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Entertainers for Children's Parties

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At Super Animaciones we haveentertainers for children's partiesthroughout Spain. We go wherever you are, since we have entertainers for children at home with games and activities that will surprise you at children's birthday parties, communions, baptisms or weddings. We reach all the important enclaves of Spain to entertain children with our activities, workshops and entertainment: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Murcia, Castellón, ... in this way we can offer quality entertainment for children's parties at home at a cost reduced displacement, such as clowns, princess and pirate theme parties, inflatables,... Do you want to try it and have a special party with the bestchildren's entertainment? Contact us now and discover why at SuperAnimaciones we are the company that provideschildren's party animations  nº1 both in Madrid and anywhere 😉

Animadores de fiestas infantiles


FromSúper Animaciones we offerentertainer services for parties children with all types of profiles. We have the bestmagicians for birthdays with children, the most entertaining children's puppets, thecuentacuentos and the funniestclowns for children's parties that will make the biggest laughs, the most beautiful smiles and the brightest dreams . Any event where there are children is perfect for Super Animaciones. Birthdays, weddings, communions,... We have a wide variety of possibilities, all of them created to make the party, whatever it is, be unique.

And where are we? Wherever there is a desire to have a great time, Super Animaciones has a presence. We make our animations for children's parties in any location and our successes guarantee us as aserious, trained and responsible team, capable of meeting expectations.

Animación de Fiestas Infantiles


Watch our video and see our entertainers for children's parties with their workshops, activities and games. You have all this at your disposal for your children's party. Hire ourBasic Animation Pack with Face Painting, Balloon Twisting, Dances and Dynamic and Fun Gamesby clicking here 😉| ||251

Si quieres ver nuestras children's themed parties click here..

Our professional entertainers will provide the entertainment for children's parties in communions and birthday an unforgettable day.Shall we talk?

Here is our video with children's party entertainers:


Children's party entertainers at home


Ourchildren's party entertainers at home are always improving, learning and reinventing themselves. Continuous training that allows them to recycle and renew activities, dynamics and games. This way, parents are guaranteed that the actions carried out will not be repeated and that they can repeat it year after year and trust us to celebrate the children's parties that their family has.

We will achieve triumph in the celebration, having fun will be the only rule of the day.

We will go wherever they need us. We can hold the party at your own home, adapting the activities to the space you have available. It is also a good idea, always depending on the weather conditions, to celebrate the party in a park. Other options may beparty venues or community halls. Of course, it is vital to close it as soon as possible so as not to lose space. More ideas? Restaurants, hotels, schools, parish halls... Almost any clean space is a good option. And we ourselves are in charge of bringing all thematerial that is necessary, of the best quality, so that theentertainers for children's parties| ||292 hagan su espectáculo. Podéis escoger el disfraz que más os guste para el animador, así como la temática de la fiesta, que a menudo suele coincidir con algún personaje que le encante al pequeño o pequeña protagonista. Además, we bring with us sound equipment to play the participants' favorite music, hypoallergenic material to make the face painting, balloons for the balloon twisting show and other elements to support the prepared games and activities, which could be so many... Ball games, sack games, ludo and giant goose games... If you count on us and ourchildren's party entertainers at home únicamente tendrás que sentarte a disfrutar de la juerga.

Do you want to seeReal Images of Our Animations at Children's Parties?

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Do you want to see our fabulousTeam of Children's Entertainers?

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If at home you have already thought about how you would like the party to be, if you have more than chosen some of the details because that is what excites you the most, we would love to hear your proposals because, although we believe that we are very good at our work, we will always be better with your contributions. We can talk about what games the little ones like the most, themusic that best fits the environment, thetheme que decorará el entorno, el espacio disponible… Cuando tengamos los detalles empezaremos a poner en marcha el fiestón, dando forma a vuestras ideas. El trabajo en equipo hará que entre todos consigamos la mejor entre las mejores de las fiestas.

