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Are you thinking about celebrating your daughter's birthday in a different way? If so, you have come to the right place. We suggest you have a princess and fairies party 😉 If you want to see our amazing makeup, go here:fairy makeup 😉

Girls especially are always very excited to imagine a fantastic world full of adventures, characters and fantastic elements. At Super Animaciones we suggest you organize a very pretty children's party for princesses to celebrate your daughter's birthday. How do we get it? Read a little more and we will explain it to you 😉

Fiesta de Princesas

Princess Party

Children's entertainers dressed as princesses

  Oursentertainers for children's parties dress up as princesses or fairies, depending on your preference, so that they can quickly get into the role of theevent or princess-themed party .  The girls, seeing the children's entertainers appear dressed in themed costumes, already open their eyes in a way that surprises all parents.


princesa para niñas


You should know that our goal is forchildren's entertainment to be as much as possible, which is why we carry out these activities. Our animators arechildren's entertainment professionalsso you can expect from themalways:  

  • Punctuality. For us it is a very important point and we try to comply 100% with punctuality in all our events so that they go perfect from the beginning.
  • Sensibilidad hacia los peques. We know that we work with children and therefore we must always work with a smile and being very sensitive towards them.
  • Sympathy. The main value that our animators have is positivism and joy. Do you want to check it out?
  • Unlimited animation resources. Each and every one of our animators knows a thousand and one games and activities, this way they have the ability to quickly change games if it is not liked by girls.


What children's entertainment activities with princesses and fairies are carried out on the birthday?


Fiesta de Princesas


Thebirthday princess and fairy party begins in the most expected way, our entertainers arrive at the birthday party in princess costumes, with background music for the occasion and they begin the animation by telling a fantasy story so that the little ones can get into the role. Later, children's entertainment for girls begins, with traditional games, our princess face painting workshop, the disco party workshop with super cool dances and choreography, balloon twisting and themed games for the occasion. 


Taller de pintacaras en la fiesta de princesas

Face painting workshop at the princess party


In addition, to complement this children's party we have abeauty and Spa party for girls very original. This is one of our star activities for girls, since they dress up as princesses and perform choreographies and parades, in addition to entering a previous SPA workshop that they will love 😉 All these ingredients make the | ||children's birthday be a successdo you dare to check it out?

How do we make the party decorations with princes and princesses?

  We always advise you that if you want to have a party for real princes and princesses, you should also hire the balloon decoration for the living room or garden|| |267, ya que con estos detalles puedes ambientar la fiesta como si de un palacio o castillo se tratase. We usually decorate all the chairs, centerpieces, etc. with balloons. We hanggarlands on the wall or stars to make everything look spectacular. We can make arches with balloons, columns of balloons and figures of all kinds with colored fairies, etc.


globos en forma de corazones


If we have a garden, we can also do it decorate both the guest area and the children's area, this way if we do some gymnastics with treasures or something similar we can have an atmosphere more in line with the party.

Birthday Party for girls princesses


fiesta princesas


Our entertainers can carry out children's activities at any birthday, communion, or company events. We also have entertainers for family events, schools, daycares, so we cover any type of celebration. Have you already decided and want a themed entertainment with aprincess party? for your girl's birthday?Contact us now from here and there will be less time until that great celebration arrives 😉


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