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Super Animations /Children's Animation Blog /The Best Children's Animation Companies

All parents They face from time to time, (and in almost all cases at least once a year) the celebration of a children's party. Birthdays, communions, baptisms, common parties... Children's entertainment is sometimes a real madness that brings quite a few headaches to parents. Why not save ourselves the disappointment and hire professionals who will ensure that the event will be an absolute success? Ok, we have already made the decision and we want to count on the services of somechildren's entertainment company.Who do we hire? Well today we come to resolve that doubt, we bring ourtop 3 of thebest children's entertainment companies.|| |179


las mejores empresas para animaciones infantiles en Madrid

Children's Animation Company

What are the 3 Best Children's Animation Companies?


1 .- Children's Animation at

In this children's entertainment company they have a wide range of entertainers, specialized in birthday parties and communions, whose work has taken them to the forefront of this sector. Among its services, Basic Entertainment stands out, the star product that triumphs at every celebration. It includes dances, games, dynamics, balloon twisting and face painting guided by the hand of an experienced entertainer. If considered appropriate, you can add to this pack other animation elements offered  such as magicians, theme parties or clowns.  The best of all is that, although their main areas of work are Madrid, Malaga, Seville and Valencia, they recommend that we contact them for any location and analyze the possibilities. Is it worth trying your luck? Without a doubt, since the prices that this animation company handles are not prohibitive, but rather affordable. Always willing to advise on what is best for the perfect development of the party, we will find the answers to the parent's big question, how do I throw the children's party of the year?



2.- Children's Animation en

We are talking about another company that leads the ranking of the best children's animation companies. Trained and professional entertainers, quality materials, fast and effective customer service, high quality-price ratio and the guarantee of adapting to the needs that the client has. Is the party at home? Well, here they go with their games. What is it in a restaurant? Well, when the last plate is empty, the real celebration will begin. we can even hire bouncy castles. The energy that the entertainers bring will infect even the oldest. Can you imagine a wonderful party? Then you are thinking about them.


3.-The BestChildren's Entertainment Company : Superanimaciones

The potential thatSuperanimaciones hasis not possessed by practically any children's animation company. It is unique. It is perfectly organized, has highly trained professionals, its shows are unforgettable and allow the client all their whims when creating the entertainment of the party.

Within your website, on the main page we will find the tab “Request your quote now” We can call by phone or fill out the questionnaire and send it. Within 24 hours we will have the budget for the children's party.

Where are they present? Well... You won't believe it, but they arechildren's party entertainers they are all over Spain. They move wherever the party is. And that won't increase the price much? This is what many will ask themselves. Well no, because Superanimaciones has its animators distributed everywhere, thus reducing the cost of travel.

Thetrust, quality and good price son los tres grandes pilares sobre los que se asienta el éxito de esta empresa. Un referente de la animación infantil en el que se pueden combinar las actividades al gusto del consumidor para niños de 2 a 14 años. Sus animadores se desenvuelven en cualquier espacio: restaurante, jardín, salón de casa, fiesta de la piscina…Incluso en fiestas escolares o municipales. Desde aquí puedes ver todos los children's entertainment services

And this is all friends. Which is already a lot, because they are the three best children's entertainment companies in the country.



Parameters that measure the quality of theempresas de animaciones infantiles


In this article you will find the characteristics that achildren's animation company should have so that enjoy your trust and you can enjoy quality entertainment for your children. That is why theminimum requirements that you should take into account will be explained, analyzing in, ya que esta empresa cumple con todos estos parámetros estipulados, lo que redunda en un mejor servicio para ti 😉

Thechildren's entertainment companies are dedicated to animating parties with children such aschildren's birthdays,communions, baptisms and weddings. To do this, they make available to the customer an amazing amalgam of products and services so that parents have it easy when organizing the party:clowns at home, magicians, entertainers, games of all kinds, music,bouncy castle rental,balloon decoration, y muchos servicios más que por ejemplo, you can see here. Do you want to discover one of the best? Watch this video and contact us from here😉

Evidently, there are many children's animation companies las que pueden ofrecerte un servicio excelente para tu fiesta infantil, como es el ejemplo de Super Animaciones.

If you are a father or mother and are thinking about hiring children's entertainment for the party, read this post and discover what parameters to look at whenchoosing the best children's entertainment company:



Entertainment company for children registered with Social Security


We must be clear that said company must always be registered, Therefore, it must be a S.L, S.A, or a natural person registered as self-employed. With this we will avoid the abundant fraud that exists in this and many other work sectors in the country. We must fight against these bad practices and demand this minimum parameter to hire any animation company, since in this way we are promoting employment and job insecurity, which will have a positive impact on you.