If you want to see more click here: Fantasy Makeup

Our Success has come from word of mouth, that is, the experience of some has been a topic of conversation with others, who in turn have contacted us. This is how we have grown until we are backed by years of success, lots of happy families and a strong work team. And that is thanks to the fact that we have an exceptional human resource made up of our entertainers, who are the bestchildren's party entertainers in Spain.

At Super Animaciones you will find the most committed entertainers for children's parties at home in the world.We are capable of generating fun at weddings, communions, school events, birthdays... There is no arena where they don't build a castle.

Fun party entertainment children's

To be able to show off our work we have had to rely on great professionals from the first moment who leave all their passion in thechildren's party animations . We work to stay up to date with the latest developments in the children's and youth world, we improve our materials and we improve ourselves with constant training. And the animation is all the details that give shape to the party, which gives personality to the place where it is celebrated and which serves to make the children enjoy the atmosphere that has been created for them in a big way. There are many years at the foot of each event, giving us extensive experience that supports us and provides guarantee to our clients.Guarantee of triumph. Theanimation of children's partiesis not something easy and, when it comes to getting started, it is advisable to take a pen and paper and start step by step. First, the organization, who comes to what place and on what day. What time is the party going to start and what is going to be done at it. Once we have more or less clear ideas, we move on to identifying what monitors we want. Entertainers have become almost essential at any children's party because they achieve what no other adult does: keeping children's attention for many hours and, in the process, having them have the time of their lives. Fun songs to dance to, face painting, magic shows, clowns, balloon twisting, juggling, costumes, children's games, storytelling… The range of possibilities is very large. Ok, we have the organization tied up and we know that we want monitors who do something more or less specific, so we move on to decorating with balloons. Those details can't be missing from any party! Why is it so important? Because it makes it easier for guests to fully enter the festive atmosphere. In addition, we can count on the help of the members of the house or the honoree to design the decoration, blow up the balloons, place the streamers, choose the sweets for the sweet table... Just thinking about it makes us want to start put all this together? Yes to us!

There is something that we love, depending on what events, and it is the photocall. It is very fun to walk past a wall and pose, like celebrities, and change your style with glasses, hats and other accessories. If there is a theme at the party we can put a background related to it. It will be great! What else do we have left? 

Have you thought about a theme party?

It can be a wonderful proposal!

It can be done in two ways. Or have the guests come dressed up from their own homes or gather a lot of costume material in a box and let the little ones' imaginations fly, allowing them to dress up themselves. Who can decide definitively? Theprotagonist of the children's party. Of course, when choosingchildren's costumes it is very important that they are comfortable, that is, that children can run, jump and throw themselves across the ground with all their might. the comfort of the world. We must also value that our son or daughter likes to dress up and feels comfortable in this way among other people. Comfortable and safe costumes, even more so the smaller they are. No balls, ribbons, buttons and other small pieces that could be accidentally swallowed. We know that characterization is very important, that's why ourentertainers for children's parties have super cool costumes in their closets that allow them to become those characters that the little ones idolize so much. home.

Are you looking for a successful children's party animation? You are in the right place. With Super Animaciones!


The best animations for children's parties at home


With Super Animaciones you know that you will always have a deal affectionate and professional, managing, together, to give an unforgettable party that will remain in the memory of all attendees. Yes, we have thebest entertainment for children's parties at home.And yes, we know a billion games, dynamics and activities that are being renewed, improved and making ourchildren's party animations the best in the sector .

But returning to the best entertainment for children's parties at home. What will be the space chosen to hold the party?

When choosing the place where we would like to hold the celebration we have to take into account a lot of details. It should be noted that at Super Animaciones we adapt to any space you choose, from the narrowest to the widest. And what do we base on choosing that site? Firstly, we will have to think about the space we already have at the outset. Do we have a very large living room? Do we have a garden? Is there a party room in the building? It turns out that we don't have a garden or a living room, and we don't want to have a bunch of rowdy children in our living room. We can think about doing it in a municipal park, renting a space, etc. Another factor to consider is the season of the year in which we are going to have the party. A park in winter may not be a very good idea. And vice versa, a house party in spring or summer can be a bit stuffy. What else can we think of? Given thenumber of children there are, if there are many, it may not seem too good to let them run around the house...

