ana. The Superanimaciones instructors will organize the gymkhanas to your liking so that you can enjoy them further. Choose one of our modalities or propose yours.

5.- “Sing Christmas carols with Superanimations”. This game consists of putting papers inside a box (we can make them in the shape of a shooting star) and on each one of them write the title of a Christmas carol. The boys and girls stand in a circle and one of them takes a piece of paper out of the box and they have to sing the Christmas carol. If he knows, he keeps the paper that simulates a point for him, if he does not know, he passes the paper to the next one. Whoever has the most papers will win the game prize.

6.- TheChristmas races are games that boys and girls really like since, In addition to having a great time, they are always more special due to the dates they are on. Some of the Christmas races or tests would be the following:

Juegos Infantiles en Navidad

Children's Games at Christmas

o Thesack races. In these races, boys and girls can transport Christmas gifts from one place to another, feeling for a moment like Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men.

oThe wheelbarrows. En estas carreras los niños y niñas simulan un reno i Papá Noel que quiere llevar los regalos a tiempo. Todas estas carreras son de relevos por tanto deben ser rápidos para que los regalos lleguen a tiempo a sus casas.

o Another relay race is “fatten your Santa Claus”. It is a very fun race where boys and girls will laugh and have a great time. The game consists of a person putting on a jacket and the participants have to put things on him to make him fat. After a while, whoever has the fattest Santa Claus wins.

Contratar Papa noel a domicilio

Santa Claus at home

o Another variant like the previous one would be “shelter your doll snow”. The game would be similar having to wrap a person pretending to be a snowman.

o Another of the favorite Christmas races for boys and girls is the “wrap your gift”. Two teams must be put together and each one will be given a box. The team that wraps its gift the fastest will win the test.

7.- Another very fun game that boys and girls love is “the musical gift”. First, a gift is wrapped with different layers and, between each layer, a chocolate bar or mini-gift. When we have the prize ready we will start the game. The boys and girls stand in a circle, fun music is played and the gift is given. While the music plays, the participants pass the gift around. When the music stops, the boy or girl who has the gift removes the first layer and keeps the mini-prize. Follow the music like this until you reach the main gift, keeping it for the boy or girl who has it in their hands when the music has stopped.

papa noel a domicilio

8.- TheChristmas balloon. This game is very fun and keeps everyone who participates in it on alert. Each boy or girl must give themselves a new name, a number or, if we want to be faithful to the indicated dates, a Christmas character such as Melchior, Santa Claus, a snowman... and they all make a circle. One of these boys or girls stands in the center and throws the balloon, saying a name while doing the action. The boy or girl who has this name must run in the center, changing his or her place to the one in the center of the circle. The one who comes out must hit the balloon quickly saying another name and this one does the same action as the previous one. What they must do is prevent the balloon from falling to the ground.


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Some of these activities you will find if you choose a Christmas party at Superanimaciones. If you want your parties to be magical, don't hesitate to try games, gymnastics, crafts and all kinds of activities that will make your friends and family have a great time and never forget these dates. Ask in your letter forWise men at home or tohire Santa Claus for Superanimations to arrive forChristmas and fill your house with magic and Christmas spirit.MERRY CHRISTMAS.


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