¿ How can we know this important detail to avoid fraud? Whenever we are going to hire a company, we must ask if it is capable of issuinginvoice. If the answer is negative or evasive, advising you not to do it, mmm, hesitate and don't do it.The game must be the same for everyone, and not the black game, but the white game 😉


Children's Entertainers given registration in Social Security as workers


This point must be AFFIRMATIVE without conditions. A company can be registered with Social Security and then not register children's entertainers while they work, or simply use workers without a contract. If this is so, the Civil Liability insurance would not take care of an accident with children, so we would be contracting a fraudulent service with Social Security and with ourselves.

We must demand that the children's entertainment company hire all the entertainers who are entertaining the children, in this way we promote employment and protect ourselves against a possible accident.


tanto en castellon, almazora, burriana, villareal, onda, vall d'uxó, benicasim, oropesa del mar, las animaciones en comuniones deben pasar por super animaciones

Registered workers

Who we are section on the website with “names and surnames”


We must ALWAYS observe that, in the who we are section, someone appears with names and surnames. If not, what are they hiding from? Why don't they say who is behind the project? Are you afraid of something? We are tired of seeing many companies organizing events for children that say the same thing: “we are a young, dynamic company with a desire to encourage,blah blah blah.

When you see this, mmm Red alert! 

Click hereand see who we are. The names are not hidden here, in fact, the Founder's own and personal social networks are added. This is clarity.


Good customer service


Customer service must be taken into account when Hire one company or another. When requesting a quote we must feel important and valued as customers, which is why we will detect these parameters in the quick response from the company. When we request aquote we must wait for it in a period of less than 24 hours to know that they value us as customers. If it takes longer, it is better to choose another one, since that company either has little capacity or other priorities.

You can try calling 644.194.202, | ||366y observar cuanto tarda Daniela de Super Animaciones en ofrerte un preupuesto para cualquir lado de España.


Modern, clean website with good usability


A company that does not have abeautiful and well-kept website leaves a lot to be desired, what do you expect from a company like that? Are you going to entrust the care of your children to someone who does not keep their house clean?

In addition to taking a look at the website, we must pay close attention to theemail of contact. A truly professional company must have its domain name (URL) within the email address: as an example we have that of Superanimaciones:, so we should avoid free creation emails such as @gmail, @hotmail , etc.


Active presence on social networks


Today it is no use being on social networks. They all are. Good and bad companies. So one piece of advice we give you is to look carefully at how well cared for those networks are. Theseparameters would be the most important:


  1. Company account created on the networks.
  2. Number of likes, +1,… on the main page. From 5,000 likes on Facebook we would already be talking about a serious children's event organization company.
  3. High interaction in the published posts. If that company has little interaction, question its quality.


As a good example you can see these two networks: Facebook y Google +.The first with more than 9,000 followers and good interactions and the second with more than 246,000 page views. Without a doubt important indicators that social networks are taken care of.


Real customer opinions


Customer opinions, Whether positive or negative, they are essential when deciding on one or another option in hiring. It is essential to see how a company handles negative reviews.


Cliente con opinión favorable

Customer with favorable review


Civil Liability Insurance on all activities of the animation company


We must ensure that the company has the relevant civil liability insurance, to the point of requiring thatsend us a copyof the same. This insurance will protect us financially in an eventual accident.


Corresponding regulations on all activity materials


The that are used, whether bouncy castles, children's games, costumes, etc., must all have CEE marking and be approved. In addition, the instructions for use of the materials must be visible and clear, as well as the safety regulations for each material.

Very few companies meet this requirement. To give you an ideaHave you ever seen a bouncy castle with CEE marking, instructions for use and safety printed in Spanish and PIPA certificate with its respective annual evaluations?Probably NOT. If the company does not comply with the regulations in its R.C. insurance materials. Nor will it be held responsible for a possible accident.

How can we ensure that the company we hire meets all of this? Very easy, we just have to demand asigned paper and brother-in-law acknowledging that they comply with all current regulations of all materials used in the activity.


Castillos homologados según normativa

Castles approved according to regulations

Children's entertainment company with presence in Madrid and Valencia?

Operating in different places in the Spanish geography does not guarantee offering a good service, but it does corroborate the high quality of the same service and also as distant as cities likeMadrid andValencia, then we are facing a well-managed and well-cared for company even at the level ofquality.


coche de la empresa super animaciones infantiles


If we take all these measures into account, we will eliminate unprofessional or unprofessional people who can offer us little and we will support companies that follow the rules and take risks much more than those who do not contribute to all of us. After reading these lines you will understand that a children's animation cannot cost 40 euros; If so, they are giving us a hard time and we must take measures.

To conclude, before even asking for quotes, we should look at these parameters and decide with them which animation companies children deserve to be at our party and those who don't.

If you want, at Super Animaciones we comply with all these points to the letter and many more.Do you want to check it? Click Here Now and request your personalized quote.


If you want read more:

Easy fantasy makeup

Easy painting children's faces

Children's puppets


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Hello! We are delighted to have you here, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Remember that we have entertainers all over Spain ;)