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Having an outdoor party always has its advantages (and disadvantages, like a last-minute downpour) because it allows us to organize a lot of games and, if on top of that, they are many children, can be organized simultaneously so that everyone has a great time at every moment. Shall we talk about some of thoseoutdoor games so formidable? Yes... What we like to talk about children's games... Step on the balloon is a demonstration of how the simplest game can also be the most fun. It is based solely on stepping on balloons that others have tied to their ankles, of course, preventing rivals from stepping on one's own. Whoever manages to save his balloon will win. The egg race is a classic, also in ourgymkana, in which we make two teams and give them some soup spoons and some eggs. Then we line them up and the relay race begins, with the spoon held in the mouth and the egg crowning it. Those who fall have to go back and start from where they started. One of the most surprising games are giant Goose and Parcheesi... Yes, yes, just as you read, giants. Another successful game iscatch the flag. It's exciting, it's fast and it's fun. It consists of creating two teams and dividing the space into two fields. At the bottom of each of them a cloth will be tied that will represent the flag of each team. The objective is none other than to get hold of that flag without being caught and imprisoned by the other team or losing the flag itself. Dragon's Tail is also a very funny game in which, the more children there are, the better we will have. One way or another, through a lottery or by simple choice, one of the children is chosen to become thehead of the dragon. At least we will choose three young people. The rest of the children will stand behind the three heads of the dragon, extending their arms over the shoulders of the next one. The last one in line will have the most complicated mission of all, to catch the tails of the other dragons without anyone in their line letting go. Those who separate will become other dragon heads.

Exciting? More than once adults have come to join thechildren's party games and it is something that we love because it raises everyone's level of satisfaction to unimaginable levels.

Shall we also review the games to play at home? Let's go!

TheScavenger Hunt is the pinnacle of home gaming. Of course, they will stir a lot, but they stay active and entertained for a long time. This activity includes tests, clues, treasures... They will have to demonstrate their skills and ingenuity to reach the goal and win the jackpot.birthday crafts children's are also a dynamic that is very popular. We have a lot of workshops, in fact, we have already mentioned some, which you can count on in a children's entertainment. 

Children's entertainers for parties


At Super Animaciones we work to reach the top in each event. It doesn't matter what type it is, communion, baptism, patron saint festivities... We strive to face the celebrations with themaximum professionalism, from the moment they contact us. In addition, the accessories, materials and paints that we use in the activities are of thehighest quality and protection. Fun is what represents us, always reinventing ourselves to bring more and more bags of that precious fun.

And what kind of entertainers andentertainers for children's parties do you work with us? We have expert bodypainting and facepainting makeup artists, professional group and team coordinators, magicians, clowns, storytellers... And with them will come costumes, games, dynamics, juggling, magic and, above all, a lot of fun.

What worries us most as our children's party entertainers constitute a team dedicated body and soul to the enjoyment of the youngest people is that all the children have such a good time that it remains forever, in their memory, kept as an important treasure, the party that they loved the most. For this reason, our entertainers work to adapt each party to the smallest detail, taking into account the ages of the guests and, of course, the tastes of the protagonist of the event. In this way, the party is adapted to the taste and needs of the children.

During the birthday parties that we organize, we work so that the protagonist feels at every moment that he is the star of the event, of course, while all the guests participate one hundred percent in each activity. And our children's celebrations are characterized by being enormously dynamic, which leads to a constant invitation to play and enjoy. The little ones have a great time throughout the entire party and the parents and other adult guests do it with them. Of course, you are always welcome to play with ourchildren's party entertainersas we know that it is something that increases satisfaction with the celebration.Everyone roars with laughter! Could there be anything more beautiful for any party? Yes, we confess that it is wonderful that children and adults end up jumping, singing and playing together.

Read more: face painting

Oursanimadores para fiestas infantiles are the best professionals and they demonstrate it by taking great care of every detail of the parties they work on. Thepunctuality, the personalization of the details of the decoration and the games, which the guest enjoys immensely... Anyone could say this, but the truth is that an infinite happiness invades us when we are at the bottom of the canyon organizing everything, when we are in the middle of the celebration and when we say goodbye to those faces full of joy. Well yes, you leave happy when you know that your work is done with the greatest of care and above all that, thanks to that dedication, not only a family, but an entire group of people have had a day to mark in his memory. So never stop sending us those messages in which you tell us how much fun you had and how our party entertainers managed to make it so special. The best of all?We will remain in the memory of those families, but they will also be part of our history.

Do you want to hire the Best Children's Party Entertainers from Super Animations?

Many times parents are faced with the fear that the party they want for their children will be a small disaster in which the little ones will not Enjoy everything expected. That will never become a reality with ourchildren's entertainment for parties since with us parents can be sure that the children are going to have a great time. We offer a giant catalog of super fun activities, always according to the age of the young men and women invited. From the presentation to the farewell, your attention will be in the power of the entertainers, who will make you laugh endlessly.

Fun and affection are the keys to the success of a party childish. That is why we constantly observe the needs of the little ones and adapt to the most appropriate activities for each moment. No two children are the same, nor two parties either. And what is more important, our mission is that each and every one of them has unlimited fun.

As always we make sure tomeet all the expectations and hopes placed on us our team of children's entertainers and we guarantee the huge success of the event. There will never be an eventuality or unforeseen event that we cannot work with because our satisfaction is that everything turns out perfect. Parents will only have to relax and be part of the fun, be part of the future memory of laughter, excitement, music and dancing...

Of course, our company has all the correspondingcivil liability insurance necessary.

animacion para fiestas infantiles
animadoras de fiestas infantiles

Children's party entertainment at home


The || |629animaciones de fiestas infantiles at home are of almost infinite variety. We have everything you need or we can do it for your birthday parties, communion parties, Christmas parties, spring parties, end-of-year parties... Basically, any event where there are children.

And we We order from the first hour, once you give us the theme of the party, we begin to unleash our creativity. How can we choose thetheme of the event? Finding the theme that will give meaning to the party that is organized is not always easy; sometimes doubts and uncertainties arise about what to choose and how to make it happen. Without taking into account all the time that this implies. But don't worry about that part! We only need to know the topic to get everything started and for the parents or organizers to relax and enjoy the process.

What we do have to do is ask our child or the participating children about their preferences and interests. This way we will be able to make them participate in the celebration. No ideas or consensus? No problem, there are always some trendy themes to fall back on. Some ideas for children between 1 and 4 years old could be pacifier parties, a color party or a typical character from the early childhood environment such as Pocoyo. For children between 5 and 7 years old, we can think of animal themes, seasons of the year or even cowboys and Indians. For children from 8 to 12 years old we can have Disney as a theme or one of the new characters that the factory has brought us. We can also do it about space and astronauts or about sports.Here are ideas for games

At Super Animaciones we will always value the age of the little ones when designing the activities and dynamics. Having fun singing games for the little ones and elaborategymkanas for the older ones. What can you find on our website about our children's party entertainment? Among the most requested home entertainment throughout Spain we can highlight:

  1. Basic entertainment pack: A quality proposal that frees parents from the tedious task of organizing a children's party . What does the basic pack include? Face painting with fantasy or themed makeup, gymkhana, balloon twisting, traditional games,games for birthdays andmusic for children's parties.  La perfecta animation for children's parties.If, in addition, you would like to add some other action, there are 30-minute modules to be able to assemble our own pack: Magic show, workshops (slime making, EVA foam, bracelets, recycling or ecological), storytellers... The entertainers may be dressed as pirates or clowns or with the corporate t-shirt, as the clients prefer.
  2. Theme party: These types of packages give a lot of range of action because the possibilities are endless. But what does a theme party consist of? It is about organizing the entertainment so that a main theme is the basis for all the details of the party. What does this package include? Children's entertainers dressed in costumes of the chosen theme, music related to the theme, games focused on said subject, face painting andballoon twisting. To choose a topic you can be guided by the points we have mentioned previously. More ideas? Pirates, Super Heroes, Olympics, Hawaiians, pajamas, football...
  3. Star Pack: It's crazy animation because it includes everything the basic pack has plus outdoor face painting, balloon twisting workshop, special games and dances. Ourchildren's party entertainers will make everyone present create an unforgettable moment in their hearts.
  4. Animation + bouncy castle/playground: Sometimes you want to celebrate a certain event in style for whatever reason. That the little one has behaved very well, that he has gotten good grades, that it is achildren's entertainment for weddings in which there are many children... Well, with this package not only Entertainment is included, but also one of the most festive activities in the children's and youth world: bouncy castles. Jump and jump without stopping, enjoy with the entertainers, jump again and play with the entertainer again. Can there be anything better? Without a doubt, if we have a large space it is a possibility to seriously consider.


On the other hand, from the Super Animaciones website you can request a personalized quote indicating the type of event it is, the number of entertainers you think you are interested in having at the party, the children there will be and their ages, the date, the province in which it will take place the celebration and the city or municipality. At the end we can add how we would like it to be in relation to the details and in 24 hours we have our quote in the email inbox. Easy and fast. You can also contact us directly by phone and ask any questions you need. In any case we will be looking forward to serving you.  And you will see that, once you spend a party with us, you understand why so many come back year after year.

animacion de fiestas infantiles
payasos para cumpleaños infantiles
animadores para fiestas infantiles

What else do you need to know? Well, all the services we offer! Let's get to it!

  1. Magicians: At Super Animaciones we have extensive experience in the world of magic with ourmagicians para fiestas infantiles. ¿A dónde llegan estos brujos? Pues dado que son magos, a cualquier parte. Fiestas privadas, restaurantes, hoteles… Cualquier celebración que se nos ocurra en cualquier lugar. Y es que este tipo de children's party animations do not go out of style and continue to bring surprises and astonishment. Quite a spectacle!
  2. Clowns: Theclowns are another classic ofanimations of children's parties that continue to have a huge presence. They are wonderful entertainers that enhance any party. On birthdays, school parties, town halls, companies, communions... Clowns always have their place behind the word party.
  3. Puppets: At Super Animaciones we know well that variety is taste, so we couldn't have only clowns and magicians at the parties, that's why we created our service ofpuppets, puppets and hand puppets at home all over Spain. These types of theaters are the most beautiful way to generate creativity and imagination in the little ones and we do it through beautiful stories that awaken all their hopes and emotions.
  4. Santa Claus at home: Can you imagine Santa Claus visiting your house? Well, with Super Animations there is nothing impossible, we bring Santa Claus not only to your home, but wherever you need him to be, Christmas events both in shopping centers and in municipal tents,children's parties for schools, nurseries, etc.  Of course, it is important to reserve before they run out, since we have a limited number of very high quality suits. Our visit from Santa Claus is available in all locations in Spain. Ask us, we will answer you within 24 hours. Our entertainers will turn the moment into an event and the little ones will have a great time.
  5. Wise Men at home:This is also a really special service typical of Christmas dates. Booking the visit of the Three Wise Men will be a resounding success in any celebration and place: Shopping centers, company parties, town hall parties, private homes, schools, daycare centers... In short, wherever there is enthusiasm, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar will go. The time will never be a problem so you can put together the idea you want and count on us in the planning. We love it and the kids are going to be amazed! Our Three Wise Men can be accompanied by the character you want, whether they are royal pages, elves, Christmas princesses, etc. We have absolute availability, whether at Christmas, New Year's Eve, Roscón de Reyes night or Three Kings Day. You just have to choose when you want them to go and the place of the visit, it's that simple.
  6. Decoration with balloons: Decoration with balloons is a very powerful attraction in || |735animaciones para fiestas infantiles and it is no wonder because they fill the entire environment with color and set the mood for the space. What can we do in Super Animations with balloons? Well, you will be surprised because we can create balloon arches, centerpieces, columns, special figures and even decorate entire rooms and gardens. On our website you can see photos of some of our balloon decorations. We firmly believe that you will fall in love with it. Decoration with balloons is increasingly requested at any children's party and the possibilities they offer are enormous. Do you know where the limit is? In your imagination. Take a second to think about how you would like the decoration to be at your wedding or your son or daughter's birthday. Now think about what that decoration would look like if it were possible to make it with balloons. At Super Animaciones we turn that image into a reality. You imagine it and we make it for you. Easy, right? That you are not there on creative day. No problem! Our expert balloon decorators will be able to advise you and help you choose.
  7. Belly painting:This is a trend that is here to stay because of how sweet and pretty it is. Belly painting is a form of Body Painting focused on painting the belly of pregnant women.  On our website you can take a look at the beautiful creations that we have been making and we have the best among the best, Daniela, CEO and founder of Super Animaciones, is a Body Painting artist in general. We can hire this service privately at home or for baby parties or Baby Showers. Isn't that a beautiful idea?
  8. Candy Bar: Our candy bar and candy buffet service is a hit with children and adults. A Candy Bar is, basically, a table where a lot of types of sweets are placed to sweeten any event. Where can we put it? At weddings, birthdays, communions... Any celebration because the vast majority of people miss out on sweets. Isn't it? We customize the tables to taste, so that each candy bar we make is different from the others. You can leave everything in our hands or imagine how you would like it to be so that we can assemble it.
  9. Cakes and candy tarts:We can combine it with the candy bar or put it separately, These cakes are a delight, an illusion and they are seen and unseen. And it does feel a little sad, because the cakes we offer are really pretty. Of course, if you want something special to appear on the cake you have to tell us. Anything that involves adding excitement is a challenge for us to meet!
  10. Parades:This service is primarily aimed at city councils, neighborhood associations and administrations that organize celebrations in the streets of the municipality. At Super Animaciones we are also in charge of organizing the parades and their animations.
  11. Inflatable castle:There is no doubt that bouncy castles are what always succeed, making people happy to the children and ensuring one hundred percent their fun throughout the party. We have a lot of experience in this part of the sector and that is why we know that having it as part ofchildren's entertainment at home is a fantastic idea. At Super Animaciones we have a wide range of bouncy castles to rent: With ramp, aquatic, mini castles, large, medium, sports castles to play soccer... Of course, at Super Animaciones we also offerchildren's party entertainers at home to check that the castle's security regulations are complied with. Our company has Civil Liability insurance to comply with the law and, above all, so that families can enjoy it in complete peace of mind. We take care of rental, transportation, assembly and disassembly. You can leave everything in our hands and be very calm.


Wait a moment! One moment! Do you want something different? Then tell us what we will make it happen at Super Animaciones.

Animations for children's parties by province


The truth is that at Super Animations we like our work so much and we have grown so much that we work throughout Spain. We travel wherever you are, taking with us our clowns, entertainers, magicians, games, music and everything necessary to make the party unforgettable. At weddings, baptisms, birthdays, communions, school parties... We reach all the important enclaves in Spain to entertain children with our activities, workshops and entertainment:Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Mallorca, Santander, Málaga, Gijón, Murcia, Castellón, Burgos, Cuenca… On our website you can read a lot of experiences of families we have worked with and on our blog we have also dropped our version of the party and many ideas for all parties where there are children. We even have information about animations for children's parties by age, a convenient guide to guide us in this world of children's entertainment.

The best of all? We can offer quality animation in any location at a reduced travel cost. The only thing left for you is to verify that so many clients and friends cannot be wrong, so call us and let's throw a children's party.

Valencian Community:


Castilla La Mancha:

  • Albacete
  • Ciudad Real
  • Cuenca
  • Guadalajara
  • Toledo

Castilla y León:

  • Ávila
  • Burgos
  • León
  • Palencia
  • Salamanca
  • Segovia
  • Soria
  • Valladolid
  • Zamora




  • Huesca
  • Teruel
  • Zaragoza


  • Gijón
  • Oviedo

Balearic Islands:

  • Mallorca

Canary Islands:

  • Las Palmas de Gran Canarias
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife


  • Santander




  • Pamplona

Basque Country:

  • Álava
  • Guipúzcoa
  • Vizcaya


  • La Coruña
  • Lugo
  • Ourense
  • Pontevedra


  • Badajoz
  • Cáceres

La Rioja:

  • Logroño

Entertainers for Children's Birthdays

Un entertainer for a children's party in Madrid  is little less than a leisure guru for children and will base all the wonderful options to take into account with its magic, workshops, activities and games. Without a doubt, at Super Animaciones we will discover numerous benefits thanks to the choice of animation for children's parties in children's celebrations and events that will make it possible for the best opportunities to be firmly promoted from the first moment in which we experience them. .

By the way, are you looking for a job to work as our entertainers at children's parties? Click here 😉

The choice to choose children's party entertainersfor children of all ages anywhere in Spain it is fashionable. It couldn't be for less since your child along with his friends require specialized attention for these children's parties and events that in this case will be very interesting if what we want is for them to experience a celebration with games, activities, workshops, magic, inflatables, costumes, clowns,... like you had never imagined before.

As a modern mother that you are, at Super Animaciones we are sure that you already know the work of the  party entertainers for children on birthdays, weddings and communions. Even so, we are going to tell you everything about our vocation in children's party entertainment; entertain and amuse the most demanding people in the house. And you know well that if a child is happy, the whole home vibrates with happiness. Animations for birthdays at home and communions are, in addition, a different world in which we hire the services of entertainers as well as storytellers, castles, candy bars, workshops, games, magic for children's parties and all those wonders that so fascinate people. the children – and us too, right? 😉

If you continue reading you will discover the services we offer at Super Animaciones regardinganimation of children's parties in Madrid and, much further, you will ensure that the children learn and have fun in parts the same with our children's entertainers. For mothers who have learned to make their experiences a precedent, you will remember those years in which you would have given anything because they will organize birthday activities, games, workshops, music, party entertainment, magic and lots of entertainment. Although it is true that until a little less than a decade ago it was not common for a birthday or communion to be accompanied by professional entertainment with children's entertainers for children, specialization in all fields has also affected children's leisure within events, birthdays and communions. And why doubt that entertainers for children's birthday parties, weddings and communions will make an evening an unforgettable situation for the whole family?

If you also want to search for makeup for pregnant bellies, click in this link: Painted pregnant bellies

Professional Children's Entertainers

The reasons are varied but all moms and dads, in Madrid, agree on some They are the ones that get them to take the step. None of them regret hiring our Super Animations services with animation of children's parties themed birthdays, weddings and communions for one simple reason, because our children's entertainers are very good in our field. At Super Animaciones we know that in children's services, workshops, and fun games, whether at birthdays, weddings, communions or in life, you should aspire to be the best, to efficiency and perfection. That is why you will never be so happy to have chosen us than after having seen the happy face of your boy or girl:

Entertainment and fun: If you are thinking that children's entertainment for all ages is difficult to achieve, you know how to value children's entertainment at parties at home and events! Children's entertainers for parties such as communions and events fulfill a specific and very important job as they keep the children entertained throughout the party. Smart parents know this since their children, like all children, used to get bored with the same workshops and activities if they were repeated many times. Children's entertainment for birthdays and communions eliminates the remotest possibility of even a hint of boredom for the little ones. Our clowns, magic shows, storytelling, inflatables, workshops and games various, meet the objective of offer maximum fun during the event or children's party 😉 Our children's entertainment is present throughout the province of Madrid and the entire national territory. 

Read more: Children's Halloween Party

Educational activities for children: In this regard, all the options that will be linked mainly to being able to ensure that children have fun and learn without knowing it fit perfectly. Children seem to have a radar to detect when you are trying to teach them something. Unfortunately, they continue to associate learning with school. That is why our team of children's entertainers for birthdays, communions and home parties with children in general are so important.You should know that in addition to being one of the best companies for this type of tasks, we carry out all kinds of entertainment in schools;)

Distractions with clowns for the little ones:|| |1061 The clowns at home in Castellón really emerge as a Ideal attraction for all those who want to make their children's most special day a unique event. There is no one who knows how to serve them better than a professional children's entertainer with his entire repertoire of activities, games and workshops for children's parties. Precisely for this reason we discovered the great importance that everything related to making Children's Day a wonderful entertainment for the children's birthday or communion party, ideal for children and adults. 

Más tiempo libre para los padres supervisores: This is an important point that is rarely taken into account when considering the possibility or not of hiring children's birthday entertainment at home. Many parents have never thought about it but it is also reassuring to know that our team of professional children's entertainers specialized in children's entertainment and fun are the ones controlling the event. Children will have a great time with the animators and their bouquet of games, animations and dynamic and fun activities.

Read more: Courses for children's entertainers

Un recuerdo que no se borra: Super Animaciones' birthday entertainers will ensure that your children always remember that happy moment by organizing children's entertainment. We give everything a child would want because we, in a way, are a bit of children. All of us children's entertainers love that they have fun and enjoy that wonderful treasure that is a party in their childhood.

Ideas for creating children's entertainment

The children's entertainers for parties at home on birthdays and communions they offer numerous benefits to children. For now, we give you some keys to what the children's entertainment events do and the variety of games, proposals, activities and workshops that you will discover with the help of our animators. As if that were not enough, later we will explain the reasons that mothers usually have for choosing children's party entertainers for birthdays and any communion. And while in the past the concept of entertaining birthday parties with entertainers did not exist, now it is part of being “in the trend.” Therefore, there is nothing like specifying the home activities, games, workshops and entertainment services for children's birthday parties that we can offer in Madrid and the provinces:

  •  Children's games: If what we are looking for is aimed at enjoying the best conditions that are related to being able to enjoy children's games . Children's birthday entertainers are your salvation. And hours and hours of fun are possible thanks to our birthday entertainers dresses of clowns, pirates and princesses at our children's themed parties. It should be noted that to choose a children's entertainer for your child's birthday, you can make a request for an individualized quote, which is perfect for adapting the duration of the entertainment at the children's party to your needs.

  • Gymkanas: Among the services offered by children's entertainers for birthdays, these games are the ones that tend to be liked the most due largely to the fact that they entertain the children. children between 1-2 hours and are ideal to know that your child and his friends are well cared for while you and the other parents enjoy meeting again and having a good conversation. Gymkhanas are normally part of the children's activities and games within the children's entertainment services on birthdays.
  • Inflatable castles: Inflatable castles for birthdays or communions are a classic. However, if children's parties for birthdays and communions are not accompanied by the participation of entertainers, you may find yourself in the situation of having to take care of all of them, of caring for 8-15 children in a setting in which they can become saturated. . This is precisely why entertaining children's parties are so important since they are the link between the children, the activities with workshops and games to be carried out and the inflatables.
  • Candy Bars: Any of our children's entertainers in our activities ofanimations for communions can organize a fun candy bar, ideal for your birthday party. A good choice to combine with children's entertainment at birthday parties or communions.
  • Decoration of children's parties: If your little one is also an enthusiast of balloons, don't miss the proposals of our children's entertainers at birthday parties! It will be fascinating to see how all the children strive to enjoy the parties with balloons.

 As you see, we are achildren's entertainment company throughout Spain. We have entertainers for children's parties Madrid and any place. For example,  in capitals such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Malaga, La Coruña, Murcia and Seville we have clowns at home, children's entertainers, activities with adapted magic and all kinds of professional entertainers who can offer you games and activities to make the party comes out perfect. Remember, we haveentertainers for children's partiesthroughout Spain!

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